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Days passed and today the guys were recording the goodbye stage. A lot of fans came and it warmed Bae's heart seeing everyone cheering for them. He loved the attention, adored all the fans around him and made a promise that he will entertain the fans in the best way he could; mainly by showing his body.

Seungri was tired; he definitely needed a nap after all this. Not only that he danced his ass off, Bae proposed a job for him and it's quite an offer. He wants to take it, he wants to become a dancer, a dancer that everyone would love but he feels like Jiyong won't approve. Jiyong was supportive with the idea but Seungri knows that he doesn't like it one bit and he has reasons too.

Seungri knows that Bae is not who he seems to be and he knows that the vocalist still has feelings for him. Somehow, if Bae was determined to forget everything, Seungri would take the job immediately; the problem was that Bae wasn't going to forget anything.

"So, are you going to let Seungri dance for us?" Bae asked Jiyong while Seungri was changing. Jiyong threw him a look that sent shivers down Bae's spine.

"I won't say no. I am a supportive boyfriend and I will let him do whatever he wants."

"Oh, so even if he is going to work with me?"

"Yes Bae, even if he is going to work with a manipulative bastard like you." Ji threw him a smile.

"I bet you're going to keep a close eye on him."

"I trust him enough." Ji smiled again and then Seungri appeared and hugged Jiyong. Bae looked at the guys and smiled. Hug while you still can...

The recording started and it went really smoothly. In about two hours everyone was done and Bae invited everyone to a restaurant so they could eat and drink peacefully. Jiyong didn't want to go but Seungri was very eager so he had to follow his boyfriend. The only ones who didn't join were Seunghyun and Dae.

The couple went home immediately and they were both a bit sad. Everything ended and that meant that Daesung had to leave for Japan starting tomorrow. Seunghyun didn't know what to do, he was really scared of being alone, not being able to kiss Dae and hug him. It will be a tough time without his lover and Dae hoped his boyfriend will be ok.

As soon as they arrived home Seunghyun kissed Daesung passionately wrapping his big arms around the younger's body. They were both so passionate and Seunghyun will surely miss Dae's body heat.

"I have to pack..." Dae whined and Seunghyun still didn't let go of him.

"I have to get rid of this hand-on." Seunghyun laughed and Dae kissed him.

"Later ok? I have to pack and you have to help me."

Packing with Seunghyun isn't as fun as it sounds; especially when you are his hot boyfriend. If Seunghyun would've packed Dae's luggage, the poor guy would have only sweaters to wear since everything was too sexy for him. Seunghyun found sexiness in everything Dae wore even some ugly turtleneck sweater.

"I want to wear short sleeves, its September and hot!"

"Maybe Japan will be hit by a cold wave...I don't want you to get sick!"

"I won't get sick! Don't be so jealous." Dae said putting some t-shirts into his luggage.

"No, not this! This shirt is too sexy!" Seunghyun said getting out a red t-shirt.

"It's my favorite one!" Dae complained.

The poor guy was tortured by Seunghyun's jealousy, it was insane already! He managed to finish everything in about 3 hours and then Seunghyun grabbed him and threw him on the bed.

"Now, can we please have sex?"

At the restaurant, the guys were celebrating and everyone was having so much fun; everyone except Jiyong who had to seat near Bae. Seungri was there with him but he didn't want to ruin Seungri's mood with his complains.

"So? Did you think about my proposal?" Bae asked Seungri and Ji already threw him a death glance which he ignored.

"Yes, I don't know yet though..."

"Come on, it will be fun! We'll pay you big time." Bae smiled. "How much does Ji pay you?"

"A lot." Ji said and Seungri nodded.

"Well the salary is good here too. Please think about it!"

"I will..."

"We can offer you free rides and think about all the great places you can visit!"

"He said he'll think about it!" Ji said with a stern cold voice.

Jiyong got up from his seat and went straight to his car. After a few seconds, Seungri followed him and when he got into the car Jiyong was resting his head on the wheel. Seungri put a hand on Jiyong's shoulder and the older looked at him and smiled.

"You can go back; I am not in the mood for anything." Ji said.

"Let's go home then." Seungri smiled.

Jiyong turned on the car and they went home. Seungri didn't say anything, he felt a bit guilty for everything. It's his fault that Bae acts like this! Jiyong was trying hard to contain his anger, getting angry won't help the situation; it will only cloud his judgment.

As they arrived home, Seungri went to take a shower while Jiyong just sat in front of the TV doing nothing. When Seungri came back, he went straight to Jiyong and gave him a big hug. Jiyong hugged him back and they kissed lightly.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" Ji asked.

"I won't accept Bae's offer, I know it bothers you and I know you and him and not on the best terms so it's best if I don't spend time around him."

"If it's your dream and you'll be happy, you can do whatever you want. Yes, I don't like Bae but I won't die if I spend time with him. As long as it makes happy."

"You're sacrificing too much for people. Your happiness is important too."

"I'm happy if you're happy. "

"Stop being so nice to me. I get you're trying to make me happy and I am really appreciating the effort but you don't have to be miserable!"

"I'm not miserable and I told you I am fine. Spending a couple of hours with Bae won't do anything, I know I can spend more with you anyway."

"But you'll be jealous."

"I trust you and even if he hits on you, I will be there to hit on him...with my fists." Ji laughed.

"I hate this situation...Why does he have to like me?"

"Well you're adorable." Ji said placing a kiss on Seungri's lips. "And you smell really sexy now. Is that my shower gel?" Ji said kissing Seungri's neck. "And damn I want you right now." Ji said seductively touching Seungri's chest.

Seungri yelped when he was lifted from the couch and carried to Jiyong's room. They were truly in love and no one could ever deny that. Bae just had to understand that he and Seungri didn't have any chance together. Seungri really hoped he would understand.

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