Past Lovers-Vikklan

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1138 words
Type: Fluffy/kind of smut
Warning: sex, bondage (blame Mitch), alcohol (blame Preston), mention of a law about rape (again, blame Preston+American laws), cuddles (blame Vik)

Lachlan's POV

Oh Mitch? He was easier to get with than you think. He was the first pack member I've had sex with. To be fair though, Mitch didn't know that. In fact, I don't think anyone really did, I was pretty good at manipulating people. Still am.

Anyways, Mitch was just like everyone thought. Kinky, but romantic. Cocky, but submissive. Basically, in the bedroom, he was my little bitch.

How did it happen? Well...

Mitch and I were lightly flirting when Jerome was out of the house for the weekend. That soon led to me using some dirty talk against Mitchell, which had him begging by the time I touched his cock.

He was a horny little fuck, I guess Jerome wasn't doing too good with him. Anyways we had sex in his bed and it went on for hours. I did everything he wanted, which was probably the good thing to do, considering he was cheating on his boyfriend of 4 years.

I tied him up, put the gag in his pretty little mouth, and fucked him, hard. I fucked him until he couldn't take it any longer. We fucked until we were both too tired to keep going, until his hands were burned from the rope, until his voice was rough and raw from screaming every time I hit that one spot he loved.

It was late-June, the scorching hot weather making us hotter and covered in sweat by the end of it. However, Mitch loved every second of it and my phone was full of dirty texts from him for two weeks.

Now the texts never stopped, still don't, but now is not every day like it was for those two weeks.

[so there is a slight mention of a law about rape in this one. Blame the legal system for having good laws and blame Preston for drinking alcohol. You can also blame me because I wrote the story. ¯\_()_/¯]

Okay now Preston was a little more difficult. He was a challenge to get to kiss me, fucking me was a whole different story.

The first time I tried to do much as kiss Preston, was not successful. The second time I tried to kiss him was also not successful.

By this point I had been in Texas for eight days and it had been a month since I fucked Mitch. I was itching for a taste.

Unlike the other two attempts, my third attempt was highly successful. I had the perfect atmosphere, a loud party, and the secret key to Preston's body, alcohol.

(Law about rape mentioned below because I'm a good person. I swear.)

Now don't worry, I didn't have sex with someone who was drunk because I know that's considered rape and blah blah blah, I stopped listening.

(See? It wasn't that bad. Still I wanted to warn you guys.)

However, I drank as well and Preston wasn't drunk when we had sex. In fact, he was pretty sober. Only two shots of vodka in and Preston was on me, lightly sucking my neck.

I got sick of just kissing him, and after this I figured Preston was more of a romantic and old-fashioned kind of sex guy, so I started slow. This would have irritated me, but I think at this point I was too horny to care.

So I slowly took Preston into one of the bedrooms and put my tie on the door. He was pretty much what I expected as well, submissive, horny, hasn't had a good fuck in ages, desperate for sex.

We fucked slowly and passionately. We fucked like we were in love. But we weren't. We were at a party full of drunk, honey people tearing each other's clothes off. Yet here we were, fucking like we had been in love for ages. Fucking like we had just gotten married. We fucked like there was no one else in the world and, at that point, I wanted to believe no one was.

If I didn't have the goal of using every pack member, I probably would have fallen in love with Preston. In fact, if you want full honesty, I did fall in love with him for a while. I never dated him, but we hooked up a few more times and they were all the same as our first one.

So I got bored and moved on to my next pack member.

Rob and I had a pretty interesting experience. Our time together was short and sweet, both with a "no strings attached" agreement.

We were getting food after some late night work at one in the morning. Rob and I were both really stressed and since I knew sex was a good stress reliever, I suggested it to Rob.

This was about two months after what I like to call my "Preston Incident." So probably like early September or late August.

Rob for some reason agreed and we ended up having sex in the handicap stall in the men's bathroom. After we both finished, we cleaned up and ate our food like nothing happened.

I have to say I respect Rob a lot for that. He just had casual sex with one of his best friends and just continued where he left off like nothing happened. I might've been on Rob for a bit longer, but I still had to crawl under Jerome, quite literally,before Mitch snitched about what happened in June.

Now Jerome was like a mixture of Preston and Rob. He was difficult to seduce, like Preston, but we just had casual sex, like Rob. Plus, Jerome was the first pack member I bottomed for, so it was an interesting experience.

The real problem with seducing Jerome is that he thought I was joking, which pissed me off. When I finally convinced him I wasn't kidding, aka get him a boner so he understood I wasn't fucking with him yet, Jerome took complete control.

Jerome took me up to my bedroom and fucked me up against the wall. When we both finished, he pulled up his pants and went to record. Again, just what I wanted.

Casual sex?
Yes, doll. That was until I met someone really great. Someone who I refused to use because they were just so perfect that I couldn't ever possibly dream of hurting them without hating myself for it.

Doll that's you.
I know. Tell me the story about how you used me.
That's the problem, Vikky. There isn't one.
I've never used you the way I've used them, Vik. I love you too much to ever hurt you.
Awe. Baby come here.
That night, I curled up in my baby boy's arms and fell asleep, feeling content to know he still loved me after all of my past lovers.
Okay so there's a part of this that might be confusing and I will gladly explain to anyone that needs it. Oh and if there are any ships/prompts you guys want me to write about comment them under the 'meow' at the bottom.
Bye X3


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