Chapter 20: Jabberwock Past!

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3rd Person POV:
      A year before Ever After met Wonderland, these 10 Wonderlandians fought the Jabberwock and 18 years before that, Alice fought the very same Jabberwock. Alice wounded him so much that it took him 18 years to gain it's strength back. Then, 18 years later the Jabberwock came back and attacked the next generation of Wonderlandians. They wounded him too. He wants revenge on them. He wants to kill them first and then their parents and then he wants to destroy Wonderland and then he wants to go to the rest of the world and destroy everything he possibly can. This is the story of the Wonderlandians fight against the Jabberwock, the bandersnatcher, and the jubjub bird.
      Lizzie was not with everyone else. She was at the Magic Lake of Many Colors. She didn't tell her friends where she went. They have been trying to get a hold of her but she turned off her phone so she could avoid them. She sighed as she threw another pebble in there. "There you are." Kitty stated as she sat on a tree branch. Lizzie turned her head and saw Kitty and surprisingly she wasn't smiling. "How did you find me?" Lizzie asked. "I figured you'll want to throw rocks and pebbles in one of the lakes and you can try not to throw them at people. The only time you don't pick up your phone when it's one of us is when you're really upset." Kitty explained. Then the rest of the group walked over. "Hey, Lizzie. Why are you dodging us?" Alistair asked. "Are you okay? I hope you're okay." Maddie stated. Lizzie ignored them and held back tears. "Lizzie?" Tammy asked. Lizzie took a deep breath. "Just.... Leave me alone, please." Lizzie begged. "Wow, this must be serious." Bunny stated as they walked closer to her. Kitty disappeared and reappeared by Lizzie. "What's wrong?" Marchness asked. "Nothing! Nothing is wrong!" Lizzie yelled. "Lizzie. You can tell us anything." Tony stated. "We're more then friends, we're family." Cari stated. "Yeah, well my family hates me, so unless you hate me too, you're not my family!" Lizzie exclaimed as tears began to fall down her cheeks. "You're mom?" Kitty asked, but Lizzie didn't answer. "Lizzie, your mom does not hate you." Cari stated. Lizzie sniffed and wiped her tears. "Yeah, right." Lizzie stated. "What happened?" Tony asked. "My mom said that she will disown me if I don't follow my destiny completely. You all know I really want to be queen, but you also know that I want to be kinder and not chop people's heads off and not to run after Alistair and try to decapitate him." Lizzie explained. "Lizzie. She didn't mean it. She just wants you to follow your destiny and be like her." Alistair stated. "That's easy for you to say, all of you. I mean, you're all hero's. You all love every part of your destiny. The adventure and tea and hats and exploring. The growing and the shrinking and the running and the careless activity. It's all just fun and games with you guys. Bunny has to lead Alistair. Cari stays on a cloud or mushroom and make words out of her hookah. Maddie and Marchness goes to a tea party together. Tammy and Tony confuses Alistair. Kitty tricks Alistair. Dina flys with her umbrella. Alistair goes threw an adventure." Lizzie explained. "I also have to try and survive." Alistair pointed out. "Yeah, but you know that you won't die. I have to try and kill you and yell all of the time, which hurts my throat. I have to be bossy and mean and make people fear me. I always have to win at everything, no matter what. My card guards are terrified of me, a long with everyone else in Wonderland." Lizzie explained. "But now our moms are pretty close. All of our parents are pretty close. What happened in their story's didn't change that." Alistair stated. "True. But.... THAT'S NOT THE POINT!" Lizzie yelled and turned away from the group.
       "Look, if you don't like your destiny, then don't do it." Chase stated. They turned around and saw Darling and Chase. Lizzie turned around so she won't have to face anyone as she felt herself began to cry again. "It's okay if you don't want to follow your destiny." Darling stated. Lizzie sniffed and wiped her tears. She took a deep breath knowing she'll have to face them sooner of later. "Like, for example, if you fell in love." Darling stated and Lizzie's eyes widened. "If you fall in love with someone who's not in your story then you should go for it. Be with them and be happy. Do what makes you happy no matter what anyone says or thinks. You never cared what anyone thought or said before, and that is one of the many things we all love about you. At the end, nothing matters unless you're truly happy." Darling explained. Lizzie finally turned around and faced them. "Y-you're right." Lizzie stated with a sniff. They did a big group hug. "What are you guys doing anyways?" Dina asked. "We were hanging out. But we both have to start our duty for today. We'll catch you guys later." Chase stated as he walked away with Darling. Then the Wonderlandians did one more group hug.
