Chapter 39: The Good Possesed By the Bad!

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Raven's POV:
      I was in my dorm room with Ginger, Lizzie, and Faybelle. Apple walked in and saw them. "What's going on?" Apple asked and then she noticed Lizzie. "Isn't she from Wonderland?" Apple asked. "Yes. She's Lizzie Hearts, daughter of the Queen of Hearts." I replied and Apple nodded. "What's going on?" Apple asked again. "That's the thing, we don't know." Ginger replied and Apple looked at her confused. "Don't ask." Faybelle stated and Apple nodded. Apple walked over to her closet and grabbed a red and black dress with some white on the outline of it with some red high heels and a white headband and a black necklace and bracelet with a heart on both. She walked into the restroom to change for some reason.
       Then the door opened and Cerise and Ramona walked in. "Oh. We were hoping you were alone." Cerise stated as she noticed everyone. "What is it?" Raven asked. "Dad." Cerise and Ramona replied in unison. "Oh. What's wrong?" Raven asked. "Something's wrong. Your mom called him. When he got there he saw, well.... All of your moms. He said they did some sort of.... Evil Spell and he thinks, well, we're involved." Ramona explained. "Involved?" Ginger asked. "Not involved with the evilness. But that what they did has to do with us. He remembered Mira saying something about joining other villains together in order to do something and he remembered them saying something about the kids being just like them and following their footsteps." Cerise explained. "I knew I had a bad feeling about this." I stated. "This can't be good." Lizzie stated and I sighed.

Lizzie's POV:
   My phone rang and I saw it was Cari. I smiled and answered it. "Hey." I greeted. "Where are you?" Cari asked. "Oh, umm.... I'm in Ever After." I replied. "What? Why?" Cari asked. "Well.... Something is going on with some Villain parents. I-I think they're trying to do something evil that involves their kids." I explained. "What? Are you okay?" Alistair asked. "I'm fine.... For now. I don't know But I don't have a good feeling about this. I have to go, I'll call you later." I stated and then I hung up.
    There was a knock on the door and Raven answered it. I didn't pay any attention to it and layed on the bed. "Uh, hi Daring." Raven greeted. My eyes widended and I sat up. "Hey. Is Apple here?" Daring asked. "Yes, she'll be a minute. Come in." Raven replied. Daring walked in and Raven closed the door behind him. Our eyes locked and I had to mmy smile and blush. He looks at me and acts around me differently then with everyone else. He's more sweet and sincere with me. I like him a lot more then I ever anticipated. Then Apple walked back in and smiled at Daring making me frown. "Ready for our date?" Apple asked with a grin. Daring glanced at me with my frown and back at Apple. "I, uh, thought this wasn't a real date." Daring stated. "Well, you can call it whatever you want." Apple stated. She grabbed his hand and smiled and he smiled too, but it looks fake or forced.

No one's POV:
     All of a sudden they felt a pain and they all winced. Then they started screaming and we fell to the ground. Apple ran to Raven and Daring ran to Lizzie. "What's going on?" Apple asked. "I don't know." Daring replied. "It. Has to do. With. Our parents." Faybelle replied. Then the pain stopped and they all slowly stood up. Their eyes turned black. Apple and Daring gasped and stepped back. Raven used her powers threw them back. They stood up and Apple ran behind Daring. Lizzie made cards build around them and they were sturdy enough that Daring and Apple couldn't get through. "Ramona!" Cerise exclaimed and Ramona growled at Cerise making Cerise back up. Lizzie, Ramona, Raven, Ginger, and Faybelle all ran out and to the dark forest.

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