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~*5 Days Until The Wedding*~

I feel well rested actually, it's rare for me these days. I rub my eyes and sit up in my bed, slowly waking myself better. I then open my eyes and expect to see Marisa's crib in the corner and bright light coming in through my window... But I don't see any of that. Instead I see dark wallpaper and dark brown carpet covering the ground. A desk sits in the corner of the room and a stack of papers lays on top of it. The bed I lay on has light gray sheets and almost pitch black pillows beneath my elbows that I lean on. I glance around the room more and then notice someone lying in the bed next to me. His dirty blonde hair sticks out from under the blankets and his breathing is slow. Most times he seems so calm, but he really does have a soft side. I learned this yesterday, when he had told me about his brother. He really was torn up about it, but I think I helped. After all, I got the great Shane Lancaster to stay home for a day and take a break. He needs it though, so I'm glad he is resting for a change. I look down at him as he sleeps, we finally have a good connection, Shane and I. Now I really do think that our take marriage can work. We can be friends at least, and it won't be too bad, it's like a big favor for a friend.
"Sleep tight Shane, you need it." I whisper to him as I slowly peal the covers off me. I let my feet drop to the floor and then walk out of the room, quietly closing the door behind me. I make my way downstairs and hear a loud knock at the door. I know that Shane told me not to answer it for anyone, but I doubt that it's anyone who could hurt me. After all, I'm not as weak as I may seem. I unlock the door and open it for whoever may be on the other side. A man who I recognize from wandering around town with Maddie stands there.
"Can I help you?" I question politely, leaning on the doorknob in a casual way.
"Is your fiancé here ma'am?" He questions me in return. I shake my head as if to say no, even though he is here, I don't want to bother him with business.
"I can give him a message if you want." I offer. The man nods and suddenly grabs me by my wrist and puts a hand over my mouth.
"This is for district 4." He whispers before dragging me out of the house. I struggle against his grasp and pound my elbow into his stomach. That makes him let go of me completely and he coughs hard. I then slam my palm into his throat and while he is in a weak state I put him in a headlock.
"Don't fuck with me." I whisper as I take a moment to catch my breath from the previous events. "So, tell me what happened to district 4 and why you wanted revenge for it." I say, glaring at the back of his head in annoyance.
"Heh, like you wouldn't know. He banned the leader of district 4 and now the entire compound is being shut down. My little sister lives there and now she's getting thrown out." He explains in an angered and annoyed tone. He's probably just mad because I'm tougher than I may look. After all, not many people expect a pregnant woman to still be able to kick ass; but I proved that wrong.
"That's just one district being unstable. I mean, if they don't have a backup plan that's their fault. So, now, I'm going to let you go and I won't tell my husband about this, on one condition. You stay away from this house and his office, and if I see you near either of them, I won't be letting you go again." I say in a threatening tone. I await his answer and don't get one, so I speak up again. "You got that? Or do I need to be clearer in my explanation?" I question as I tighten my hold on his neck, causing him to nod very quickly.
"I get it, I get it. I won't go near you or Shane." He says in a slightly frightened tone. I nod and release him.
"Good. Now get out." I say, shoving him away from me almost down the steps. I walk back inside, closing the door quietly to make sure I don't wale Shane. I get into the main living room and

I take my seat on the couch and cross my legs in an annoyed way. I've always hated men who believe they're better than me just because they're men. I am strong, stronger than most people in general and I am not afraid to show people my strength.

"Violet? Was there a knock at the door just now?" Shane's voice echo's through the halls. I guess he did wake up after all.

"No, I just opened the cupboard in the kitchen and it was loud again. You can go back to bed if you want, it is your day off after all." I respond. I really do want him to rest, I want him to be able to relax after our wedding. Perhaps it's because I want to be able to relax after the wedding and I think that if he's okay, I will be too.

"Oh, just don't answer the door. I don't want you getting hurt." Shane says as he slowly walks around the corner and looks at me. His outfit is much different than normal. Instead of his tight suit and perfectly parted hair he has only boxers and a lazily buttoned up shirt. His hair is messy on his head, making it look much more natural. His previously tearstained face now looks well rested and almost peaceful.

"Okay, but I'll be okay either way. I can handle myself." I say, my previous anger heating up inside me. Shane nods and takes a seat next to me, resting his hand on my thigh.

"I know you can, I just want you to be safe in my compound." Shane says putting am emphasis on the word my as if I didn't know it. But I know it all too well. This place belongs to Shane Lancaster and when we get married it will still belong to him. I will just be the trophy wife that helps his reputation and gets young girls to stop crushing on him. But I don't mind that, I would rather this than being forced to marry one of my boys. I just can't decide between them right now. Maybe it's my pregnancy, maybe it's the fact that I'm still a teenager and I still don't understand myself as much as I believe to.

"I know, and again, thanks for agreeing to this marriage. I really do think you're a good guy and I'm just sorry this couldn't be on better terms." I explain as I rest my hand atop Shane's. He nods and gives me a sweet smile.

"I'm just glad that I won't be alone around here anymore. After all, I'll have you, your child, Marisa, and most likely some of your friends will be around here. I do believe this is going to be a good change for me, so thank you." He says sincerely as he runs circles over my thigh and let's out a relaxed sigh. I close my eyes and lean my head on Shane's shoulder. This marriage might just work out, after all, both parties are benefiting and we both seem to be happy... So far at least...

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