What Happened?

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I begin to cry back into Jack and hold him tightly.
"I'm so sorry that I didn't find you." I sob into his ear. Jack holds onto me tightly and I feel his tears stick to my cheek and neck, but I don't care right now.
"Don't apologize to me." Jack says in that same hoarse, hurt voice. Just hearing him speak makes me cry harder and hold him tighter.
"But... Y-you're hurt... And I-I wasn't there t-to protect you... I d-didn't go through with my promise." I stammer through my tears onto Jacks shoulder.
"It wasn't your fault." Jack responds as his hands start to rub my back in a soothing way. I let go of him slightly and back up just so I can see his eyes. They don't look the same. He used to always have happy, excited and kind bright blue eyes. Now, he has pained, scared and hopeless pale blue ones in their place.
"Come with me, I'm gonna get you fixed up and you'll be fine." I say, putting on a forced smile that is soon forced away by my reflexes producing more tears. Jack lifts his finger and wipes then away sweetly and kisses my cheek with his dry, cracked lips. The gesture is sweet, but not the same as it used to be. I grab ahold of Jack once more and hug him close to me as more tears drip down my face. I finally release him, but keep my fingers intwined with his. I lead him out of the room and soon see Maddie sitting onntue floor with her face in her hands crying. I sigh heavily and glance over my shoulder to see Shane standing with his arms crossed next to the door.
"Take care of her and can you let her be out passed curfew? It will just be for tonight." I say.
"Not a problem. I'll take her back when she's ready." Shane responds. I nod and walk out of the building with Jack close behind me.

Finally, Jack and I walk up the steps to my apartment. I open it as neither Maddie or I locked it when we left. It doesn't really matter if we lock it anyway. The only thing I would care about someone taking is my crossbow, and I'd recognize it instantly. Plus I have the leader of the compound on my side and everyone knows it. I walk inside my home, still having my hand gripping onto Jacks strongly. I lead him to our couch and gently set him down. I let go of him and walk to my kitchen. I grab a glass of water and a small amount of my rations. I walk back to him and hand the items to him.
"Here." I say and I sit down on the couch next to him. Jack gulps down most of the water and quickly eats all the food that I gave him. God, what did Ian do to him?
"Are you ready to explain what happened?" I ask, breaking the silence between us. Jack takes in a deep breath before turning his head to look at me.
"Yes." He answers in that same hoarse voice. I nod and take a hold of his hand once more.
"So, what happened?" I question in the most comforting voice I can.
"Ian took us to a dungeon like place. He told us that you escaped and beat him... After that he got really mad and started beating us daily." Jack pauses and I take that opportunity to question him.
"Wait, Ian took you guys too?" I ask.
"Yeah, he knocked Mark out and then we were screwed basically. His guys grabbed you and then I went after you, but another one knocked me out. Wade actually got shot in the leg, he was stronger then they thought. Then they got Emmet I heard and I don't know the rest. But when I woke up we were all tied up in this dark room. There was a woman in another room. I don't know who she was, but she looked pretty old." Jack explains. Just hearing about this woman sends chills up my spine because I know her too well.
"She was my mom. Ian found her too I guess. But what happened next?" I question, quickly changing the topic.
"Uh, Ian started beating us and we starved pretty bad. But one day, Mark had an idea that he could break the ropes that tied us down and we could run. The plan worked, but they didn't get out. I did. I ran and started looking for help, but I didn't see anyone. Ian came after me and we had this huge fight in the road. That's when your guys found us. They pulled us apart and took us here. And you know the rest." Jack explains, his voice giving out every so often.
"I'm so sorry Jack. I never wanted him to hurt you guys... But where are the rest of the guys?" I question, still holding onto Jacks hand tightly.
"The last time I saw them, at Ian's place. I have no idea now." Jack admits. I nod and stare into Jacks eyes, just hoping that one day they'll return to normal. But I know more than anyone, once you are hurt, it's hard to heal.
"Thanks Jack, I gotta do something real quick. I'll be back soon and if you need anything, click this button." I say handing him a small trigger that they gave me in case my water breaks. It contacts Shane and it calls security to your location instantly. Jack nods and smiles weakly. I kiss his cheek and get up from the couch, slowly letting go of his hand.
"I'll be back soon." I say before I open the door and head outside. I walk back to the policy building and walk inside. I see the security guard standing in front of the door once more and I walk up to him without hesitation.
"I'm here to see Shane." I tell him sternly.
"Name?" He asks.
"Violet." I answer. He nods and let's me inside. I walk in and down a hallway into Shane's office. I open the door and walk inside, closing the door behind me. Shane sits at his desk and glances up when I get inside.
"What do you need?" He questions as I sit in a chair across from him.
"I'm going on a run and I need permission." I answer. That gets his attention. Shane looks up from papers on his desk and looks at me with a puzzled expression.
"Why? You're pregnant and have gone through a lot today." Shane says leaning his hands on his desk.
"I know. I'm going to find the rest of my friends. I know where they are now and I'm not going to force Maddie to show you." I explain. Shane's eyes light up slightly and he leans closer to me.
"How do you know?" Shane questions.
"Jack told me." I answer. Shane shakes his head and closes him eyes, taking in a deep breath.
"He has been through more than all of us. Anything he says could be a confused lie, I'm not saying that he's trying to lie, but after events like this you can't understand reality. I'm sorry Violet, but I can't take his word and put you in danger." Shane states in a stern tone. I shake my head at his answer and put my hand on his desk.
"He is stronger than you know. I'm sorry, but I know him better than you and he is not confused. He is telling the truth and I'm going to find my friends whether you let me or not. In case you forgot, I never registered as a citizen and can leave whenever I please." I state.
"Violet, please just try to understand. I can not just let you leave on these circumstances." Shane responds.
"What circumstances do you need then?" I question.
"I need to trust my source and I'm sorry, but I don't. Just go back home and sleep. I'll think about this and give you a better answer in the morning." Shane says, rasiding his hand slightly to avoid my eyes.
"No, I'm heading out tonight. Either give me permission so I can get back inside, or let me leave with everything I have and not come back." I say. Shane sighs heavily and his eyes examine my face.
"Fine. But I'm sending a team with you, just for extra protection." Shane says as he grabs a blank paper and behind writing on it. Once he finishes he slides it across the desk to me. I pick it up and go over the words.
'Violet has permission to leave with run team 4 and can have extra survivers enter the compound when she returns.
-Shane Lancaster'

