Dancing is....hard

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The dancing room was booming with music as the guys were finishing up the choreography for the new song. They were really excited for this song and everyone gave their best, even Seunghyun who moved really good impressing both Dae and Bae. Seungri and Jiyong were looking at them, commenting on the steps and Seungri had so much fun watching Bae dance. It was like gravity had no affect on him while he danced, it was amazing on how he moved, damn amazing and hot.

Everyone felt good, it was a sunny day and everyone's moods, including Ji's were good. Ji was happy that now he was talking with Seungri, after those awkward moments they kind of drifted apart but now they were talking again which was awesome.

The music stopped and Seungri grabbed a water bottle and rushed to Bae who was on the floor, all sweaty, panting heavily. Seungri gave him the water bottle and Bae smiled sweetly.

"Thank you. How were my moves?" Bae asked.

"Awesome as usual. You're good!"

"Can you learn the dance too?" Bae said and Seungri's face reddened.

"I'm not that good!"

"Sure you are...I'll teach you later...when we're alone." Bae winked.

Seungri blushed more and then he went back to his seat, next to Jiyong who was not really giving a fuck about what was happening. He was more interested in Seunghyun and Dae who were making out like crazy in a corner of the room. They looked sweet and hot at the same time and Ji couldn't help picturing him with Seunghyun. He missed the way he kissed Seunghyun, he missed the way Seunghyun acted with him...too bad he acted like a jerk and made poor Seunghyun suffer so much. He was a freak an unloved freak that everyone should stay away from.

Even Seungri kept his distance now and Ji could not only see it, he could feel it. Sometimes he wished he wasn't that observant, he wished not to know everything about a person. He was glad he was talking to Seungri again but it wasn't like always. Before the kiss, they always would've flirt or winked at each other, not it was plain talk which Ji found useless and boring. He hated this society; he hated this world at this point.

He glanced over at his best friend, that bitch who always gets what he wants. Sure, he's awesome to hang out with, he has the same tastes as Ji but sometimes he's annoying as fuck. Every time Ji liked someone, Bae would steal it away. Why? Because Bae had the looks and Ji had the brains and brains are not sexy. Sure, Bae didn't do it on purpose...most of the times...but it was annoying as hell. I hate it when I think too much, I need to do something. Ji thought as he got up and went to the exit of the room.

"Seunghyun, Dae...quit making out, we have to record something. You too Bae." Ji said.

"I'll be there quick." Bae said. Seungri wanted to follow Ji but Bae told him to stop, he had that grin on his face and Seungri found that extremely sexy.

Seunghyun and Dae got up and followed Ji to the recording room. They were holding hands and they both acted so sweet. Dae was still a bit unsure of this relationship but Seunghyun promised he would take it slow.

"How about dinner tomorrow night? In the city." Seunghyun asked.

"Are you crazy? The paparazzi will eat us."

"We'll wear our hoods. Please? I want to take you on a real date and I know we can't afford the privacy but at least let me get you out to have dinner."

"Are you sure?"

"Ji and I got on dates outside most of the time, no one noticed us. I have friends with private restaurants so I can get us a table away from the curious eyes."

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