Chapter 43: Jubjub Bird Attack!

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Alistair's POV:
      We were all hanging out. The Evil Queen's attack was a month ago and nothing really big has happened since then. My mom and I have been staying at Lizzie's palace until our house is cleaned and safe for us to go back. We all left the palace and went to our tree. We hung there for a while. We talked and laughed and had a great time, like always.
      We decided to take a walk. I held Bunny's hand and Marchness held Cari's hand. Tony told Marchness and me about his crush on Dina. I wonder if Dina has a crush on Tony too. If she does, she probably told the girls. I might be able to get it out of Bunny. "So, Lizzie." Bunny stated which got me out of my thoughts. "Have you talked to Courtly?" Bunny asked. "No. But my mom has." Lizzie replied and Bunny nodded.

Bunny's POV:
     We were walking and having a good time. There was a noise and we all stopped. "Tony. Was that you?" Tammy asked. "No." Tony replied. "This isn't good." I stated. "I'm sure it's nothing." Alistair reassured and I smiled.
We heard a loud ear piercing scream and grabbed our ears. Then a Jubjub bird flew towards us and we all ducked. "This isn't good!" I yelled. The Jubjub bird flew towards me and Cari got in front of me. She formed a coud in front of us and it stopped and then flew up.

No One's POV:
   "Is it over?" Marchness asked. "I don't know." Kitty replied. "What do we do?" Maddie asked. Then the Jubjub bird flew towards them again. "Run!" Alistair exclaimed and they all ran as fast as they could.
The Jubjub bird flew towards Alistair and Maddie threw Alistair him the Vorpal Sword. He caugnt it and pointed at the Jubjub bird. The Jubjub bird flew away and towards Kitty who used her claw gloves and swung and the bird. The Jubjub bird screamed at the pain as blood dripped. The Jubjub bird flew to Tony and pecked his arm. Tony screamed and fell. Tammy helped him up and the Jubjub bird went after Tammy. Tammy kicked him a little away and he went after Bunny.
      Bunny ducked and turned around. The jubjub bird turned around too and went after her again. She used her wrecking watch and hit his eye. He let out another ear piercing scream and they all covered their ears. Alistair sliced its wing with the Vorpal Sword and it cried in pain again. Maddie swung her Vorpal Blade at him but he flew up and it missed him, but barely. Lizzie threw a razor card at him and it sliced his foot. Cari grabbed her hookah and put it on the fire dial. She blew into it and fire came towards him and got him a little. It burnt him and he let out another ear piercing scream. He then flew away and everyone gave a sigh in relief.

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