Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

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It's been a week since Henry departed and apologized and Seungri was feeling really good. He was really starting to get over the whole thing and Jiyong and Bae were helping every day. Seungri was happy today, he didn't think about Henry, no more drama in that department. Still he was feeling weird and noticed that Bae and Ji were constantly getting on each other's nerves and it seemed really serious. Yesterday Ji stormed out of the recording room and he didn't know why.

He was now in the dance practice studio, alone on the floor after Ji and Bae had one of their mini-fights and Ji just stormed off. Bae went after him so Seungri was left here alone. He wanted to go after Ji but he figured he needed a bit of time alone and disturbing Ji is not a good idea.

YoungBae was running on the small stairway that led to the roof and when he arrived he found Jiyong there, casually smoking a cigar. He wanted to go and apologize to his friend; he felt bad for everything he said and it was so weird that they were fighting over a guy.

"Don't worry, I won't jump or anything." Ji said. Of course he knew Bae was there.

"I'm not worried about that..."

"Then why are you here?"

"I'm sorry, these fights are pointless and one day we're going to fight really badly and I don't want to lose you."

"I don't want to lose you either." Ji exhaled letting the smoke out.

"What are we going to do?" Bae asked and Ji scoffed.

"Out of all the guys, all the fucking fanboys or whatever you chose the same guy I like...again. What are we going to do YoungBae? Nothing! You don't have to do anything, he'll come flying into your arms and you don't even have to speak. "

"What do you want me to do?"

"Nothing, you can do absolutely nothing at all! Just leave me alone ok?" Ji said calmly.

"I want to help you bro..." Bae said.

"You want to help me? Get lost! I don't want to see you now." Ji said and Bae sighed.

Bae left and went back to the dance studio while Ji was still there, on the roof smoking from his cigar. He should stop but he can't! This stupid fight is pointless, Seungri will always choose Bae over me, Bae is awesome, he has vocal skills, he has the body and I have nothing; I just have a bigger brain than most humans and this is not sexy.

Seunghyun made his way to the roof, he wanted to smoke a cigar, alone until Dae was finished eating. When he arrived, he saw Ji there and wanted to leave but he turned and saw him and he decided to stay. Ji didn't say anything, just lit up another cigar and waited for the tall guy to speak.

"Hurricane Seungri?" Seunghyun spoke with his deep voice that still made Ji shiver.

"More like Bae and Seungri..."

"So why are you staying here? If Bae is going to make a move, you should make one too." Seunghyun said and Ji sighed.

"What move? Seungri barely notices me when Bae's around. "

"There was Bae there when I chose you..." Seunghyun said and that made Ji close his eyes and smile.

"Good times huh?"

"How we used to kiss in the recording booth..."

"Kiss?" Ji smirked.

"Okay...make-out session and hot sex. "

"And I screwed everything..."

"Be glad it happened and you had a part of this awesome stud that I am..." Seunghyun laughed.

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