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1243 words.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: extreme cuteness, like seriously this is almost as cute as Vik. you guys may die from a cuteness overload

Preston's POV
Every month Rob tried to make sure we had a special day to celebrate. Something that was personal to us and our relationship.

One year I decided to take a journal and wrote about each date, what it represents, and what we did that year.

January 23rd
Rob and I have hot chocolate every year today. We just hang out and watch Netflix. I always make sure to make Rob's hot chocolate with a little bit of extra chocolate and marshmallows.

Rob told me that he made today our annual hot chocolate day because he loved my chocolate brown eyes. When I told him that he also had chocolate brown eyes, he shook his head and said 'my eyes aren't nearly half as pretty as yours.'

February 2nd
Rob decided that today would be our annual romantic dinner day. He put rose petals around the house and made a candlelit dinner just for us.

The dinner was filled with compliments from Rob and discussions about both of our days. I felt comfortable and relaxed.

The night ended with romantic, passionate love making. It was slow and gentle, filled with our intentions of showing how much we loved one another.

March 19th
Rob labeled this day our annual strange things day. We would hang out with one another and have a day of being a completely different person from ourselves.

Rob usually wore flower crowns and random, old shirts he never wore. I had outfits planned every year for this, all of which included wearing a skirt or dress. Both Rob and I really had a love for me in a skirt, which made these nights particularly interesting.

April 13th
Rob and I made this day our annual appreciation of the arts day. We would draw, paint, take pictures, and play music all day long. It never mattered which art we chose to appreciate, we just loved being together.

I remember the year when it was raining and I wanted to go outside and take pictures. Rob gladly agreed to go take some pictures in the rain with me.

That led to Rob and I sharing a kiss in the rain, along with me getting a beautiful picture of what I knew was undeniable love.

May 28th
Rob and I made today an annual reading day. The two of us went to our local bookstore and picked out a few books.

That's all this day was. A day where we sat comfortably in our own silence, reading and embracing the other's presence.

June 6th
This was the day that always began our annual beach trip. Rob and I would stay at the same beach every year, for six days.

We would take nighttime walks on the shore and collect seashells during the day.

Rob even put up with me every time I wanted to build a sandcastle, go swimming, get ice cream, or just act very childish.

July 11th
Rob made today our memories day. We would both sit around and talk about random things we remember.

I remember so many stories we told each other every year. We even made memories just out of appreciation for the day and one another.

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