Ji's on his period

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"Where the hell is it?" Ji said searching through his books. He couldn't find one book, one book that destroyed the perfect symmetry of his bookshelf. One stupid book that made him go nuts since he saw it was missing. He kept searching through his room but he couldn't find it!

"What are you looking for?" Seungri said with a sleepy voice. He just woke up and he was drinking his coffee. He just wore a blue bathrobe and Ji took a minute to analyze it.

"A book." Ji said and Seungri wanted more details. It's been almost a week since he was on that dinner date with Bae and Ji was really not saying anything to him. Seungri wasn't saying anything either, he just made sure Ji doesn't need to use drugs again.

"What book?"

"A fucking book! Did you take it?" Ji glared at Seungri and the younger slowly nodded.

"I took some books to read, I'll go check in my room." Seungri said and quickly went to his room not waiting for Ji's reaction. He returned after a few moments with a book in his hands, Ji glared at him and quickly took it from his hands. Seungri sighed deeply and went to the kitchen to see what's for breakfast.

It was still really early but Ji's screams and Gaho's occasional barks woke Seungri and now he surely couldn't fall back asleep. Ji came to the kitchen too, still glaring at Seungri and mumbling something that the younger didn't even try to understand. He was sure it was in another language, Ji was totally acting weird today.

Seungri cooked alone, under the cautious eyes of Jiyong who was examining his every move. The younger was clearly being nervous from Ji's eyes and managed to make silly mistakes that only caused Ji laughter. When everything was ready, Seungri put the breakfast on the table and Ji started eating happily. He actually smiled; it was the first time in days that Seungri saw him smile.

"Are you feeling the need to take drugs?" Seungri asked and Ji looked at him confused.

"Why the sudden interest?" Ji said with a mouthful of bacon.

"I'm doing my job." Seungri said and Ji scoffed.

"You are here for almost 3 months and all you did was kissing, flirting and have break-up dramas. " Ji said and Seungri frowned. "And to answer your question, yes, I do feel the need to take drugs. Every fucking day." Ji said and Seungri slowly nodded.

"You'll get over it."

"Wow, such a great advice. Please tell me more! Great rehab consultant Seungri." Ji said sarcastically and Seungri rolled his eyes.

"You don't have to act like that."

"Au contraire mon cher, I really do have to act like this."

Seungri gave up; there was no point in continuing the conversation since Ji was clearly pissed off about something. He continued eating in silence watching Ji stuff himself with food. He felt really bad and wanted to fix the situation but didn't know how. He loved it when Ji smiled and talked with him but now it's all insults and mean words and Ji is doing it on purpose.

Ji got up from the table and went to his room immediately. He shut the door behind him and right when he was about read something, his phone began ringing. He looked at the caller ID and it was his sister, he sighed deeply before answering.

"Talk fast, I have to read a novel backward. "

"Uhm, ok...What's up bro? How are you?"

"Nothing special. Reading mostly these days."

"Oh, are you holding up well? I was really busy and I couldn't visit you. I hope Seungri takes great care of you."

"He sure does take care of someone..." Ji scoffed.

"What do you mean?" Dami asked curiously.

"He hooked up with Bae and now they both rub it in my face." Ji said and his sister paused.

"Really? Bae stole him?"

"Not really, Seungri already idolized him. It only took some dance moves and Bae to take of his shirt and boom, they kissed."

"I'm...sorry. I really thought this will work between you two. You want me to do something?"

"Fire Seungri, I don't want to see him in my life. I want to forget about him. He can date whoever he wants, I don't care but he can't live here anymore. He messes with my books too! He put the books in the wrong order and you don't know how many hours it took for me to organize them. " Ji said and his sister laughed a bit.

"Are you sure?"

"God damn it Dami! I am! "

"I'll come and visit these days. I want to talk to Seungri face to face."

"Okay, you're the best sis!"

"I know. Love you bro."

Ji hung up and sighed. He didn't really want Seungri to go but seeing him happy because of Bae made his heart ache. He opened a book, Stephen King's 'Cell 'and began reading everything from the ending. It was quite relaxing and it made him forget about all the drama around Seungri. Since he came here, I felt worse with every passing day. Seeing him completely ignore my constant flirts and everything I do for him. He doesn't care; he wants hot guys with dance skills, just like everybody else.

After about 30 minutes of backward reading, Ji was interrupted by a soft knock on his door. Seungri opened the door carefully and looked inside.

"We were supposed to go to YG today..." Seungri said.

"You can go, I have to read. "

"But you're the producer."

"Leave me alone. Tell your boyfriend that I'm busy." Seungri rolled his eyes and closed to door shut.

Back at YG, Bae just got a text from Seungri that they won't be there today and Bae sighed. He knew Ji was in one of his moods and he didn't want to force anything. Bae went to the recording room where he found Seunghyun and Dae laughing happily.

"No recording today." Bae said and Seunghyun was already ready to go home.

"Why? We're almost done with the album." Dae complained.

"Ji's on his period..." Bae said and Seunghyun laughed.

"Ji's always on his period, there has to be something else." Dae said.

"Seungri...And since you're to blame why don't you compose the song?" Seunghyun said looking at Bae.

"Why am I to blame?"

"It's obvious that Ji likes Seungri and you like Seungri and I don't want our band to get caught between a love drama so you better start composing our new song." Seunghyun smiled bitterly, Bae just glared at him.

"If I recall correctly, you two are in a love drama too." Bae said and Seunghyun scoffed.

"And as you can see, our relationship doesn't affect the band." Seunghyun said and Bae got angry.

"Guys, don't fight! Let's work on something today and then show it to Ji. I am sure he'll be better. Calm down, please." Dae smiled and the guys sighed and gave up.

The day passed quickly at YG and they didn't quite do anything, producing a song is more difficult than they thought. Eventually they gave up and Bae admitted that it was really hard trying to be Ji today. The song sounded weird and it didn't make sense, Ji will sure have a laugh when he'll listen to that. Back at the penthouse things were silent again. Ji was now watching some TV shows and Seungri joined him after some time. They didn't talk again and when Seungri began talking on the phone with Bae, Ji just left.

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