Doesn't Have To Be Perfect

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~*11 Days Until The Wedding*~

"So, does that mean that I can leave now?" I question, still slightly confused at the nurses words only seconds ago.
"Yes, direct orders from Shane came in this morning saying that once you were back at a stable state we discharge you immediately." She explains as she pulls out a needle that had been in my arm that last few days. The action causes me to hiss in pain as she did it very quick. The nurse takes the blankets off me and puts her hand out for me to take. I grab it and slowly ease myself out of the bed, carefully standing on my fragile legs. The nurse allows me to lean on her lightly so that I can fully gain my balance after having my legs not in use for the last few days. I follow the nurse out of the room and down the hall to the front office.
"Ms. Lancaster is checked out." The nurse states to a woman behind the counter.
"Okay, I'll make note of it." She responds, scribbling something down on a paper in front of her. The nurse holds the door open for me and I exit, thanking her on the way. I walk outside and the sun blinds me. I cover my eyes with my hand and then begin heading towards a place I feel I need to go. Home.

I finally get up all the stairs to my home and open the door with the key Shane had given me. The size of the house is incredible and is able to impress anybody.
"Hello?" Shane shouts from the top of the stairs.
"It's just me. They discharged me." I respond, but my words echo through the house so that he can hear me.
"Oh, would you like help to your room? And how do you feel?" Shane questions me as he walks out from his room and down the giant staircase towards me.
"I just want to relax right now, but thanks. And I'm feeling really shitty. My leg hurts and I feel dizzy and I think I need rest, but I can stay down here." I say, not wanting to bother Shane in any way, hoping that hr will just leave and let me struggle alone.
"Alright, I took the day off and am leaving all of today's work for tomorrow. I suppose that I need a break every so often, and I also wanted to stay with you. We are getting married after all, so we should act like it sometimes at least." Shane declares as he gets to the bottom of the stairs and now stands in front of me.
"Yeah..." I agree lightly, trailing my word out in a type of daze. I guess the hospital drugs are still in effect.
"Here, I'll take you to the living room. Just put your hand here and lean on me if you need to." Shane explains as he moves my arm to be interlocked faith his. He isn't as strong as Mark is, he can carry me or anyone else in our group without a problem. Although, it's nice to have Shane with me, even if he isn't the strongest man I've met.

Shane sets me down on a dark brown couch that has a matching coffee table in front of it.
"You want water or anything?" Shane questions before he makes another move. He is sweet, I'll hive him that credit.
"Sure, if it isn't a problem that is." I say, making sure that I'm not a pain.
"Not a problem, I'll be right back." He says with a nod before he walks off to get me my request. He comes back a few minutes later with two glasses filled with ice water. He then sets them both in the coffee table and takes a seat next to me.
"Thanks." I say quietly, glancing to meet his eyes for only a second.
"Anyways, I wanted to ask you something." Shane says, ignoring my thanks, although, he probably gets it a lot each day.
"Go ahead." I urge him to continue with a small nod.
"What is your relationship with Mark and Jack? I've gotten many signals and cues, but no real explanation." Shane explains, staring at me intently.
"Well, Mark saved me. I'm grateful, but not back together with him, I mean, I still know that I can't marry him. He's just too... Violent to be around me and my child. And Jack... Our relationship is damaged... He broke the promise between us and that's why I ran and got hurt. But, we are becoming friends again, I think it will take a while though." I add, trying to avoid Shane's gaze.
"So there is no deeper relationship other than friendship with them currently?" Shane clarifies.
"Yeah, we're just friends." I say sternly, glancing down at my glass of water and grabbing it to take a small sip. The water trails down my throat and refreshes my broken body.
"Are they coming to the wedding still?" He asks me further.
"Yeah..." I say with a slight nod. I won't make Jack the best man, but I will invite him. If he really does want to come like he said, then I'll let him.
"That's good, I really don't have much against either of them... As people that is, I'm not sure if I truly know them well enough to be friends, but I'm trying to know them." Shane explains, leaning his elbows on his knees in the way he does when he is deep in thought.
"Well, they wanted to have a party and I kinda volunteered our house... So you can get to know them then, unless you don't want it to be here, then I can change it to-"
"No, it would be a delight to have all your friends over for a party. However, might I ask why you are having this party?" Shane asks curiously as he interrupted me, but to say something quite sweet, so I forgive him.
"We're celebrating all the good that has happened to us since we came here. I mean, everything with my baby, Marisa, finding a stable home for all of us, just everything has been wonderful here, so thanks Shane." I say, giving a smile that I hope can show my gratitude.
"Not a problem, it has been good to have you around Violet... Because... Well... You might be the first actual person that I call a friend. So thank you for being my friend." Shane says in a shy tone, which doesn't suit his normal attitude. He stares at his hands in a nervous way and smiles lightly at his statement.
"You're welcome, thanks for having a fake marriage with me." I chuckle as I grab onto his hand lightly. His eyes slowly trail to meet mine and he smiles happily.
"You're very welcome Mrs. Lancaster." Shane says with a slight chuckle.
"Not a problem Mr. Lancaster." I respond with the same small chuckle that Shane had given. A silence goes over us and our jokes fade to the back of our minds. I stare down at my hands, just examining my situation and how strange it all is.

When I was young, I never thought I'd get married or have children. However, I have now proven myself wrong and just look at my situation. I'm going to have a daughter in only four months and be married in just over a week, and all before I'm even 18 years old. Although, my birthday could be happening soon, but I don't know anymore. The day of the month or even week doesn't matter anymore, not these days.
"Well, I'm gonna finish some paperwork in my room and then I'll be right back." Shane says. I nod to him in response and lightly mouth the word "okay". He puts his hand on my thigh lightly and pats me gently before he uses it to lift himself up to stand. Shane smiles lightly at me as he removes his hand and walks out of the room.

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