Chapter 6: Preparation

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Chapter 6


I hear screams of pain. I run in a dark corridor. There are no doors, just cold black walls. I see a little light at the end of the corridor. I stop in my moves. It's freezing cold here. I only have a light blue dress and I'm barefoot. I look down at my feet. My toenails are painted green and my skin color is really pale. I must look like a ghost.

I hear the screams again and start to run. The dress flutters around me and so does my hair. The only thing I hear is the scream and my own rushed panting.

I run up to the end of the corridor and find nothing else but a door. And a key in the door.

I turn it and the door slides up.

"No!" I whimper.

Peeta is on the floor all bloody and pale, with marks and bruises all over his body. It's a cruel man standing over him, torturing him.

The man whip him with a whip and Peeta screams a death hearing scream.

"Peeta!" I shout as if my life depended on it. "Stop it! Peeta! No! Peeta!"

But the man doesn't stop before he Peeta's body is totally destroyed.

"No!" I scream when the man takes out a knife. "NO!"

I run up and try to grab the mans hand, but I don't make it in time, the man sticks the knife into Peeta who screams out in pain. He screams until the life in his body is gone. He turns his head towards me in his last few seconds and he  just looks at me.

"I love you Katniss", he breathes out barely hearable and his eyes start to see without really seeing. He's dead.

"PEETA", I roar and tears spurts out of my eyes. "PEETA! NOOO! PEEEETAAAA!"

"Katniss", I hear I voice. "Katniss, wake up, dear".

I open my eyes. Where is Peeta? The bed is empty, except for me.

I freeze and I feel how I'm shaking.

Flavius is bending over me, looking at me with a worried face.

"She's waking up", he shouts. Venia and Octavia are standing next to Flavius. "Katniss how are you? You yelled after Peeta".

"Di-did I?" I asks  confused while my tears flow.

"Yes, everyone was super worried", Octavia says tentative.


"The whole house heard your screams Katniss", Veina says and pats me on the back of my hand.

"I want Peeta", I sobb.

"Katniss, Haymitch already brought him away just now", Flavius says. "He was here outside the door and had a huge quarrel with Effie, about him wanted us to let him in and let him comfort you because he's the only one who knows how, but Haymitch came and almost carried him away".

"PEETA!" I scream as if I'm still in my nightmare.

My assistants jumps.

The door opens and I hope it's Peeta coming in, but it's Effie with Johanna and Annie behind her.

"Katniss", Annie and Johanna shouts and throw themselves on me.

"Are you okay, honey?" Annie asks.

I nod.

"I just want Peeta here", I sobbed.

"He is very angry that they didn't let him come in", Johanna says. "He even hit Haymitch, he became so heartbroken when he stood outside the room and heard you scream after him".

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