"We should probably get ready to go. The bus is set to leave at 11pm to bring us back to the hotel." Taehyung turns away from Jungkook to avoid looking at his bright pink lips and deep brown eyes and lets out a quiet sigh, placing his hand on his chest. Jungkook simple agrees as a response and walks over to the brunette, placing another towel around his shoulders and grabbing a nearby blowdryer, taking the hot air and fanning it over V's hair.

"Actually I was going to go back home and-"

"Jungkook! We need you." Namjoon calls, walking into the dressing room.

Namjoon is the show's manager, coordinator, and Taehyung's best friend. They've been practicing magic tricks since they were 10 but Namjoon was always better at organizing the small shows that they performed for their family. The fact that he was fluent in multiple languages also helps.

"I'll be right there Joonie" Namjoon smiles at the boy's nickname for him and bows slightly, leaving him to finish blow drying the brown haired magician. The warmth of the air blowing on Taehyung's head made his eyelids heavy. He let out a yawn and out came a deep seated chuckle from the maknae.

"You can sleep in the tour bus. Finish drying yourself off, I need to see what Namjoon wants." Jungkook places the blow dryer onto the cosmetic table and hands Taehyung makeup remover wipes and the casual clothing that was set aside to change into after the show.

"What would I do without you?" Taehyung asks, staring at the soft features of his jawline and the bridge of his nose, tracing them with his eyes and wishing he could trace them with his fingertips.

"I'm not sure hyung" Jungkook sends one more shining smile his way before walking out the door to see Namjoon.

Finally free of Jungkook's eyes Taehyung let his body release all tension as he groans loudly, frustrated both emotionally and physically with the younger boy. He's only been a magician's assistant for 2 weeks and he's already stolen the magician's heart. It would take a lot of magic to make his feelings for the raven haired male disappear.

Jungkook threw his keys onto the kitchen table in his small two room studio, the jangling sound causing his roommate to emerge from his room. The mint haired male ruffles his hair as he walks into the kitchen sluggishly, watching Jungkook impulsively grab a yellow cup, filling it with ice and coffee.

"Put some sweetener in that. I gag every time I see you drink it straight" Yoongi says annoyed, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

"Oh hush, I'll just get some sugar from you tonight" Jungkook winks at his hyung and bumps his hip into the older males.

"Maybe later Jungkookie, I'm extremely tired from work."

"Babe I need to talk to you" Jungkook gestures for Yoongi to take a seat at the mahogany table and his face turns serious. Yoongi's heart begins to race but he kept a stoic face.

"You're leaving aren't you?" Yoongi says simply. Jungkook bites his lip and gives a guilty nod.

"I'm sorry. I knew this job would take me places, all around the world, but I forgot that you couldn't come with me. I didn't think it would happen so soon. Namjoon said that this is actually the longest they've stayed in one place and it was only because they were doing so many auditions. But Yoongi-ah I need this job. I love you so much and you're the most important person too me and I know that I should be here with you but I really need to go. We're going to Seoul in the morning and-"

Yoongi gets up quickly and pushes Jungkook against a nearby wall. He shuts him up by pressing his lips against his, teeth clashing against teeth. Jungkook wants to resist, to finish what he was going to say, to finish defending his job and convincing both Yoongi and himself that everything was going to be fine but the passionate kiss takes all his willpower from him and all he can do is grab a fistful of mint-green hair and pull lightly, gaining a moan of ecstasy from his boyfriend. Pushing his lover's head to the side Yoongi begins biting and sucking on the silky skin revealed by the boy's show costume.

Yoongi pulls back and both boys are struggling for breath. He admires his work, lustfully looking at the raven-haired male's swollen pink lips and the purple bruises that scattered his collarbone and neck.

"You can't go to work looking like a leopard" Yoongi smirks. Jungkook's hands slap onto his neck to cover what's been done.

"Actually... the Seoul concert is circus themed" Jungkook winks, causing Yoongi to roll his eyes. The boys connect forehead and Jungkook inhales Yoongie's sweet scent, memorizing the hints of strawberry and honey that wafts off of his body and hair.

"Be safe Jungkookie. Call every day, I'll be watching every live show, I promise. Now come to bed and let me give you some suga"

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