Chapter 33: New and Improved Queen!

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Courtly's POV:
       I will be the next Queen of Wonderland! That's for sure! I was walking in the Castle and managed to sneak in Lizzie's room. I smiled to myself. This is perfect. I saw a mouth and knew it was a Cheshire so I quickly hid in the closet. I peeked in and saw Lizzie's friends and I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation. They were looking for clues and were talking. Maddie and her stupid riddles, she's smarter then I estimated. She can be the smartest person ever if you just give her a riddle. "Courtly." Dina stated. Crap! Thanks to the Hatter girl, they figured it out, they figured me out. This, this is just great! They all soon teleported out and then left too. Now what?
   I sat on the Queen's throne with Lizzie's crown. Soon, I'll have her mom's crown. Then the Queen walked in. "Jester! What are you doing here and why do you have my daughter's crown?" Queen asked. "Wow. You're not that smart, are you?" I asked. "You. You took her." The Queen realized and I smiled. "You figured it out." I stated. "What did you do to her?" Queen asked. I got off of the throne and to her. "That's for me to know, and you to find out." I stated. She tried to grab me but I ducked and she got a hold of the crown and then I ran off. "I am the New and Improved Queen!" I exclaimed as I ran off.
   Later on I snuck in and listened to the Queen tell Lizzie's friend's what happened. They will never find her, she's the last place they'll ever look.

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