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*Five Week Later*

I walk inside the clinic once more and walk towards the front desk.
"Hey." I say to the worker as I lean my elbows on the counter.
"Oh hi Violet. Just walk in, he's waiting." She answers me. I sign and start walking through a door that leads to the office. I walk to my usual room, three doors down. I see Dr. Garret standing inside, preparing to start the machines.
"Hello Violet, it's nice to see you today." He says happily as he walks towards me and greets me. He gives me a hug and quickly let's go of me.
"Well, let's get to business." I nod and prepare myself for my check up.
"I've eaten as healthy as I could the last week. I've also gained 12 pounds and had a normal morning sickness and that's it." I say as finishes setting up. I already know what he's going to ask, so why not answer now?
"Sounds good. May I?" He questions, his fingers now holding the ultrasound near my stomach. I nod a 'yes' to him and he lifts my shirt slightly and starts gathering data on my child.

Once finished, he quickly turns off all the machines and allows me to stand. I lean on the counter and let my eyes wander around the room.
"So, have you found the gender yet?" I question, eager that he'll actually have an answer for me this time.
"I'm sorry, but it isn't developed enough yet." He explains, leading me towards the door, which I leave out of quickly. I sigh heavily as I walk out of the clinic and towards my home. It has been a very strange time since I've come here. Shane allowed Maddie and I a nice apartment type home near the center of town. Every day I watch as people leave the compound in a search that one day I hope will end with the boys hugging and laughing with me once more. It feels like I've been here for years and the longing inside of me grows every day. Maddie helps though, she is support for everything that I go through. I just hope that Mark will be back by the time I find out the gender of our child. I walk up the steps to my home and open the door in one swift movement. I let my body fall onto the couch and close my eyes to relax.
"Did they tell you this time?" Maddie questions, her voice sounds like it cones from a distance.
"No. Apparently, it isn't developed enough to know." I say with disappointment in my voice. Even though I want Mark here to know with me, it is annoying to me that I don't know.
"That sucks. I checked the search today." Maddie announces. I sit up instantly and look into her eyes with hope resonating inside me.
"What did they say?" I question.
"They said that they found 2 men who, when questioned about us, seemed to know us. They brought them back and wanted us to tell if we knew them." Maddie explains.
"There's only 2." I repeat in a slight mumble to myself.
"I know, that's what worried me as well." Maddie admits. "But, we should check. Just in case we found them." Maddie adds in a stern voice.
"I know. Let's go." I say as I hop off the couch anxiously.
"Okay, I won't argue." Maddie comments as she follows me to the door. We walk outside and start towards a building near the edge of town. The jail building. They keep criminals, new people and anyone who attacks the compound there. And because they would be new here, they would keep them there.

Maddie and I finally arrive and I almost bust down the door I open it with such force.
"We're here to see some survivers found on a run." I say to a gaurd in front of a door that leads to the inner workings of the building.
"Names." He demands.
"Violet and Maddie." I respond.
"Approved." He responds, moving out of my way so I can get inside the door. Maddie and I walk inside and find Shane pacing the halls. He looks to be distressed, but what we need can interrupt him.
"Hey, I heard." I say once I get close enough for him to hear me. Shane turns his head and nods, wiping the stress from his face.
"They're over here. Please don't have your hopes up too high, as I know that there are five in your group. However, they did name you both when we questioned them." Shane says as he leads us down yet another hallway.
"What did they say exactly?" Maddie questions curiously.
"We asked if they knew two girls and they answered yes. Then we asked for names and they gave us both of yours." Shane explains. "This is the room. I really do hope that these are at least some of the men you were looking for." Shane says with a smile as he opens the door.

A table sits in the middle of the room with two figures on one side of it. Both of them have their heads leaning on their hands lazily and two other chairs lay on the other side of the table for Maddie and I. This room looks like an interrogation room more than anything else, but I'm sure that's what it's used for. I take in a deep breath and walk inside with Maddie close behind me. I sit in one of the chairs and Maddie in the other. The men lift their heads and I recognize them instantly. Maddie gasps and moves back in her chair. I lean on the table and examine them with pure dread.
"Violet?" Jack says in a hoarse, pained voice. Tears prick my eyes as I examine his tattered body. He has bruises covering his face and his skinniness implies that he has been starved for quite a while. His hair is ripped in parts and his fingernails are bitten down to the nub. Tears begin to stream down my face just seeing him this way.
"Yeah, it's me Jack." I answer, trying to put on a smile to comfort him. However, my attention soon rests on the other man who sits across from Maddie. He has been eyeing her the entire time, just confirming who he is.
"Why are you here, Ian?" I question. He, too is bruised and looks to be in the same bad shape Jack is in.
"I don't know love, why are you?" He questions putting on his stupid smirk that just shows how terrible he is.
"Maddie. Go." I demand, resting my eyes on Jack once more. I hear her get up from her chair and get out of the room in a very quick fashion.
"Shane." I call. I hear his footsteps enter the room and he leans on the table.
"Yes?" He asks.
"This one, lock him up. He kidnapped Maddie and I and is not to be trusted. This one, his name is Jack, he's good. Get him a home and medical supplies as quickly as you are able to." I demand, softly smiling at Jack. Shane nods and snaps his fingers. A large guard enters the room and drags Ian out. I ignore his angry screams and focus on Jack's hurt eyes. I stand from my seat and grab onto Jack's small hand, helping him up from his seat. As soon as he stands, he pulls me in for a hug and begins to sob into my shoulder.

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