        The Wonderlandians were about to leave when they heard a loud scream. They looked up and saw a Jubjub bird. "Seriously!" Dina exclaimed. Then they heard footsteps and turned around. When they turned around they saw a Bandersnatcher and he growled at them. "Why haven't the attacked yet?" Tammy asked. Then they heard bigger footsteps and a very loud roar. Across the Magic Lake of Many Colors stood the Jabberwock. Then The Caterpillar floated on his cloud with his hookah. There was a bright light that appeared and everyone, includding the Jabberwock, Bandersnatcher, and Jubjub bird, all closed their eyes from the light. When they all opened their eyes again, weapons appeared in front of them. In front of Lizzie was the hobby horse and some razer cards. In front of Maddie were the Vorpal blade and the razer hat. In front of Kitty was the claw gloves. In front of Alistair were the Vorpal Sword and Vorpal sheild. In front of Bunny was the Wrecking Watch. In front of Cari was a different and special Hookah. In front of Marchness were the Teapot Cannon and Jack Spikes. In front of Dina was the Pepper Grinder that has pepper bullets that are covered in proper. In front of Tammy was a flamingo mallet and croquet bomb balls. In front of Tony was a flamingo mallet and croquet bomb balls too. These weapons are famous and legendary in every world and land, but are most famous in Wonderland. The Wonderlandians and the three monsters gasped in surprise. The Wonderlandians picked up their weapons and the Jabberwock kept his eyes on the Vorpal Sword, the only weapon that can kill him. "Let the battle begin." The Jabberwock stated.
     The Wonderlandians faced the Jabberwock and completely forgot about the Bandersnatch and the Jubjub bird. The Jubjub bird made an ear piercing scream and the Wonderlandians covered their eyes. The jubjub bird swooped down and bite Kitty on the arm. Kitty screamed in pain and the bite was bleeding. Cari made some caterpillar silk as Alistair swung his Vorpal Sword at the Jubjub bird but missed. Cari gave Kitty the silk to put on her wound because caterpillar silk works great on wounds to heal them. The Bandersnatcher roared and clawed at Cari who had her back turned. "Cari!" Marchness screamed. Cari turned around and ducked from his claws. She backed away and Alistair got in front of her and swung his sword but missed again. "Ugh! I'm horrible with swords!" Alistair exclaimed. The Bandersnatcher clawed at Alistair and scratched his leg. Alistair screamed in pain and Cari took him out of the fight to use the Caterpillar silk on him. Lizzie ran to the Bandersnatcher and hit him on the foot with her hobby horse. He cried in pain and let out a roar.
         Cari had put the silk on Alistair's wound. Maddie threw her Vorpal Blade at the Jubjub bird but he used his wing to hit it and it was heading towards Cari. "Cari!" Maddie called. Cari made a cloud wall and blocked the Blade. Then she made the wall evaporate into water. She stepped into the puddle and picked up the Blade and threw it at the Jubjub bird. It pieces his wing and fell and Maddie caught it. The Bandersnatcher started heading towards Dina but Dina had her back turned. Dina shot pepper bullets from her pepper grinder at the Jubjub bird but he kept flying and missing it. But the Jubjub bird sneezes from the pepper and hit the tree and started falling. "Dina!" Tammy called. "Duck!" Tony exclaimed. Dina ducked and then Tammy and Tony hit the croquet balls with their flamingo mallets and they blew up on the Bandersnatcher and he fell backwards. Kitty went over to the Jubjub bird and clawed it's face. He let out a cry in pain and smacked Kitty with his wings and made her fall. Her claw glove fell off of her hand when she hit the tree and became unconscious. The Jubjub bird started walking closer to Kitty until Alistair got in front of her. He scratched the other side of his face with the Vorpal Sword. The jubjub bird went to bite him but he blocked it with his sheild. The Jubjub bird hit his face on the shild and fell and his tooth came out. Cari made a cloud and made it evaporate into water on Kitty and she woke up with a start. "Really?" Kitty asked as she stood up and shook herself to get as much water as she can off of her. "Sorry." Cari apologized. Kitty put her claw gloves back on and turned to the Jubjub bird but saw he was gone. They heard a loud scream and looked up and saw the Jubjub bird in the tree. "I've got this." Kitty stated as she began to climb the tree. "Oooh, I'll help!" Maddie exclaimed as she began to climb the tree too. Cari made a cloud and got on it and started flying up.
  Meanwhile, The Bandersnatcher tried to attack Bunny but Lizzie threw some Razer Cards at his face and made him scream in pain. The Bandersnatcher went after Marchness and he hit the Bandersnatchers body with his Jack Spikes and he growled. Then Marchness used his Teapot Cannon on the Bandersnatchers face. He screamed in pain as he backed away. The hot tea hurt his fur and eyes.
       The Jabberwock realized it's about time for him to step in. He crossed the river and looked to see who he would attack first. Lizzie raised her Hobby Horse, ready to hit the Bandersnatcher, but he hit her really hard with his paws and made her roll down the hill. As Lizzie rolled down she lost her Hobby Horse. Lizzie screamed in pain because when the Bandersnatcher hit her with his paws, he also scratched her in the stomach. She tried to get up but found that it was hard. The Jabberwock went down towards Lizzie but she was on her side and her back was towards him so she didn't see.
