I'm Leaving

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I finally decide to get up and out of my room. Not because of Mark or Jack, but for myself. Because I'm not staying here for one more second and I'm going to find an exit. I open the door, taking a few moments to look down the hallways, seeing no one and then walking outside. I walk up a staircase that I find near the kitchen that leads to the roof. I get up and take a look around. There are many Eaters, yes, but not as many as there was. There aren't enough to keep me in here anymore. I stomp down the stairs and down the hall towards the basement. As I walk, I bump strait into someone who I instantly recognize as Wade. I stop and take a step back before giving my apology.
"Sorry, you can go ahead." I say moving over so he can walk past me.
"I actually need to talk to you." Wade says.
"About what?" I ask curiously, going back to a normal stance in the hallway.
"About how you're playing them and it needs to stop." Wade says sternly. The tone scares me slightly, the way that Mark being angry does.
"I'm not playing them. I was actually leaving." I say, starting to try to walk passed him. However Wade puts his arm in front of me so I can't.
"What do you mean? How are you leaving?" He asks in a confused tone. I shake my head and look back up at him.
"I'm making an exit because I'm sick of being here and I'm sick of all of you right now." I say angrily as I grab Wades arm and move it out of my way with my strength. I then walk passed him and continue down the hallway and into the basement. Maddie still sits by the window and Emmet seems to have joined her. I walk passed them both and start tearing the wood off the door.
"What are you doing?" Maddie asks in concern, standing from her seat and approaching me.
"I'm leaving. What don't people understand about that?" I snap at her turning away from the door when I speak.
"You can't just go, there's tons if them out there." Emmet reminds me. I nod and walk back up the stairs. I find Marks room and walk inside, not even caring to see if he's there. However I find out that he and Jack are sitting inside right next to my crossbow. I ignore them talking to me and grab my crossbow, soon leaving the room. I walk back into the basement and start back at the door.
"I almost forgot about my other baby." I mumble with a small laugh as I slam my fists into the wood once more.
"You don't have enough arrows." Maddie tells me, but I already know that.
"I have knives and I re use arrows." I state, still pulling at the wood. "Speaking of..." I trail off as I grab the knife out of my combat boot and start at the door again.
"What will happen to the rest of us?" Maddie snaps angrily.
"You'll probably have to leave too, but this place doesn't have good memories anyway." I say, still pounding at the wood on the door.
"Violet! What are you doing?" Mark shouts angrily. Another thing I'm sick of. Mark being mad. I stab my knife in the wood and spin around to face Mark.
"I'm leaving because I can't handle you people anymore. I just... I need a break from everyone and I'm leaving." I say sternly as I spin around again and start at the door again.
"Violet, please don't do this... Not right now, Bob is making a new plan and we're gonna get out of here. I promised you that, didn't I?" Jack asks me in a calm and soothing voice. I stap my knife back in the wood and turn to face him.
"Because you have kept all of your promises before." I say sarcastically. "I remember you saying that you would always protecting me and would support any decision I made. But what have you done? You've let me get trapped for weeks and kidnapped so I was almost killed. Then you told me that everything I wanted to do was wrong. So I'm sorry if I don't trust your promises right now." I say coldly before continuing on the door.
"Just because you're mad doesn't mean that you should go, we're gonna get out of here you just have to-"
"Have to what? We aren't going to get out of here until someone gets us out and that's exactly what I'm doing!" I shout angrily, slightly letting out my anger on the wood that my knife buries itself into.
"That's not what you're doing because you don't have a plan!" Maddie screams back at me.
"I have a plan, you just don't know it because you're not part of it!" I scream back.
"You're impossible." Maddie mumbles angrily. I hear her scream and it be stopped suddenly. I spin around to see Maddie being held down by Jack who now wrestles with Emmet near the ground.
"What are you guys doing?" I shout at them.
"She tried to lunge at you and I stopped her." Jack says as he stands and let's Maddie go. I sigh heavily and grab my knife, sticking it back in my combat boots before stomping away from the scene. I stomp angrily back to my room and slam the door once more.
"I'm never gonna get out of here..." I mumble under my breath as I fall on my bed to relax.
"Now I don't think that's true." A voice I haven't heard in a long while says inside my head.
"What do you know Kate?" I hiss at her.
"I know that Bob was making a plan an he probably won't include you in it now." Kate responds with a devious laugh.
"And, that was your way out, and it still can be if you're fast enough. Just get to him before the news of what you did does." Kate suggests, and it actually makes sense.
"Okay, I'll go." I say as I get up from my bed and walk out of my room. I walk through the halls until I find a room where Bob sits alone at a desk. I walk inside and lightly wave as I do so.
"Hey." I say sitting on a nearby couch. Bob looks up and nods.
"Hey." He responds.
"How's your head?" I ask kindly, as I was the one to help patch him up.
"Better. I'll be okay. But I never did thank you for helping me. So thank you." Bob says, adjusting his glasses as he does so often.
"You're welcome." I respond, not sure what else to say.
"So, what do you need?" Bob questions, leaning his elbows on the desk and his eyes examining me.
"I was wondering if you had a plan yet. For getting out of here." I say.
"I've been working on it, and my last plan didn't turn out too well. So I kinda had to start from scratch." Bob explains.
"Yeah... Did you have anymore to your last plan, other than... You know?" I question, just eager for more information.
"I did, I wanted us to make our escape on the roof. There is a telephone line close enough that we could ride it down. However, that's when it came up that you might not be strong enough and you know the rest." Bob explains, a small glint in his eyes when he speaks.
"I'm strong enough. I was stabbing wood just now, I can ride down a telephone wire." I say with a small smirk.
"But are they all strong enough?" Bob questions. He and I both know how strong I've become during this time, however not everyone is as strong as me; and I know that they have to be for this.
"Our original four will make it. Emmet is strong and Maddie is too. They are more than you know, running takes a lot of strength, and they have it." I explain, small memories from my past popping up.
"Are you sure? It might be up to 8 blocks..." Bob informs me.
"I'm sure. They're strong enough." I state sternly.
"Alright, then we should be off before the sun sets." Bob says as he stands form his chair and starts towards the door. I get up and walk with him down the hallway.
"I'll take the basement, can you check the rooms?" Bob questions.
"Yeah." I say as I continue walking down the hallway towards Marks room. I walk inside after leaving a small knock on the door. I see Mark angrily talking to Jack who sits across from him. When I enter the room it goes silent and they both look at me with anger in their eyes.
"Bob and I came to an agreement and we're leaving while the sun is still up, so... We should start packing." I say calmly, scared that Mark will use his angry tone once more.
"What's the plan?" Jack questions in his normal tone that I don't think Mark would have used.
"We're going down the telephone wire, so try to pack light." I say as I turn and try to exit the room.
"Violet!" Mark shouts, but not in an angry tone. I turn around to face him.
"Yeah?" I ask in almost a whisper.
"I'm sorry, for everything that I've done." Mark says sincerely, the anger completely gone now.
"You don't have to be sorry. I forgave you, even if you didn't." I say as I walk out of the room to tell everyone else.

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