Chapter 8: The Bridge and Upside Down Waterfall!

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Hunter's POV:
         I was walking and watching Ashlynn from a far. We're in a secret relationship right now. We would tell people, but they wouldn't understand. Dexter walked over to me. "Hey." Dexter greeted. "Hey." I greeted. "I know about you and Ashlynn." Dexter stated and my eyes widended. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Dexter stated and I sighed in relief. "Why?" I asked. "Because.... You deserve to be happy, and so does she. Besides, I have a massive crush on Raven." Dexter stated and my eyes widened. "Queen?" I asked and he shhed me. "Queen?" I asked in a whisper. "Yes." Dexter stated. "You should tell her." I stated. "No, she doesn't like me like that.." Dexter stated. "I think she does." I stated and his eyes went wide. "Really?" Dexter asked. "Yes." I replied. "Okay. I'm going to talk to Raven, and you should consider telling everyone about your relationship with Ashlynn." Dexter stated. "I'll think about it." I stated and he nodded. He walked over to Raven and I watched Ashlynn be an amazed by her surroundings.

Dexter's POV:
   I walked away from Hunter and to Raven and Ginger. "I'm going to go talk to Cedar and Cerise." Ginger stated and Raven nodded. Ginger left and I took a deep breath. I walked over to her. "Hey." I greeted. "Oh, hey Dex." Raven greeted and I smiled. "How do you like Wonderland so far?" I asked. "It's, sort of mad. But also sort of cool." Raven replied and I nodded. "What about you?" Raven asked. "Same." I replied and she nodded. Awkward silence filled the air. "So...." I started but then I tripped. Raven giggled and helped me up. "Are you okay?" Raven asked. "I'll live." I replied. "Yeah. You should be careful. This is an extraordinary bridge." Alistair stated and I sighed as we walked on it.
   We all stopped and looked over the edge of the bridge. There's an waterfall going up instead of down. That's pretty cool. Raven stood next me. "Oh no! A Cheshire!" One fish exclaimed as they swam faster. Kitty grinned. "Don't worry, I won't eat you." Kitty reassured and they slowed down their swimming but was still cautious. The Wonderlandians threw the fish some food and had conversations.... With the fish. Odd, but kind of cool. "There's a lot of clocks here." Briar stated. "Yeah, actually. See that rabbit hole over there?" Bunny asked as she pointed at the rabbitt hole and we all nodded. "That's my home. I'll go get my dad for you to meet." Bunny stated. Bunny turned into an actual Bunny as we all gasped. "Yeah, she can do that. I can turn into a dorm mouse." Dina stated. Alistair lifted her up and let Bunny hop over the lake and over to her house.

Bunny's POV:
   I hoped into my house and saw my dad sleeping. I tried to shake him, but it didn't work. I used my watch to make a noise and he woke up with a start. "I'm late! I'm late!" Dad exclaimed. "Dad! Dad! You're not late." I reassured him. "I'm not? Are you sure?" Dad asked and I laughed. "Yes." I replied and he calmed down. "But I actually have some people I want you to meet." I stated and we hopped out. We hoped on the bridge and I turned back into my human self. I lifted my dad up in my arms. "Can he transform too?" Poppy asked. "No, just me." I replied and she nodded. "I'm actually not surprised this is where your home is. Since all of the clocks and your story." Apple stated. "He's so cute!" Ashlynn exclaimed. "Nice to meet all of you!" Dad exclaimed. "These people are from Ever After. They're here on a feild trip." I stated. "Really?" Dad asked and they all nodded. "Well, it is certainly a privilege to meet your acquaintance." My dad greeted and everyone shook his paws. I gave him a kiss and let him jump over the lake and back home. "I see everyone is amazed, but we should get going." I stated and we all walked away.

Cortley's POV:
      I was watching them from across the lake and behind a bush. Ever After, eh? Well, you're about the meet a joker card. A sneaky smile formed on my face as I followed them.

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