Ice cream, Dates, and Paparazzi

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It was two months since Seungri arrived in Ji's house and changed Ji's life forever. Ji wished things were otherwise, since that kiss he was confused with his feelings. He didn't want to get close to Seungri but he couldn't help it, he liked Seungri and the fact that Seungri didn't give a damn about him it hurt him really bad.

Ji was lying in bed at 8AM trying to figure out a way not to care about Seungri that much. Math, physics and even chemistry are easy but is pure hell! I can't figure this stuff out! I can't do it, I can't love Seungri. At the end of these 6 months he'll leave and let me here, alone with my shitty life. I am not allowed to do drugs anymore...I won't go back to the dark place again because I know if I'll do it, I'll surely die. His thoughts were interrupted by his phone ringing, he picked it up, looked at the screen; Big sis Dami is calling.

"What a nice surprise..." Ji answered.

"Yah! Talk properly to your sister!"

"How are you gorgeous?" Ji asked making his sister chuckle.

"Good. How are you? I decided to call you before I call Seungri. Are you ok? Do you enjoy his presence?"

"Oh yeah..." Ji shortly answered. "Everything's perfect." He continued with a sarcastic tone.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Nothing. Everything is ok. Don't you worry sis."

"What happened?" She asked one more time with a more demanding tone.

"He kissed me." Ji said and stopped to hear his sister squeal. "But he was drunk so it doesn't count. Now, we're awkward and Bae is flirting with him...Did I mention that Seungri has a boyfriend that cheats on him?" Ji said and heard Dami sigh.

"Poor you...want me to get over there? Maybe we can go out." Dami said.

"I am sure you have important business plans and I don't want to interfere. I'll play nice with Seungri, don't worry about me ok?"

"Okay, but if you need something don't hesitate to call me, I'm your sis and I care about you."

"Love you." Ji said.

"Me too baby bro."

Ji got out of the bed and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. He fed Gaho first, the poor dog seemed to be starving and then he got out the pancake mix and began cooking. He wanted to make a nice breakfast for Seungri, not that he wanted to impress him or anything...just like that.

After about 30 minutes, Seungri showed up too and his eyes widened when he saw the meal that Ji prepared. Ji was smiling and flipping the last pancake; Seungri was surprised and went to give Ji a long hug.

They hugged for minutes and they felt really good in their embrace. Seungri loved hugging people and Ji's hugs were so warm and caring! Ji hated hugs usually but he loved hugging Seungri close to his body. Then, they smiled at each other and stayed like this until it became awkward.

"Thanks for the breakfast." Seungri smiled.

"Well it's at least I can do. You're here for two months and you don't consider me such a big freak." Ji smiled.

"I like weird people; it never gets boring around here." Seungri smiled.

"Let's eat."

They ate and Seungri was so pleased with the meal. Everything was delicious and they talked, laughed and even flirted a bit. It was a special day for both of them. Two months passed really quickly but so many things happened and many more are bound to happen in the next 4. Ji's sister called Seungri too; they talked for 30 minutes and laughed loudly. Seungri loved how energetic Ji's sister was, almost nothing as her brother except her beauty.

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