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I lay on my bed to relax and close my eyes. I rest my hands on my stomach comfortingly and sigh in relief from the events of today. I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders lovingly. I open my eyes and let them wander over to see Marks head laying next to me. I kiss his cheek lightly and snuggle close to him. Mark keeps his arm around me lovingly, and smiles with his eyes still closed.
"I could get used to this." I mumble into Marks ear. He just nods at my statement.
"You should. I'm going to let you take it easy, and relax a lot more now. You're gonna need it." Mark responds, opening his eyes to see me.
"I don't need it. I'm fine right now. I mean, I'm not even showing at all, and I don't have any effects right now." I say, not wanting to be pitied. Mark chuckles at my response.
"You're so stubborn." He grins at me while chuckling softly.
"You love me for it though." I chuckle back at him. Mark laughs sweetly and hugs me tighter for a moment.
"Very true." Mark chuckles at me. I yawn in exhaustion, and I'm not sure why I'm already tired, but I am.
"You should sleep, I'll block the door and watch for you." Mark offers.
"No. You need sleep." I tell Mark before he has a chance to get off the bed.
"You need it more." Mark tells me as he grabs a crowbar out if my bag to block up the door.
"Fine. But if I sleep, you are too. I'm sure there is someone in the hotel who will be awake tonight. And how often will we get a chance like this to sleep comfortable like this?" I rhetorically ask.
"True, I'll sleep." Mark promises. I nod and lean back on the bed. I hear Mark jam the door with the crowbar and he walks back into the bed.
"Here. I'll get it." Mark says. He lifts me slightly and puts the covers over me and then putting them over himself.
"Thanks." I thank Mark as I cuddle up next to him. Mark wraps his arm around me, holding me close. I lay my head on his chest and put my hand next to my face for a kind of support.
"Goodnight." Mark whispers soothingly.
"Goodnight. I love you." I whisper back.
"I love you too." He responds in a whisper like before. I slowly flutter my eyes closed and sigh happily. I try to clear my mind and drift off to sleep.

Time skip:

I wake up the next morning still feeling exhausted. Fortunately I had sleep, which is better than I have been the last few weeks. I look around to see Marks face in front of mine and his strong biceps next to my shoulders. There is small specs of light scattered around the room from the morning sunlight. Its so peaceful and calm all around me, for one of the first time in a long time. I let myself relax and "live in the moment". Then I see Marks eyes flick open and they land on mine lovingly with a small smile spread on his face.
"Good morning darling." Mark says sleepily. I lightly giggle at his sleepy attitude and sentence.
"Morning sleepyhead." I respond to him between giggles. Suddenly, our moment of relaxation is broken by the door swinging open even through the crowbar that had been blocking it.
"There was gunshots somewhere close. We need to head out soon, get dressed and ready." Wade demands in a rush. I almost jump out of the bed and start packing up my bag. I shove everything I may need into my bag and lace up my combat boots quickly. Mark does virtually the same, getting ready to go as fast ad he can. When I finish, I sigh in exhaustion. I pat my stomach lightly with a small smirk.
"You better be worth it." I mumble under my breath. Even thought I know this child will be worth it, because I will need them to be.
"You okay?" Mark asks looking me over protectively. I nod in response and let my hand hang by my side once more.
"Yeah, let's find the others." I state putting my bag over my shoulder to go. Mark grasps my hand before we head out of our room to find everyone else. I see Maddie, Emmet, Jack, Wade and Bob standing near the door, weapons in hand. As we enter the room a few heads turn, including Jacks.
"Hey." I whisper to him in a guilty fashion.
"Hey." He responds, his eyes avoiding to look at Marks hand interlocked with mine.
"And congratulations again, on your pregnancy." Jack whispers to me with a soft smile. I nod, placing my lose hand on my stomach as if I could cradle my child already.
"Thank you." I whisper back happily. Jack and I keep our eye contact for what seems like an eternity, until Maddie interrupts us.
"We should head out the back. Come on!" She shouts for us to follow her. I turn and begin to let my feel trail behind her every step. Maddie stops in front of a door with a broken 'Exit' sign above it. However, all I can manage to think about is cupcakes. They weren't even my favorite food, but damn were they good. I could so go for one right now, it would make me so happy and this situation so much better. Damn, who knew that a simple food like a cupcake could make someone so hungry and focused at the same time. I'm gonna hate these pregnancy cravings, aren't I? I glance down at my stomach once again. You better be worth it kid, I think to myself.
"On three we run, got it?" Maddie asks, poised to open the door and sprint out of it. I nod to her in response, understanding everything about this situation.
"One" Maddie hisses back to us, her eyes locked on the small window to the outdoors. I get ready to sprint out as quick as possible.
"Two" I take in a few deep breathes to get ready for myself to be exhausted.
"Three" the door swings open and we all sprint outside of it. I keep my hand latched to Marks so that I can have a good reason to keep running. I hear gunshots coming from above me on different buildings and I see the bullets landing on the ground near me. Well, they're not good aim, which is a thing on the positive side. I hear muffled voices shouting to one another from the gun men and then more gunshots. I let Marks force pull me forward, I'm already panting heavily. I push myself to run further, knowing that if I stop then I will probably die. I hear another gunshot and I almost see the bullet zip passed my head, close to my ear. Well, they might be able to aim... If they don't want to hit anything that they aim at. That's when I regret my thoughts, its probably karma, but I don't know if I'll ever know. I feel a shot of pain ring through my body as the bullet enters my lower calf. I shreik in pain and almost fall to the ground. Mark, Jack and Wade turn their heads to see me struggling to limp forward from the bullet. I guess one of them had a decent aim, after about 30 misses. Mark pulls me into his arms bridal style and begins running with me. I realize he is getting exhausted though, but I know that it is the only way for myself to continue. I hug myself close to Marks body to try to calm myself, and just to comfort us both.
"Do you need help with her Mark?" I hear Wade shout to Mark with concern. My eyes fall weak and limp almost, so I close them softly. I feel my body get moved around, but I couldn't tell you what actually happened. I passed out only seconds later.

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