
676 26 56

1275 words.
Genre: fluffy
Warnings: none really
*Kind of follows the voting prompt but it steers away from it near the end.

Vik's POV
'Stay away from him.'
'He's only going to hurt you.'
'Jerome will ruin you, Vik.'
'We're only trying to help.'
'Can't you see what he's done?'

They always spoke harshly about him. I was only allowed to know two things about the person that would ruin my life if I ever came in contact with him. His name was Jerome. I was to stay away from him.

That's all I knew. That's all they allowed me to know. I was told that I couldn't know anymore and when I asked why they told me it was for the better.

Some better this is.

I'm glad they aren't smart enough to know the simple human response to being denied something. Rebellion. As rebellion is countlessly described and used in most aspects of history, no one has seemed to acknowledge that humans were born to rebel, constrict, and procreate.

That's when he crawled into a small corner of my life, his texts and voice being the two new things I know about Jerome.

'They're lying.'
'I'd never hurt you.'
'Please, babydoll.'
'I want to meet you.'
'I'm never going to use you, babydoll.'
'I love you.'
'You're my babydoll, why can't they see that?'

They wanted me to date Lachlan, I refused. Jerome had stolen my heart to the point where I couldn't look at someone else with the same amount of passion. Next they tried to get me and Preston together, oh how that was a waste. Preston was in love with Rob, but Rob just wanted me away from Jerome.

But it was way too late. I was already in love with Jerome.

They even tried to get Mitch to date Jerome, but their attempts failed. Jerome didn't even give Mitch another glance. His attention was on me, and me only.

I finally decided to meet him, in the middle of the night in the woods by my house.
babydoll; i miss you

daddy; then come see me

babydoll; where? xx

daddy; the woods by your place

babydoll; i'll be there by midnight

daddy; this is risky, babydoll.

babydoll; it'll be alright, daddy

daddy; i'm glad you know my name ;)

daddy; never forget, babydoll

babydoll; i don't plan on it

daddy; yeah well 'plans' don't always work out

daddy; i 'planned' on freely getting to see you without fear of being caught

daddy; see what i mean?

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