   Alistair, Kitty, and Maddie were in the tree while Cari was on her cloud next to the tree. Maddie held up her Vorpal Blade and was about to stab the Jubjub bird. The Jubjub bird swung the Vorpal Blade out of Maddie's hand and it felt out of the tree. Then Kitty scratched his back with hef claw gloves.
       Dina was shooting Pepper bullets at The Bandersnatchers face when she felt a piercing pain in her right leg. She cried in pain and looked down and saw the Vorpal Blade in her leg. She looked up and saw the Jubjub bird screamed in pain when Kitty clawed his back. "Sorry, Dina!" Maddie apolgized. Tony pulled it out and Dina screamed. Cari flew down and made her Caterpillar silk. Then she started applying it.
    Alistair swung his sword at the Jubjub bird who had just scratched Maddie on the arm. Maddie fell out of the tree but Marchness caught her and set her down. Then Tony handed Maddie the Vorpal Blade back. Maddie threw her hat blade at the Jubjub bird but it missed and hit one of the tree branches. Maddie started climbing the tree again.
     The Jabberwock picked Lizzie up and she waz squirming to get free. The Jabberwock started squeezing her as she gasped for air. Everyone turned and watched. "Lizzie!" The Wonderlandians exclaimed. They didn't know what to do. Alistair climbed down the tree and started running towards Lizzie. He tripped on a tree stomp and the sword went flying out of his hands. It looked like it was going to hit Lizzie. "Lizzie!" Alistair exclaimed. Lizzie was loosing air and her vesion was getting blurry. Lizzie saw the Vorpal Sword and reached up and barely caught it. With little strength Lizzie managed to stab the Jabberwock'shhand and he yelped in pain. He let go of Lizzie and she started falling to the ground as well as the Vorpal Sword. Alistair ran and barely made it in time to catch her as the Vorpal Sword fell to the ground. He layed her on the ground as she breathed heavily. "Lizzie, are you okay?" Alistair asked. "I. Th-think. So." Lizzie replied in between deep breathes.
      Alistair picked up the Vorpal Sword and turned to face the Jabberwock but he was heading to everyone else. He reached to grab Tammy but Maddie used her Vorpal Blade to scratch his face as he yelled in pain. Then he turned to Maddie but Alistair threw the Vorpal Sword and it hit his back and he cried in pain. Tony pulled the sword out of his back as he cried in pain again. The Jabberwock signalled for the Bandersnatcher and Jubjub bird to leave and he followed them with with a limp. Everyone crowded around Lizzie. "I thought the Vorpal Sword is the only thing that can kill him." Marchness stated. "It is." Alistair stated. "Then why didn't it?" Kitty asked. "Maybe we have to use it a certain way." Alistair suggested. "Lets hope so." Dina stated. "Is Lizzie okay?" Cari asked. "She got pretty hurt, but she'll live." Alistair replied. "Thanks to your clumsiness." Bunny said to Alistair. "Hey!" Alistair exclaimed and Bunny laughed. "Lets get Lizzie, and the rest of us who could use some healing, to Chase or Darling." Tammy stated. "Yeah, I think that's something we can all agree on." Tony agreed. They all nodded in agreement. Marchness and Cari helped Lizzie as everyone else who got injured held their wounds or limped in pain as they walked.
      They spotted Chase. "Chase!" Tony called. He turned around on his red horse and saw the Wonderlandians. "Oh my gosh!" Chase exclaimed as he rode over to them. He got off of his horse faced the gang. "What happened?" Chase asked as he took Cari's place in helping Lizzie. "We.... We got attacked.... By.... Jabberwock, Bandersnatcher, and.... Jubjub bird." Cari replied in unison. "Lets get Darling and go to her cottage. I'll help Lizzie on my horse." Chase stated as they all left.
     "You're lucky you aren't dead." Darling stated as she helped Lizzie. "Tell us about luck, weapons appeared in front of us right before the battle." Alistair stated. "Weapons?" Darling asked. They pulled out their weapons from Maddie's hat of many things and showed them what weapons appeared to who and Darling gasped. "Those are the most famous weapons of Wonderland!" Darling exclaimed. "We know." Tammy stated. "And they just.... Appeared?" Chase asked. "Pretty much." Bunny replied. "That's not luck, that's destiny." Chase stated. "What?" Cari asked as they all gave him a weird look, except Darling. "He's right, you know." Darling stated. "About what?" Dina asked. "There's a prophecy about these weapons. They will appear in front of the chosen few when they need them the most. They only appear to the people who deserve them most and those people will now own the weapons." Chase explained. "Wow!" Alistair exclaimed as he examined the Vorpal Sword in amazement. "I think it's time for all of you to get some rest. I'll contact your parents and let them know." Darling stated as she got up. Everyone layed down to get some rest while Chase and Darling told their families about what happened.

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