Chapter 23: Bunnistair!

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Alistair's POV:
      Everyone in our group is busy so it's just me and Bunny hanging out by the same tree we always do. We weren't even talking. We just sat against the tree and relaxed. "Do you ever wonder what it's like to go to school?" Bunny asked and I looked at her. "Ws go to school." I stated. "I mean, to go to school as long as the kids from Ever After do." Bunny stated. "Oh, well. I never actually thought about it." I replied and Bunny nodded as she looked away. I starred at her longer then I anticipated. She looked at me with a smile. "Why are you looking at me?" Bunny asked. I looked away, embarrassed. My cheeks are red because of it. "Uh, I-I wasn't." I replied. "Then, what were you looking at?" Bunny asked. My heart was racing. She can't know I have a crush on her! "N-nothing. I-I have to go." I stated. I grabbed my satchel and darted off without another glance at Bunny.

Bunny's POV:
      I sighed when he darted off. I layed my head back on the tree and closed my eyes. Why can't like me back? I like him so much, but he only sees me as a friend.... Unfortunately. I don't know what to do. But then I realised something. I darted up and opened my eyes wide up. Does he know? D-d-does he know about my feelings for him? Is that why he darted off like that? Did he feel uncomfortable? Is this the and of our friendship? What will things be like now? Oh. My. Gosh. Things cannot get worst! I can't believe he knows! This is my worst nightmare. For him to find out my feelings for him and that he doesn't feel the same way and that our friendship is over and it ends up putting a hole in this group. I think I'm going to be sick. I grabbed my back and ran home.

Alistair's POV:
     I layed in my bed with my eyes closed when my mom walked in. "Hi, honey." My mom.greeted as she sat on the edge of the bed. I opened my eyes and gave her a fake smile as I sat up a bit. "Are you okay?" Mom asked. I kept my fake smile and nodded. "I know that look and that nod. Is this about Bunny?" Mom asked and I gave her a confused look. "What?" I asked. "I know about your crush on Bunny." Mom stated and my eyes widended. "Don't worry, I won't tell. I've known for a long time and I haven't told." Mom stated and I calmed down a bit. "How did you figure out?" I asked. "It's really obvious." Mom stated and my eyes widened again. "Does that mean...." I started. "No, I don't think she knows. I know because I'm your mom." Mom stated and I nodded as I calmed down again. "Do you know if she likes me?" I asked. "I do not know." Mom stated and I sighed. "But didn't you meet the daughter of Eros at the Wonderland tour you and your friends gave?" Mom asked and I nodded. "So?" I asked. "She's supposed to be a love expert. Maybe you can take a trip to Ever After and ask her." Mom suggested and I thought about. "That's a great idea, mom! Thanks!" I exclaimed and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I grabbed my satchel and ran out.
I bumped into Marchness. "Hey." Marchness greeted. "Hi." I greeted. "I thought you were busy?" I asked. "I was, but I'm not now." Marchness replied and I nodded. "Cool." I stated. "Why are you in such a rush?" Marchness asked. "I'm.... Um. Okay, I'm going to Ever After." I replied and he gasped but I shushed him. "Why?" Marchness asked. "I want to see Cupid. I want to find out if Bunny likes me so I know if I should ask her out." I explained. "Are you really going to ask her out?" Marchness asked. "Hopefully, and hopefully she'll say yes. You should come, find out if Cari likes you back." I suggested and he thought about it. "Great idea!" Marchness exclaimed and we left to Ever After.

Bunny's POV:
       I hopped home and slammed my door shut. Then my dad hopped in. "Is everything okay, Bunniebelle?" Dad asked. "No." I replied as I sat on my small bunny bed. "What happened?" Dad asked but I just shook my head. "You can tell me anything." Dad stated and I sighed as I held tears back. "Is this about Alistair?" Dad asked. I looked at him with pure shock. "What?" I asked. "I know you have had a crush on him for a long time." Dad stated. "I-I don't k-know what y-you're t-talking about." I stated. "Is that so?" Dad asked and I slowly nodded. "Don't play stupid with me, Bunniebelle." Dad stated and I sighed as I looked down. "Fine. I-I like him." I stated. "Is he why you're sad?" Dad asked. "What if he knows that I like him and it ruins everything because he doesn't feel the same way?" I asked. "That won't happen. You were friends since birth." Dad replied and I looked at him with tears in my eyes. .that doesn't mean things won't change." I stated. "True. But how do you know he doesn't like you?" Dad asked. "I-I don't know." I replied. "Exactly. Take a in faith." Dad stated and I sighed as I looked down again. "But I don't want to take a hop in faith. One hop can change everything, not just in our lives, but in the while groups lives." I explained. "I'm sure it won't destroy lives." Dad stated. "Not completely. But.... We're a tight group. If one of us is hurt all of us is hurt. So, if two of us is hurt, then we'll all be double hurt. We hate to see each other hurt. We're not friends, we're family." I explained as I felt tears came out. "Follow your heart, do what it takes to be happy." Dad stated. I nodded and wiped my face. Then I smiled threw my tears and he wiped the rest of my tears. "Do what's right. Does anyone in your group now how you fee" Dad asked. "The girls know how I feel about Alistair, but they don't know that I'm afraid that this could ruin the group." I replied. "Talk to them, then. You might need some girls, who understand more, to talk to." Dad stated and I smiled. "Thanks, dad." I stated. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and hoped away.

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