Road trip

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Jiyong woke up and checked the time; it was 12PM already and he rubbed his eyes and yawned. He then looked at the sleeping boy that was beside him and smiled. Seungri looked exhausted but completely beautiful. He slowly caressed the younger's hair and Seungri just shifted in his sleep.

He decided to get up and cook something since he was really hungry; sex can make you hungry as hell! He put on his pink robe and went to the kitchen and while he was thinking of what he is going to cook his phone rang; it was his sister.

"Hello beautiful." Ji answered the phone.

"Who are you and what did you do with me brother?"

"It's me silly. What's up?"

"I can see Seungri makes you really happy."

"He does, he's a sweetie. " Ji said smiling widely.

"So? Anything special for today? It's his 4th month with you..."

"Is it today? Oh shit! I didn't prepare anything...we had an awesome night last night and..."

"I don't want to hear you bragging about having sex bro...I was thinking that you should go somewhere with him." Dami suggested.

"Your beach house?" Ji grinned.

"I was thinking about our parent's cabin..."

"Too bad, I like the beach. You're not going there anyway; you're too busy doing paperwork." Ji grinned and his sister sighed.

"Fine, but don't have sex in my bed!"

"Don't worry; I enjoy sex on the beach." Ji laughed and hung up.

He quickly prepared some special breakfast for the sleeping boy and he couldn't wait to wake him and give him the good news. The trip will have to wait until tomorrow though, it's a long drive there and it's already the middle of the day and its hot as fuck, Ji hates driving when it's so hot outside.

He cooked eggs, fried some delicious bacon and then for desert he cooked pancakes with delicious syrup. He placed everything on a tray and then went to his bedroom, just to find Seungri rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning." Ji smiled and Seungri looked at him with wide eyes.

"Breakfast in bed, you're really trying to impress me." Seungri smiled and then when Ji approached, he gave him a sweet kiss. "Good morning."

"Happy 4 months. " Ji smiled.

"Thanks. And thanks for last was awesome." Seungri blushed.

"I know I'm good, no one complained yet..." Ji laughed.

"You're passionate, I like that. " Seungri said and began eating. "That's really good." He said chewing the bacon.

"So, how do you feel about a trip?" Ji smiled.

"A trip?" Seungri asked chewing.

"Yes, I know you have recordings next week so we can't stay long but I want to take you somewhere, just to celebrate us." Ji smiled.

"Okay." Seungri smiled.

"We're leaving tomorrow." Ji smiled and Seungri nodded.

The day passed really quickly, they stayed in bed and watched TV most of the day. It was Sunday so Inkigayo was on and Seungri was eager to see how good he had done in the pre-recording. When TDt came on stage everything looked amazing! The show was spectacular and Seungri gasped when he saw himself on the stage.

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