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*Five Weeks Ago*
*Marks POV*

I open my eyes in a complete daze. I see bright lights shining down on me and my hands tied to a wooden chair that I sit in. I turn my head to see Wade passed out behind me. I see another few chairs with all the guys tied to them. That's when I realize I'm not the only one awake.
"Hey, Bob." I call to him. Bob's eyes focus on me as best they can as his, and my glasses are missing.
"Where are we?" He questions as I continue to look around the room. Everything is slightly blurry and all I see anyway is bright lights hanging above my head and walls painted white.
"I have no idea." I respond. Then a thought hits me and panic starts to overcome me.
"Where's Violet?" I ask frantically as I start to search the room with my eyes and don't find any trace of her.
"Ian grabbed her and you. So I guess we're where ever he took us." Bob explains vaguely.
"We have to find her." I mumble under my breath. I hear a door creak open and a figure walk inside. I glance up and don't even need to look long. Ian.
"Where did you take them?" I snap at him angrily. Ian chuckles and sits on the floor across from me.
"Who? You'll need to be more specific, and don't threaten the man who has your glasses. I don't think that would be a good strategy." Ian chuckles again. I see him hold up what looks to be my glasses in his hand.
"Where did you take Violet?" I restate my question with a sigh.
"Oh, she left. She ran outside and punched me a few times. And because you're not being rude, I suppose I'll give you your sight so you can see what that brat did to me." Ian says, slight anger in his voice. He walks towards me and put my glasses on my face before walking away back to the wall where he sits once more. Ian now has bruises and blood covering his face. His once fresh looking clothes are now stained with blood and dirt from outside. I try to hold back my laughter and instead form a smile on my face.
"It looks like she got you pretty good, huh?" I say with a small laugh escaping my mouth. A frown forms on Ian's face and he turns away from me.
"You do realize that I only need to know one thing from you, then you'll prove quite useless." Ian states.
"Then what are you keeping me for?" I question.
"Right to business, good man." Ian chuckles before turning around to face me once more. "So, where did your beloved Violet run off to?" Ian questions with a small smirk. This might be one of the only questions that he could ask about her that I truly don't know. Oh well, I'll have to play it off like I do or else he won't have a reason for me.
"Why would I tell you?" I question, putting a bit of sass into my voice. Ian smirks once more and looks at the ground as he slowly tales steps towards me.
"Because I never said that this was a choice. You will tell me, because I need to get them both back here." Ian states with small amounts of rage entering his voice.
"Them? I thought you said that only Violet left." I hear Bob say from behind me. Ian's brow furrows and he looks away from us again.
"She did leave, but she was not alone. So, I ask again, where did she go?" Ian questions. I feel Wade's hand twitch behind me and I glance back to see him waking up.
"I'm not gonna tell you anything about her." I reply to him in a stern manner. Ian chuckles once more and shale s his head.
"I was trying to be nice, but I think you're getting on my last nerve. What I ask isn't a question, so answer me right now." Ian shouts as his hand slaps my face, probably leaving a mark on my cheek. I flinch at his action and slowly lift my head back up to face him. There is always a way to male yourself seem more powerful than you are, denying to do things, getting up after a punch, things like that.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I hear Bob shout angrily. Ian looks at Bob and starts walking towards him.
"Perhaps you would like to tell me where she went?" Ian questions in a much calmer voice that just sounds annoying to me.
"Perhaps you would like to shut the hell up and let us go?" Bob snaps back at him in an annoyed voice that I don't hear often from him.
"Or not. I guess neither of us will get what we want, what a shame." Ian trails off and I hear his footsteps walk passed me. He opens a door and looks to lead into a long hallway but before he leaves he turns his head back to face us.
"I tried to play nice, remember that for tomorrow." Ian states as he walks out of the room with a grin spread on his face. I glance around the room and I realize that there is another in this room. A woman who looks to be in her mid forties sits on another chair tied to it. She has brown hair, but it has gray streaks in it making her looks older.
"Who's that?" I question Bob gesturing to the woman. His head turns as he examines her sitting in that chair.
"I... Have no idea." Bob says in a very confused tone. I glance at Jack and Emmet to see that both of them slowly fluttering their eyes open.
"Are we all awake?" Wade questions, I guess he saw them wake up too. I nod my head lightly as I glance around the room further.
"Yeah, I think so." I say in a slight mumble. I turn my head to face Jack and Emmet and they seem to be fully awake now. Jack and I lock eyes, but he quickly looks away at the rest of the room. His eyes finally return to mine and he chuckles.
"Now, Mark, I knee you liked kink, but I didn't think that you would go this far." Jack chuckles to me with a bright smile placed in his lips.
"Oh my god." I hiss with a few laughs escaping my mouth.
"But seriously, where are we?" Jack says with his smile remaining on his face.
"Ian took us with the girls and he said that Violet escaped." Bob helps me to explain. Jack nods and glances between us.
"So, where is she now or do we not know?" Jack questions. I shake my head which seems to be a good enough answer.
"We have no idea, but Ian wanted to know where she went, meaning she ran pretty far." Bob explains.
"Ian has some pretty good tracking skills, as you can probably tell. I've seen him a few times and I feared that he was finding us again. Is Maddie is still here... She won't be for long. We both made a promise that is she was ever taken, she would leave whether or not she was with me." Emmet explains with sadness in his voice.
"Violet wouldn't have left her here alone, I bet she took her with her." I say as I turn my head to face the floor.
"Yeah, but the question now is, will they come back?" Wade questions in a dark tone. I turn my head back to look at him with a shocked look on my face.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I snap at him angrilly.
"Yeah. You know that Violet wouldn't leave us here, she would come looking for us." Jack adds with the same shocked voice I had.
"I guess, but she left us before, without a warning or anything. I would think that both of you would remember that." Wade responds with disappointment in his voice. Jack and I exchange glances before I take in a deep breath.
"She told Mark and I that she was going. That's why she left the marks on the trees for us." Jack explains for me.
"She wanted to be found then and she will this time. After all, of all people do you think she would let her child be born without a father present?" I question with a small, nervous laugh. Jacks eyes meet mine and I know why, but I'm not sure that the others do.
"True, she values the idea of a good life for your child. If anything, that would be one of her reasons for coming for us." Jack agrees with a small smile for me. I mouth the word 'thanks' to him as he didn't say anything else and he nods back at me. Violet could be here at any moment, I mean, why wouldn't she?

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