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I continue to walk along the highway with the team. Fin makes small conversation with me and the others, he seems very social. While we walk, my ankles grow tired and my stomach grows hungry. But I have more important things to do than worry about myself. Finally, we enter the town that I was kidnapped to, I never thought I would enjoy coming back here.
"We're getting close." I say in a slightly loud voice so that everyone in the team can hear me.
"Would you like to lead the group?" I hear Tom question. He stops in his tracks and allows me to pass him.
"Sure." I answer. He hasn't talked to me much and it's interesting to hear his voice. I continue walking with the sun burning down on my scalp.
"So, what shape do you think yorh friends will be in? I mean, the other two guys we found weren't looking too good." Duncan says, walking alongside me.
"Well, Jack told me that they were all beat. I just hope that they're all okay... They have to be okay thought, right?" I question, hopeful in his answer.
"Yeah, I mean, your other friend, Jack, is okay." Duncan responds, his head nodding to me.
"Yeah..." I agree. I just hope that they are okay, I never thought about it until now. I guess my hopes were too high to realize the possibility that they might not be okay. I suppose that I'll see soon enough. Although, I doubt that Ian would have them killed after he left. It isn't his style anyway, to have people killed. To Ian it's just a game and death is the easy way out to him. After all, torture is much more impactful than death and Ian knows it. I mean, what other reason would he take the other guys? He only did it to hurt us emotionally. We can fix any real injury that anyone does to us, but what he can't fix is emotional trauma. I just hope that being reunited with everyone in our group can help any trauma they might have. A certain dread fills me at the thought that they won't heal. That they won't be the same after this. I think that trauma effects people around them more than them themselves. It's like watching someone else suffer and seeing them destroy themselves. Although, it's worse because they didn't choose to be that way and you can't be angry. You can't be angry at someone else because they have trauma. It wasn't their fault after all. However, there is a chance that all the guys will heal when we are all together once more. I just have to keep hope, I can't let myself break down when they need me. My train of thought is broken by the sight of Ian's base where he took me. Broken glass and dried blood lie on the ground below my feet.
"Is this the place?" Fin questions as he raises his gun for the first time I've seen. I nod my head and examine the location carefully. I take my crossbow off my back and into my hands. I make sure its loaded and then take a step inside.
"Yeah, be careful. I don't know what Ian might have done since I've been here." I explain as I put another arrow into my crossbow. Tom steps in front of me and starts down the stairs with his gun ready. All of the sweet conversations and questions are gone and everyone is ready for a fight. It's interesting if I'm honest, but it just means that they're good at their job.

I walk down the stairs behind Tom and Fin with all of our weapons ready. I watch Tom and Fin turn around the corner where I saw my mother. I decide to go the other way to search, but mainly because I don't want to see my mother again. I walk towards the cells and only see complete darkness. I feel along the walls for any type of light and find a small switch. I flip it and bright light shines over all the cells and my head. I look inside and gasp at the sight.
"Guys!" I shout as I rush towards the cells. I hear footsteps hurry towards me and I grab my pistol from my pocket. I shoot the lock on one if the cells and run inside, dropping to my knees almost instantly. I grab onto Marks hand and run my fingers through his hair for support.
"Are you okay?" I question in a panicked voice. I hear him groan in pain and he coughs with specs of blood falling out of his mouth onto my jeans. I hear another gun go off on the other cells lock and the door swings open.
"Do you know all of these guys?" Fin questions as he walks inside the other cell. I look over to examine the men lying on the ground in the other cell.

"Yeah, the red head is Emmet and the other one is Bob." I say, returning my attention to Mark. I glance up to see Wade lying a few feet away from me.
"Violet..?" Mark says with a hoarse voice that almost sounds broken.
"Yeah Mark. It's me." I respond trying to hold back my tears. I run my fingers through his hair and lean down to kiss his forehead.
"I knew you'd come..." Mark says with a smile covering his face and his eyes closing in relaxation. I smile lightly at his comment and continue to stroke his hair gently. I look around the room and sigh in relief just knowing that they're okay. Just knowing that I found them once more. However, a thought crosses my mind and my smile fades. I turn my head to see Wendy leaning on the wall observing what is happening.
"Hey Wendy, do we have any way of contacting the compound?" I question hopefully.
"Yeah, why?" She responds. I nod at her statement.
"Because we need a car to take them back. They won't be strong enough to walk all the way back, I mean, they're barely strong enough to lift their heads." I explain. Wendy nods and grabs a walky-talky from her belt and presses the button.
"Hello base this is Team 4, please respond." She says, keeping the device close to her face.
"Hello Team 4 this is base, what do you need?" A voice on the other end responds.
"We need a car to sector 7 stat." Wendy says.
"Reason?" The voice questions. Wendy's eyes fall on me in a questioning way.
"Tell him that we are rescuing people on orders strait from Shane." I demand. Wendy nods her head and clicks the button once more.
"We are on a rescue mission and need a car for transport. The orders are from Shane is you have any questions." Wendy explains.
"Alright. The car will be there soon. Base out." The man responds and a beeping noise comes. Wendy turns it off and puts it back on a place on her belt, where it was before.
"So, what should we do while we wait?" Wendy questions. I sigh and look back down at Mark who lays on my lap.
"We should get them food and water. After all, Jack said he was starved and we have to assume that these guys were too." I explain. Wendy nods and grabs a bag off her shoulder. She begins rummaging through it and grabbing different items. She puts down the bag and tosses me a fee bottles of water and bags of food. I open one of the bottles and lift Marks head slightly. His eyes flutter open and he glances around the room.
"I got water for you, here." I say as I put the plastic rim to his lips for him to drink. Mark nods slightly and grabs the bottle with his hand as he begins to drink from it.
"You got it?" I question, awaiting his response before I do anything else. Mark nods and sits up from the ground slightly. I hand him one of the bags of food and take the rest. I crawl over to Wade and lift his head as I did Marks.
"Hey buddy." I say as I start to open the water bottle. Wades eyes are already open and he sits himself up. I guess he's in better shape than Mark was.
"Hey kid." Wade responds with a smile. I hand him the water bottle and the bog of food.
"Here you go." I say with a light smile as my eyes start to look over him. Wade has a large bruise on his forehead and dried blood on his lips. He looks to have lost a lot of weight, meaning that he was probably starved as well. His clothes are stained with blood and he has lighter bruises tracing his arms.
"What happened to you guys?" I question as my eyes examine him. Wade takes a gulp of water and sets it down on the ground.
"Well, that's a long story, and I can tell you all about it on the way back." Wade says with a small smirk.

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