Chapter Ten: I'm All Yours, Cam

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*Jessie’s POV*

Fucking chickens.

I hate them, I’m glad we’re going to eat them. I’m glad we’re going to eat their unprocessed babies.

Okay, so I might sound like a bit of a monster.

But I’ve been running around for the past half hour trying to get the last one back into the pen. They had been running wild all over the ranch, disturbing the horses. Making that annoying “BACK!” noise that makes me cringe.

“Get ‘em Jessie girl! C’mon, now. Grab a hold of them cocks!” Jack’s voice boomed, I froze before I started laughing along with him.

“You’d know all about that, wouldn’t ya Jack?” I giggled, astounded to be hinting at something else.

“Mmm hmm. Mary knows how to grab a cock.” He grinned at me, leaning up on the pen rails. I was supposed to get the chickens, while Jack made sure they stayed in the pen.

Because someone who shall remain nameless accidently broke the chicken pen gate. So know the chickens are running wild, making that annoying clucking sound as they flapped everywhere.

I ducked behind a horse stall, following a black rooster with red on the tip of his tail thing, as it did that bobbing thing they did with their heads, the horses neighed back.

I was about to grab it when of all the luck I slipped on some hay. I fell back with a giggle, the hay stacks were actually comfortable to sit on.

Trying to get up, I realized it was a bit hard. I had friggin butter feet, so I just kept slipping back on to the stacks.

“Need some help?” uh oh.

“No thank you, Cam. I can get up by myself.” Why did it suddenly seem so. . . . not awkward, it was like we were more aware of each other in that way.

“Yeah, because you been successful every time.” He shook his hand in front of me, urging me to grab on.

I humphed and pushed myself up, only to slip on more stray pieces of hay. I felt hands circle my waist as I fell back-wards, a fear of mine was falling.

Yes, falling.

I have Basophobia.

It seemed that as I slipped back, Cam fell along with me. I hoped he couldn’t feel my raing heart beat against his or my terrified face.

I squeezed my eyes shut and breathed in and out evenly, repeating the process.

Breathe Jessica, breathe.

“Are you okay? Jessie.” Cam was rubbing his arm on my shoulders, and in my panicked state I realized he was trying to comfort me.

“Fine. Fine. I’m fine.” I panted, hugging my shaking self. My legs felt numb, they were locked up. My heart gentled at its pace to a almost normal speed.

“Basophobia.” He guessed right, pulling some pieces of straw hay off of my face. His fingers felt warm and smooth, yet so hard skinned as he stroked my skin in doing so.

“How do you know, cowboy?” I took in deep breaths, shaking my feet a bit in order to de-numb them.

“Cause I got a little cousin with the same phobia. Happened when his parents didn’t catch him after he fell off the little jungle gym thing them youngins play on.” He was leaning back on the hay, tilted on his side as he kept a strong comforting hand on me.

“Why did you send me those flowers?” I asked quietly, looking him full on. Cam looked confused for a moment before a familiar smug smile spread on his face.

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