Public Announcement

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"We can not let these walls just get holes, holes that are big enough for those things to get in here. This place is supposed to be safe and it won't be if they get in here! We need to remake that wall Shane, it will make this place a lot safer." The captain of team 3, named Aaron states in a very upset tone.
"Do you even know the resources it took to build the first wall? I can't imagine building it all over again, that could take months, and it would use so much of our supplies." A man who owns a craft store named Harry responds.
"Guys, I agree that we need to patch up parts of the wall, but I don't think we need to rebuild the whole thing. Because as Harry said, it would take a lot of time that we don't have and resources that we can't get easily. We can do patchwork on the wall to fix all the holes and everything will be safer. Okay?" Shane asks, glancing around the table awaiting responses.
"Okay." Aaron responds as he puts his hands on the table and leans on his elbows in a lazy looking way.
"Okay." Harry agrees as he puts his hands together in front of him on the table.
"I'll start construction soon, meeting dismissed." Shane states with his hands motioning for everyone to leave. I turn my head to face him and he rubs his temples with his fingertips in a way that is often used to relieve stress.
"At least they agreed with you." I say, trying to cheer up the mood a little.
"Yeah, that's always good." Shane chuckles in response.
"Anything else you need to do?" I question when he puts his hands back on the table.
"Lots of paperwork, especially because I'm getting married and we need to do an announcement." Shane pauses and looks at me with a grin in his face. "You haven't seen me give a public announcement yet, have you?" Shane asks with his grin only growing by the second.
"Not yet, but something tells me I'm going to pretty soon." I say in a sarcastic-ish tone that shows my joke in a way that I like.
"Oh yeah, they're so fun to do. Let's go schedule it real quick, but... Before that, we don't even have rings yet, do we?" Shane says glancing down at his hand and mine as they sit on the table next to each other.

"You're right,we should probably do that." I respond with a wide smile on my face, I can't help it, I'm excited. After all, this will probably be my only wedding and I've always loved the idea of always wearing your rings just to show loyalty and the love that you both share.

"First, I have to get a few documents for the marriage. It'll be quick though, I promise." Shane says happily as he stands from his seat and my doing the same. He puts out his arm for me like he did before and I grasp onto it. The visual for others really is what will make this work for him. Shane leads me back towards his office and his assistant dashes towards it, opening it for me and Shane to allow our entrance. I smile at her, and she just feads me a confused look in response. I let myself sit in the chair across from Shane like I usually do. His assistant stands in the doorway and her eyes trail around the room in a confused fashion. I suppose that even though I'm not going to marry Jack, I still am going to see him and I'm thankful for that. I never want to hate him, he's just too sweet and kind for that. I'm just glad that Jack is understanding enough so that he wants to still keep a friendship between us. Shane nods and grabs my hand into his, this image really is important to him I guess. Jack follows close behind me and leans close to my ear.

"When was this a thing between you two?" He whispers to me, the quietest he's ever been.

"I'll explain it all later. It's a long story and we don't have time right now." I whisper back to him in the same hushed voice he had used.

"Okay. Just know that I do support your decision, Shane's a good guy." Jack whispers back with a sweet smile on his face that shows his happiness in an extreme way.

"Thank you, Jack. That really means a lot to me." I say, putting a smile on my face for him. Jack's face blushes brightly and his bright smile comes back onto his lips.

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