Departures and pasta

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Daesung just got out of bed a bit alarmed. I was 9:30 and the flight to Japan is at 11 so he needs to hurry up. Just when he was about to leave the room, two big hands wrapped around him and a pair of lips brushed against his milky neck.

"Where do you think you're going?" Seunghyun's deep voice made his body jiggle.

"I over-slept, I have to hurry." Dae said and his boyfriend sighed.

"I'm going to miss you."

"Me too, please be ok! Visit me often ok?" Dae said cutely.

"Of course. I have to get to YG too; I want to meet with some directors."

"Great. See you soon, I hope."

"Sooner than you think." Seunghyun smiled and kissed Dae

The manager arrived with the van that took Dae to the airport while Seunghyun was preparing for the meetings with some directors. He will miss his boyfriend terribly and maybe acting will distract him enough. They shared one last deep kiss and then Dae was off to Japan. Seungri brushed his teeth, shaved and then took a long shower and he was ready to go to YG. He dressed neatly in a suit and he was ready to meet with the directors.

At YG, Bae was in the dance room just practicing his moves. YG scheduled some shows for him since Dae and Seunghyun will be busy these days and he has to practice his own moves. He also prepares for the upcoming world tour that TDT is going to have.

He was determined to convince Seungri to join the dance team. He knew it won't be easy but he has to convince the younger to leave Jiyong. The jealousy towards his best friend was getting out of hand and all he wanted was Seungri. He was mad at Jiyong for stealing him like that even though he knew Jiyong is an evil genius.

He stopped, took a break and went to the cafeteria to get something to eat and drink; he was quite exhausted. When he entered he saw CL there his heart stopped for a second. He didn't talk to her since the incident and he felt bad for doing that to her. CL saw him, threw him a nasty glare and then wanted to leave but Bae grabbed her wrist.

"Don't leave because of me."

"I'm busy..."

"Come on, let me talk to you!"

"I have nothing to say to you. You're awful!"

"Sorry, I know I messed it up. I just tried to find out the truth."

"Why? Why would you want to ruin poor Jiyong's happiness? Why would you even care? You don't care about Seungri, you just want to fuck him. They deserve each other and they're happy!"

"How do you know I don't care about him?"

"Well when the rumor broke out you broke up with him immediately. I told you, you're an awful person."

"Like Jiyong is much better...he fucked you too..." Bae said and Chaerin was getting mad.

"He did but not because he wanted to find out something... You're totally messed up."

"Whatever...I just came to apologize..."

"Apologies not accepted; now let me go before I kick you in the balls so hard that you'll spit them out!"

Bae kicked a chair before he exited the cafeteria. He tried calling Seungri but he didn't pick up and then he decided to call someone. He called his friend Taehyun which worked in the law department; he just wanted to make sure of something.

Seunghyun was in meetings with directors the whole day and he didn't like any of the scripts. Of course, he's professional and didn't say anything, he just continued reading the scripts and there was one who got his attention. It was about a gambler and it seemed really interesting. He agreed on working with the directors and they were thrilled! After he got out of the meetings, he called Dae and when the younger didn't answer, he was really sad, he wanted to hear his angelic voice. Before he put his phone back in the pocket, it ranged and he saw it was Ji calling.


"What's up?"

"I just came out of a meeting. What are you doing?"

"Just cuddling...I want to invite you here for dinner."


"Yes, Dae left and you probably won't cook anything and you'll feel lonely so maybe a bit of company will make you feel better."


"See you at 8."

Seunhyun smiled and then closed his phone. It was thoughtful of Jiyong to do that, he was always really caring about his friends. Just when he was about to exit YG, Chaerin bumped into him being really sad. She was crying and she also seemed mad and Seunghyun was worried.

"Hey are you ok?"

"Y-yes, don't worry. Sorry I bumped into you." She said and wiped her tears.

"When a GZB like you is crying, I should worry. Come on, I'll buy you a drink if you tell me. " Seunghyun said and Chaerin nodded.

Jiyong was sitting on the couch hugging Seungri as they were watching some boring shows on TV. They were occasionally kissing and talking but it was quite a boring day. Jiyong kissed Seungri's neck and the younger moaned cutely.

"So? Should we start cooking?" Jiyong asked.

"Are you going to help?"


"We have time...just hug me. " Seungri said and Jiyong laughed.

"You're such a panda bear but so cuddly and cute and sexy. I just can't help myself! I need to kiss you every time."

"I don't complain..." Seungri winked.

After about 30 minutes they began cooking and they were such a good team. While Jiyong was boiling the pasta, Seungri was chopping and mixing the vegetables together. They were making some kind of pasta with everything thrown together; it will either be a fail or a delicious dinner. Luckily it was good and they were waiting for Seunghyun to arrive. Jiyong sat the table neatly and just when he was done, Seunghyun arrived.

Seunghyun was impressed with everything, he was also fanboying over the cute couple who couldn't stop cuddling. He cared about Jiyong a lot, even if they had a rough past, he managed to forgive Jiyong and they've become really good friends. Seungri brought the food and it smelt amazing!

"What kind of pasta is this?" Seunghyun asked curiously.

"JiRi pasta!" Seungri laughed.


"Uhm I don't think it has a name, no one was crazy to add as many vegetables we did. We added many things and it's just like us, crazy but trust me, it is very good. "

"It looks amazing." Seunghyun said smiling.

Seunghyun actually enjoyed the JiRi pasta and they had a really great time. They laughed and talked a lot and Seunghyun told them about his meeting with CL today and that she looked sad. He told them what she said and how she is worried of what Bae might do. Jiyong was worried to, he didn't show it but he was worried, not for him but for Seungri, Bae can be crazy at times.

The night was fun though, Seunghyun enjoyed the company of the boys and at about 12AM he decided to go home. When he did, the apartment felt empty without Daesung and he sat on the bed. He finally went to bed around 2 AM waiting for Dae to call him, sadly he never did.

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