Chapter 26: The weird nightmare

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Chapter 26


I hear terrible screams. Screams that belongs to ... Peeta and ... Willow!

I run down the stairs.

"Peeta?" I get no answer. "Peeta?!"

It's cold. No lamps in the entire house is lit and I can see the steam cloud from my breath, coming out of my mouth.

I put my hands on my arms and try to rub the heat in myself while fear stabs its claws into me.

"Peeta?" I shout again. "Peeta please, answer me baby! Willow!"

It's scary in the house. It's dark and every corner has a shadow that moves. The curtains at the window ar tightly drawn together.

"Peeta honey? Please answer me!"

I walk to the front door and try to open it. But I can't. I walk up to one of the windows and try to pull the curtains apart, but I can't do that either. What the hell is going on here?

"Peeta!" I shout again, tears begin to flow quietly and slowly. "Honey where are you? Where is Willow? Willow?"

"Mama?" I hear a faint voice whisper.

"Kat ... niss?"

"Peeta! Willow!"

I heard the whispers from the kitchen so that's were I'm running to.

I stop short when I see them ... Peeta and Willow. My husband and child.

They're lying in a puddle of blood in the middle of the kitchen. Willow is lying with her head on Peetas stomach while her little body is lying in the floor next to Peeta's. Peeta has an arm around Willow.

It looks like they have been tortured. I remember their screams.

"PEETA! WILLOW!" I roar and kneel beside them.

I don't care if my clothing becomes all wet and red of their blood.

I take their hands in mine and cry violent.

"Mama ... I love ... you", Willow says weak before her eyes starts to stare without seeing and her breathing stops.

"No..." I whisper.

Peeta takes his hand and put it at my baby belly.

"Take care of our son, darling", he says weakly before his breathing stops and his hand falls to the floor, causing the blood to splatter.



"Katniss wake up", I hear a voice say to me and I open my eyes, I see a pair of clear intense blue and worried eyes. "Honey I'm here, I'm here, it was just a dream, I'm here".

My heart rate is high and I'm still crying violently. But I'm lying in Peetas strong and safe arms, wrapped in his warmth.

"Peeta?" I ask in disbelief.

Is he really here? I just saw him die right in front of my eyes.

"Yes I'm here Katniss, I haven't left you and I'll never leave you, baby", he says comforting.

I calm down, it was just one of my horrible nightmares. But I continue to cry.

"You ... you and Willow died ... you were tortured ... and so much blood ... so much blood", I say between sobs and I bury my face in Peeta's warm chest.

Let the rest of the life begin (After mockingjay) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now