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It was a typical boring afternoon for Seungri which was studying in the luxury living room of Jiyong. He has exams in a few days and he needs to prepare a lot for the following exams if he wants to be on top of the class. He managed to do this last year and now he is determined to be the best.  Jiyong was in his own room, working on some lyrics and for some reason he couldn't concentrate properly. Its one week since Seungri came into his apartment and his life was turned apart. The thing that pisses him off is that no matter how much of an asshole he is with his guest, Seungri still stays and seems not to care. Yes, he tried being the biggest asshole ever but that doesn't work with Seungri.

Being bored of writing lyrics and not coming up with everything, he decided to nag Seungri some more. He walked to the living room and saw Seungri writing stuff and he sat on the couch beside him.  He's cute when he is so concentrated...Stop it Jiyong, you don't need this guy n your life! Ji thought and when Seungri turned his head, he just smiled widely.

"What are you doing?"

Ji asked and Seungri smiled.

"Figure it're the observant one. "

Seungri smiled and then got back to writing.

"Well I can see you are writing...quite terribly though...and you're obviously stressed out and tired. Shall I continue? "

Jiyong grinned.

"How do you do that stuff?"

Seungri asked curiously.

"I just do...and I can't stop noticing things."

"Can I just ask how you knew I was bisexual and recently single?"

Seungri asked and Ji grinned. He loved these kinds of conversations where people were interested in his special abilities.

"Well, you wore a couple ring on your right hand for a long time and I can see the faint tan lined and now that you don't have it anymore I figured you're single. And also, the way you talk, move and act told me you're bisexual from the moment you walked in."

Jiyong explained and Seungri's jaw dropped. He kept looking at his hand and now observed the faint tan lines that he had from the couple ring he took off about 3 weeks ago after that nasty break-up.

" got me here."

Seungri said and Jiyong chuckled.
Jiyong was about to say something but he was stopped by the sound of Seungri's phone ringing. He smiled when he heard the song...Ringa Linga...produced, written by GD aka him. It's better that for now Seungri doesn't know about his identity and the fact that he's one of the main producers of TDT, that famous boy-band in Korea.


Seungri answered.

"Hey Ri, it's me..."

Seungri froze. It's him calling and Seungri doesn't know what to do. Jiyong threw a glance at him and he was completely stunned.


Seungri said. Henry Lau, a really cute guy that Seungri dated for 2 years. Their relationship ended a month ago because surprisingly Henry wanted to move to the next level and Seungri refused him. Henry proposed in a really awesome way; he took Seungri on a hot air balloon ride and when they were really high in the sky, he proposed and Seungri froze completely.  Seungri couldn't accept, he loved Henry but he wasn't ready to commit that much. He didn't talk to Henry since the break-up...why is he calling now.

"How are you?"

He spoke and Seungri stood silent for some seconds. Jiyong was still looking at him confused.

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