His signature in the page looks so official, how you'd imagine a leader would have. I look back up at Shane and nod.
"Thank you, I'll be back. Keep an eye on Maddie and Jack and make sure that Jack gets medical treatment in the morning. Explain where I am and tell them that I'm safe." I say as I stand from my chair.
"You're not going back to tell them?" Shane questions.
"No, I've always hated goodbyes." I explain as I walk out of the room. I see my crossbow sitting on the ground right where I left it. I grab it and wrap it over my shoulder as I walk out of the building. I walk towards the wall and see another gaurd standing watch by the door.
"It's passed curfew. Go back to your home Violet." He says in a threatening tone. I hand him the slip of paper that Shane gave me and his eyes dart to read it quickly.
"Team 4, eh?" He questions handing the paper back to me.
"I guess so." I answer. He grabs a small com on his waist and speaks in a whisper to it. I soon see a few muscular figures run out of the building and stand in front of me.
"This is the girl?" One of them asks. The guard nods and pulls the lever to open the door.
"What are we doing capatin?" A smaller man in the team questions.
"Ask the lady, I don't know." He answers him. The small one turns to me with a questioning look on his face.
"We are finding the rest of my group." I answer.
"Your group?" The captain questions me.
"Yeah, they're my friends and I now know where they are." I say as I start to walk out of the door.
"Where are they?" Another man asks, as the rest if the team follows close behind me.
"A place that is far from here." I answer, continuing to walk.
"How long is this quest going to take?" The captain asks me as he tries to stand next to me as we walk.
"I don't know. Just know that I don't slow down, I don't take orders and I didn't ask you guys to be here. So just keep up with me and don't tell me what to do, and then I'm sure we'll be fine." I say sternly. The captain nods and we continue to walk towards the highway.

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