Hyung wants to dance

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Seunghyun was trying hard to learn the new choreography but everything seemed so hard today especially when Daesung was coaching him. Daesung wasn't going easy on Seunghyun and knowing the bingu laziness, he pushed the rapper harder making him sweat so much. Everything was fun though, Dae always had fun with Seunghyun and now they got even closer making everything become sexy.

As Daesung was moving, Seunghyun kept watching him and he liked his lips watching the blonde angel's peach butt. He wanted to squeeze it so bad but he didn't want to be a pervert and scare poor Daesung. Geez, why is there so much bending over in this choreography? Why is he tormenting me?

"Can we take a break?"

"We took one 15 minutes ago."


"Fine, but just for 3 minutes until we drink some water. We have to stay hydrated."

Dae barely finished his sentence and he was pushed down on the couch by a really horny Seunghyun. They were kissing like crazy and both of them wanted something more. Seunghyun's hands were already inside of Dae's shirt, touching his stomach as Dae clung onto Seunghyun's back like he was about to fall. Their passionate kisses turned really hotter as they fought for dominance smashing their lips together and their tongues in a sexy and savage dance. Dae moaned into the kiss sending vibrations through Seunghyun's body. They broke the kiss and immediately looked into each other's eyes; Dae was ready, he was ready for everything.

"H-hyung...Hyunnie...Baby..." Dae moaned uncontrollably as Seunghyun pressed more kisses on Dae's jaw and neck. Seunghyun smirked and kissed more, moving his hands on Dae's abs. Dae chuckled, the movement was tickling him but he didn't mind now, he felt so hot and he knew only Seunghyun could make him feel better.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do with you?" Seunghyun's voice was echoing through Dae's head and Dae looked down at his boyfriend as he was kissing the collar bones.

"M-make me feel good hyung...make me yours." Dae smiled and they kissed again.

This time it was shorter and when they broke the kiss, Seunghyun got up and took Dae into his arms carrying him into the master bedroom. As they arrived, he gently put Dae on the bed and then he climbed on top of him.

Dae was so horny right now and Seunghyun could feel the head leaving his body. Seunghyun found this adorable and he proceeded to take to younger's shirt off. Dae still held close to Seunghyun and he wanted to see the rapper naked already, he wanted to see if he is as toned as he imagined.

As Seunghyun took of Dae's shirt, Dae tried doing the same thing but having bingu on top of him proved harder than it looked. The singer's shirt flew across the room and Seunghyun smirked and ran his hands on the chest and stomach. Dae looked at Seunghyun and the older immediately took off his shirt and Dae was left breathless. He knew Seunghuyn was hot but that hot? It was illegal. He had a six pack, he had a broad chest and damn he was perfect. Dae licked his lips and Seunghyun felt unsure for a second.

"You can stop staring"

"Are you kidding? You look so good." Dae smiled and Seunghyun leaned and kissed his boyfriend. He felt good right now that Dae approved with his body and he was now determined to give Dae ultimate sensations.

"I'll only show my body to you..." Seunghyun smiled and Dae leaned his head on his back giving Seunghyun better access to his neck. The rapper took the opportunity and sank his teeth into the flesh of the younger and began kissing and sucking on it creating love-bites just to mark his territory. Everything was so hot for the two lovers but they wanted more. Dae was feeling things that he didn't knew he was capable of feeling and he was moaning Seunghyun's name so loudly that Seunghyun was scared that the neighbors might complain.

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