Legal document

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Daesung was really tired, he arrived in Japan and the first thing he wanted to do is call Seunghyun but he couldn't; he had to go and meet some people. The meeting went well and the producers explained what they want to do and how they want to do it and Dae was really excited. He loved singing in Japan; he had so many fans there. Daesung fell asleep after a few hours and his phone kept buzzing but this didn't wake him up.

Seunghyun was worried the whole day. He left many voicemails for Dae, he even sent text messages and nothing, he was really getting paranoid. He had to meet with the directors once again today and he didn't want to, he kept checking the TV for any air accidents he feared the worse! Just when he was about to call Dae for the 100th time, his phone rang and luckily it was his angel.

"Dae! Oh God! I was worried! Why do you do this to me? Why didn't you answer? You want me to die?" Seunghyun talked rapidly and Dae just laughed.

"You are the cutest person ever! I fell asleep, I am sorry. Were you really that worried?"

"Just check your vocal messages...on second though don't check your voice messages, you'll laugh too much. I was just worried." Seunghyun said calming down.

"Sorry if I worried you. I am ok, I am just tired, I met with the producers yesterday and it turns out I'll have a album to record."

"What? No! You're coming home right now!"

"Come on Hyunnie, don't be like that. You can visit me someday." Dae said cutely.

"I will and you better prepare!"

"Oh, I am prepared...Have a good day Hyunnie."

"You're hanging up?" Seunghyun asked.

"Yes, I have to go to the studio but don't worry, I'll call you tonight or maybe we can Skype."

"10 PM, naked and on Skype!" Seunghyun laughed.

"Pervert! " Dae laughed and then hung up.

Seunghyun sighed deeply and then went to meet up with the movie directors. He just wanted to fly to Japan now and hug his boyfriend, to kiss him a million times and then to spend the hottest most passionate night of their lives together but it wasn't possible right now; Dae had to work and so did he.

On the other side of Seoul, Seungri was just waking up in the big bed of Jiyong's. Jiyong was not there, and Seungri pouted, he wanted to embrace his boyfriend. He got out of the bed and went to the kitchen hoping to find his boyfriend but instead he found nothing. He turned on the coffee machine and began making some breakfast when two hands wrapped around him and a pair of lips kissed his neck. Seungri quickly turned around and found a really sweaty Jiyong there.

"Went running?" Seungri asked and placed a quick kiss on the older's lips.

"Yeah, I didn't run in so long. I'll go and take a shower."

"Good, I'll finish breakfast."

After Ji took his shower and Seungri cooked, they both enjoyed eating together. They talked about the day's plans and surprisingly Jiyong wanted to clean the whole penthouse. Seungri agreed since the penthouse was indeed really really dirty.

After breakfast they started a heated make-out session that ended with both of them on the couch. They cuddled for some time and Seungri's neck was attacked with kisses and little bites that made the younger shiver. Jiyong was a true master of seduction.

"Should we begin?" Seungri asked.

"No...I want to cuddle more. You're so cuddly."

"Come on, we're never going to finish." Seungri smiled and Jiyong sighed and got up.

They vacuumed, dusted and Seungri never realized hot freaking big the penthouse was. They had fun cleaning, Jiyong turned up the music and they were both dancing. Seungri moved sexily while Jioyng looked at him and began sweating. He pushed Seungri to the wall and they began making out again. Then, after the living room was clean, Seungri moved to the kitchen while Jiyong took the bathroom. They finished quickly and when Seungri was cleaning, his phone rang, it was Bae. He didn't want to answer but after Bae insisted, he did. Bae told him to meet at a café tonight and that he has something important to tell him and then he hung up. Minutes later Seungri got a text with the address of the café and he wasn't sure if he wants to go or not. He told Jiyong about and his boyfriend didn't take it so well, he was quite mad about this.

After they were done cleaning, they took a shower together and Seungri was feeling so good when Jiyong touched him. They spent hot times in that shower and after they came out they were smiling and hugging each other lovingly. The night came and Jiyong was watching TV while Seungri was preparing for going out to meet Bae.

"So you're going?" Ji asked.

"Yes, I want to tell him to leave us alone and that I won't take the dancer job." Seungri said and Ji smiled.

"Should I drive you there?"

"No, I will handle it."

"Good luck." Ji said and pulled Seungri into a kiss.

YoungBae waited in front of the café for about 5 minutes until Seungri showed up. The café was empty, it looked like Bae rented the place and Seungri was already feeling uncomfortable. Bae wasn't wearing any disguise; he was just wearing black jeans and a really loose shirt he was also carrying an envelope. They entered the café and they both ordered and then sat down at a table. Bae sipped from his black coffee; black as his soul Seungri thought. He put the envelope on the table and slid it to Seungri.

"Open it." Bae smiled and Seungri carefully opened the document. It was a legal one, he could tell and then he looked at a highlighted part and began reading it. He gasped when he read it...

Therefore, any relationships between doctors, psychologists, consultants and their patients are strictly forbidden by the Korean law and it will be punished.

"You should've known're a law student. " Bae said with a victorious smile on.

"I...I didn't..." Seungri almost broke in tears. He is a consultant, Jiyong is his patient, it was really messed up!

"What will you do now?" Bae asked and Seungri looked at him.

"You're a real asshole...What do you think I'll do now? Break up with Jiyong and jump straight in your arms? Get over it, I am happy the way I am and I won't change that! Get out of our relationship!"

"I loved you." Bae said and Seungri scoffed.

"And you let me go because you were afraid...You lost me, get the fuck over it!"

Bae just got up and left. Seungri left too and on the way back he started crying. By the time he arrived, his face was full of tears and Jiyong was really worried about him. Seungri didn't say a word when Ji asked him what's wrong, he just handed him the envelope. Jiyong sighed and dropped the paper on the ground.

"Great...fucking great!"

"I guess we can't be together..." Seungri cried and Jiyong hugged him.

"There must be something we can do..."

"And what if we can't?" Seungri still cried.

"Then I'll fucking die..."

"Don't talk like that..." Seungri said and Jiyong sighed and embraced him.

"Sorry..." He said and kissed his boyfriend's head.

Jiyong didn't sleep all night, he kept thinking about the document. He called his sister in the middle of the night but she was already asleep. He looked at Seungri who was clinging to him and sleeping and a tear escaped his eyes.

Seems like you won Bae...or did we both lost?

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