Screw Up

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~*Marks POV*~

I dash after Jack, hoping I can just explain things to him. He sprints through the door and I know I've lost him.
"Fuck." I hiss under my breath. I walk outside the door to see both Wade and Bob standing with puzzled looks on their faces.
"I think you need to explain a few things. And quick." Wade tells me, glancing over his shoulder. I turn my head to see Jack completely destroying a car with his baseball bat. I sigh and turn back to Wade.
"Well, there is something that I've needed to tell you guys for a while now." I confess, letting out a long sigh.
"Well, let's hear it." Bob says, moving his weight on his feet.
"Violet and I slept together. And we found a pregnancy test in there that was positive. But, we can't say if it was hers or not." I explain, avoiding my friends judgmental eyes.
"Well, that's not what I expected." Wade chuckles to himself.
"I'd better go talk to Jack. Before he destroys the whole town." Bob sighs as he makes his way towards Jack. I let my eyes go to Wade, to actually face him this time.
"First, when the fuck did this happen and why didn't you at least tell me?" Wade asks, his attitude suddenly becoming angry towards me.
"It was when we were trapped in the car. We decided it would be better to keep it a secret, because if this. You all would get mad, like you guys did." I explain.
"I'm mad because you didn't tell me. I'm not mad that you made a score with a girl when the world turned to shit! I'm mad because you decided not to tell us, and look what that secret did! She could be alone out there, pregnant, hungry, cold and dying. And all because you decided not even to mention it to me." Wade spits out every word angrily.
"I know, I screwed up. The only thing that matters is that we find her just in case." I respond, trying to sound calm in order to stop Wades yelling.
"Hell yeah you screwed up! And that isn't the only important thing Mark. We have to keep ourselves alive, and find her and if she is pregnant." Wade pauses. "Then we have to help her and the kid because that's what actually matters. It isn't all about her and you running off into the sunset!" Wade shouts at me angrily.
"I know I'm a screw up Wade! I don't need to hear it from you too! I need someone to at least take my side and help me with this, and you screaming at me doesn't help!" I shouts back, my anger rising inside me. Wade breathes out heavily, anger in his breath.
"I know, I just don't think its right that you hid something as important as this from us, from me. Your best friend. I just... I can't believe you right now. I'm sorry." Wade apologizes letting out another deep breath. I hear Jack finally stop his rampage on the car and turn to see what happened. He drops the bat on the car and falls to his knees crying. Bob talks to him and climbs up next to him in a comforting way. I can't help the tears that come to me from the sight.
"I am such a screw up." I mumble to myself.
"Mark, you're not a screw up. Everything will be fine." Wade tries to comfort me.
"Yes I am a screw up! I hid something super important form my best friends, I let my semi-girlfriend run away from a shit compound, and in that compound she got kidnapped. I don't eat, or sleep anymore. I'm stuck in a fucking zombie apocalypse for a whole year so far. And I left all of my friends in L.A. to come out here, I probably let all of them die back there while I just ran away like a little bitch. So, yeah Wade, I am a screw up." I finish explaining with tears dripping down my cheeks in frustration and realization.
"But none of those things are your fault. You gotta realize that Mark." Wade says in a much more soothing voice.
"But they are. All of them are my fault." I respond. Wade sighs and shakes his head at my answer.
"They are not your fault. I know you kept your secret to keep your friendships with us intact. And Violet would've run no matter what you did, and you could've known she would be kidnapped either. The fact that you don't eat or sleep is based on stress, not how much of a screw up you are. The zombie apocalypse, what could you have done about that? None of us could've done anything to stop that one. And everyone you left back in L.A. are fine. Matt and Ryan are strong and know how to survive, they are smart too. So, no. None of that was your fault. Don't you realize that by-" Wade gets cut off by a voice shout my name. I turn my head in the direction of the sound until my eyes land on someone I never thought I'd see. My jaw drops at the sight and a huge smile comes to my face instead. Violet starts running at me, with myself doing the same.

Sorry this chapter was short, but in the next one we will be back in Violets POV and a lot will be happening. I hope you all liked this chapter, even though it was a little sad. Anyways, I'll see you guys later! Bye!

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