The Gender

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Maddie drags me down the sidewalk in a hurry, while I just try to keep up with her. I suppose that it hasn't mattered to me what gender my baby is, they'll still be mine. Either way they will still be an amazing person. Maddie dashes around a corner and almost runs strait into three men who had been walking.
"Oh, I'm so sorry." She apologizes before pulling me along passed them.
"Don't worry it's fine." One of them says with a chuckle. Maddie nods to him happily and continues to take me to our destination at the hospital.

We finally arrive there with heavy pants from all this running. Maddie takes me to the front desk and then let's go of me.
"Miss Violet is here for a check up with... What's your doctor?" Maddie questions me as she takes in a deep breath, and turning her head to face me.
"Dr. Garret." I answer her with another deep breath.
"She needs to see Dr. Garret." Maddie states to the woman on the other side of the counter.
"Okay, we will get her in soon. Please wait in here." She responds gesturing to the lobby. I pace myself as I walk towards a seat and gently sit myself down. Maddie takes a seat next to me and leans her head back on the wall. I rest my hands on my stomach lovingly and close my eyes to further relax. Deep breaths come out of my mouth in exhaustion and sweat starts to form streams on my forehead.
"Why did you make me run down here Violet? Now I'm all tired out." Maddie chuckles, playfully tapping my arm with her hand as if she hit me.
"What can I say? I just love running, especially since I've been pregnant." I chuckle back, easily playing along with her joke.
"Violet." A man calls my name, getting my attention so I open my eyes. Dr. Garret stands in the doorway and stares down at Maddie and I. I push myself to my feet, which takes me a few more seconds than usual. Maddie let's me lean on her arm for balance while we walk through the door and follow Dr. Garret to his room. A young woman wearing a hospital uniform holds the door open for all of us and closes it behind me. Maddie sits me down on the examination table and then takes a seat in the corner, but it's close to me. Dr. Garret looks at my stomach and nods before he turns and starts the machine.
"What types of exercise have you done lately?" He questions me casually.
"Well, I just ran about a mile to come here and I fainted the other day and then walked home... So a lot?" I say with a small laugh.
"That's good, keeps you healthy especially for after the birth. It makes it easier for you to get back in shape I suppose is the better wording." He explains, turning back to face me.
"Cool." I say. I'm not sure what else I was supposed to say to be honest.
"I'm guessing that the stats you gave me on the last checkup have not changed this quickly." Dr. Garret says casually, moving his weight on his feet in an eager type way.
"Not that I know of." I respond with a shrug of my shoulders. He nods in response and rubs his hands together as a way of keeping busy while we wait. He then glances at Maddie who sits only a few feet away.
"And might this young lady be?" He questions happily, extending his hand to greet her.
"I'm Maddie. Nice to meet you." She says and they both shake hands for a quick moment. They then let go of one another and Garret looks back at the machine and nods. He grabs the ultrasound device and turns to me.
"May I?" He questions politely before making any moves towards me.
"Yeah, go ahead." I answer him in the same polite tone he used for me. He nods back and lifts my shirt so that he can examine my stomach better. I turn my head to Maddie who sits, watching eagerly at the process in front of her. I always forget that this isn't normal for her, that she hasn't felt this experience ever before. I guess that Maddie always seems to know what to say and what to do for these types of things. I suppose that it's because she's the only girl in our group and understands my feelings a bit more than the guys can.
"Alright, I have the sex of the baby now if you would like to know." Garret says as he puts down the ultrasound device and faces me. Maddie jumps up from her seat and starts towards me eager to hear his next sentence. She grabs onto my hand excitedly and has a bright smile that shows her excitement. Maddie hops up to sit next to me, I guess that she is going to act as most husbands do at this moment. Although, I don't think I need another person to go on that list.
"Yeah, I wanna know." I state, excitement building inside me.
"Would you like us to contact your husband afterwards to tell him aswell?" Garret questions me as he rests his elbow next to me.
"No, I'll tell him." I say with a playful smirk on my face.
"Alright then I'll keep it between us." Garret explains as he continues to move his weight on his feet, staring down at them while he does.
"Okay, thank you." I add before he is able to say anything else.
"Well, it's a girl." Garret finally admits, lifting his head to examine my face. The smile on my just grows at the news. She will be my little girl, forever and always.

Madness (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora