Thank You

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*~Violets POV~*

I stagger along the street, holding onto Mark for support. I can feel people staring at us, but when have I ever cared what others think? I think we all know that I couldn't care less about these strangers opinions.
"So, why did you choose to go to abandon warehouses?" Mark questions me along the way and I take another staggering step that hurts like a real bitch. I feel dried blood all over my legs and almost iced blood in my wounds, making it sting with every move I make.
"I wanted to be alone, and that was closest I guess. I'm not actually sure, I was feeling pretty hot-headed." I explain. I haven't felt this way in a long time, probably the last time was when I lived with my mother last. She really messed me up and I know that now, and that's probably why just thinking about her makes my head hurt. Sometimes when I think about what she did I get headaches or I will feel tears start to go down my cheeks. I guess that I'm still weak next to her, at least I know it this time.
"Yeah, I know how it is to be angry, trust me it's not easy." Mark says with a small chuckle, but it sounds forced to me.
"Yeah... How are your sessions going actually?" I question, remembering that he had signed up for therapy about his anger.
"I'm learning a lot and I can control it a lot better than I used to. I just have to remember that I'm stringer than my feelings and try to calm down. He showed me a few different calming methods, like y'know, uh, counting things in the room, trying to do the alphabet backwards, things like that." Mark explains. "It takes my mind off the anger, and makes me think about something else to calm me down." He adds with a smile.
"That's good, you are strong Mark, just make sure you remember that." I say with a smile that I hope comforts Mark even a little.
"Violet! What happened to you?" I hear someone shout as footsteps run towards me. I stop in my tracks and slowly turn around to see the one person I didn't want to see. Jack.
"I don't want to talk about it right now..." I mumble, avoiding his eyes and instead staring at the ground.
"She just was outside for a long time and some bushes scraped her. Don't worry though, I got this, you can head where ever you were going." Mark says, still holding me close, probably to help me to warm up. I stare up at him in slight shock, I didn't think that he would lie to Jack, I guess because I never thought he lied to me.
"Oh, well, uh, I hope you feel better soon. I'll try to come by tomorrow if you want." Jack offers.
"Oh, I don't really think that's a good idea." I say in a slightly hushed voice, turning my head do I could be looking at Jack, but I stare down at his shoes.
"Okay... Well, I really do hope you feel better and I'm sorry about what I said. Do you know where my ribbon went actually? I can't find it anywhere." Jack says in a slightly upset tone. Oh, I know where it is Jack, but I'm not going to tell you that.
"No, sorry I haven't seen it since earlier today." I lie, moving my eyes over the ground in front of me.
"Oh, well I'll keep looking. I'll see you around guys, stay safe." Jack finishes before his feet turn and walk away from us. I turn back to look at Mark and can't help but chuckle at the situation.
"What?" He questions in a confused tone.
"We're terrible." I mumble with a laugh.
"Why?" Mark questions me with a small chuckle.
"We both lied." I answer him. Mark furrows his eyebrows and gives me a confused look.
"What'd you lie about?" Mark questions as we both turn around and start walking again.
"I know where the ribbons are. I threw them in that room I was in, they're still there." I explain.
"Oh, I didn't realize you took yours off too." Mark explains in a tone that sounds full of a kind of sadness that he doesn't have often.
"Yeah, I did. I mean, he took his off so the promise was already broken so I didn't see a reason to keep it." I explain, trying to make it sound better than it was.
"Makes sense, I just would've kept my hope for longer if it was me. But then again, if I had a promise to you, I'd keep it." Mark says in a calm and caring voice.
"Thanks." Is all I can manage to reply with as I take another staggering step that shoots pain through my entire body.
"Miss Violet, are you alright?" A woman questions me and I don't think I've ever seen her before. Right as I'm about to speak, Mark responds to her.
"I'm taking her home, she has had a rough day and needs sleep. Thanks for the concern though, but you don't need to worry." Mark states calmly, still holding onto me tightly, his grip never wavering.
"Oh, alright." She says and walks away from us on the other side of the street.
"Thanks." I say in a hushed voice, glancing up at Mark.
"It isn't a problem, I get it." Mark explains as we take a few more steps together. Well, more of him walking and me just staggering along trying to keep up or take any steps at all. I suddenly feel my foot slip and I fall on Mark, making both of us fall to the ground. I feel pain shoot through my body once more at this action and I close my eyes to try to manage it. Mark lays below me, but I doubt he cares too much.
"Hey, are you alright?" He questions me in a caring tone. I suppose that I made it a little obvious that I'm in pain from all this. After all, I get tired so easily these days and now I feel almost broken after my tantrum earlier.
"I can deal with it, can you help me up?" I respond, swallowing heavily as if it could get rid of all my emotions that bubble inside me.
"Yeah, definitely." Mark responds as he gently grabs hold of my shoulder and helps me to get up once more.
"Thank you." I say. I guess that's all I'm going to do today, just thank him over and over again.
"No problem." Mark responds, still standing allowing me to lean on him to catch my balance. I finally feel like I have my strength back and take a staggering step. I almost collapse again, but Mark catches me with his strong arms that actually measure close to mine.
"I'm sorry, I don't know how much more I can walk. I can just ask for Shane to hire someone to take me up there." I say, not wanting to bother Mark more than I have to.
"I can take you if you want, it isn't a chore for me to help you, it never had been." Mark says with a sweet smile that I just adore seeing. I nod my head to agree and form my cracked lips into a smile. Mark gently lifts me off the ground and holds me in his arms bridal style.
"Ready to start moving?" Mark questions, looking down at me lovingly.
"Yeah, go ahead." I say as I wrap my arm around his neck to give myself better balance. Mark begins walking at a normal pace, keeping me steady at the same time as I lean against his chest. I hear his heartbeat going calmly inside his chest and his breathing go at a normal speed. Both are comforting to hear and even makes a smile come to my face. I let myself relax in his arms, allowing myself to remember how Mark had used to make me feel safe and let that emotion consume me. I lay on Marks chest as if it was the only safe thing in the world and hold myself close to him.
"Okay, we're almost there, don't worry." Mark says, having the words echo inside of his chest.
"Thanks. I really do mean it, you have helped a lot." I say, turning my head to stare up at Mark with the smile that has now come to my face.
"You don't need to thank me, just knowing that you're safe and okay every day is enough for me." Mark says, glancing down to lock eyes with me for only a second.
"That's sweet, but I'm still going to thank you because I'll feel guilty if I don't." I explain, returning my eyes to look ahead of us instead of up at Mark.
"Whatever you wanna do is fine with me, I'm just telling you that what I do isn't worth thanking. I don't make that much of a difference, I never have, but I'm glad that I help you." Mark says ad he continues to walk, almost getting to the large staircase that leads to the door of my new home.
"You've done a lot Mark, probably way more than you know but I really appreciate it all. Everything from the dumb jokes to saving my life from everything around us. Sincerely, thank you Mark." I say in a slightly hushed voice, holding onto Marks shirt for a type of comfort that I can't describe.
"Well, as I've said before, it's never a problem for me to help you. But you're welcome anyways." Mark responds with a smile.

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