Chapter 2: Wonderland!

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Cari's POV:
      Alistair and I ran as fast as we can. We were trespassing at the Queens castle and she hates when we do that. The card guards are after us. She keeps threatening to shop our heads off, but she won't because of Lizzie. It's nice to be friends with the princess. We ran to a dead end and there was a wall. "Crap!" Alistair exclaimed. We heard footsteps and braced ourselves until we saw it was Lizzie. "Lizzie!" Alistair and I exclaimed in unison. We were relived. Then I looked up and saw a mouth and then I saw Kitty. "Kitty!" I exclaimed and then Alistair looked up. "We have to hurry. I convinced them you already got away." Lizzie stated. Kitty helped all three of us over the wall and we ran to the same shady tree we always hamg out at.
     All of our friends were already there. "What were you guys doing?" Marchness asked. "Having a little fun." Alistair replied and I laughed. "One of these days the queen will chop your heads off." Bunny stated. "No, she won't. Lizzie won't let her." I stated. "I might." Lizzie stated. "Hey!" Alistair and I exclaimed in unison. "Kidding!" Lizzie exclaimed and we all laughed. "Come on. We all have fun trespassing on her castle." I stated. "That is true." Tony stated. "Yeah, it is fun." Tammy agreed and we all laughed once again. I love this life!

Lizzie's POV:
          I had a nice day with my friends, like I always do. I was walking home by myself and I decided to stop and smell the flowers. A women accident my bumped into me. "Hey!" watch where you're going!" The lady exclaimed. I looked up and they saw me. She gasped and she looked scared. She put her kids behind her. "I'm sorry princess!" The lady exclaimed and she ran. I sighed as they took off. Everyone is afraid of me. That's why I always yell and threaten people, they're already scared of me and they make me angey when run away scared. The only people who's that are my wonderland friends. No once else gets me. They used to be scared of my when we were kids, but I accidentally let my walls come down around them and they became my friends.

     I sat outside of my castle gates and watched people run by to get away from me. I just made a women scared for her life. She deserved it. I heard her talking to someone else that I'm a creeper and shouldn't be queen. Everyone hates me! That's why I act the way Iact. What the point? I saw the same kids walk by, they were my age and always together. I really wanted friends my age. I took a deep breath and got up. I walked over to them. "Hi." I greeted. They all jumped and backed up. That really made my blood boil. "Off with your heads!" I yelled and they all scampered off. I sat back down and petted my pet hedgehog. "They'll never understand how hard it is to be a villain. To have everyone scared of you when you just want to be friends. Maybe I don't want to be evil. Maybe I don't want to chop people's heads off and scream all of the time. Maybe I want to be a good queen. But it doesn't matter, no one will ever think I'm a good queen. I'm Miss. Evil Lizzie Hearts, and that's all they'll ever see me as. Unfortunately." I explained and than I let out a sad sigh. "We didn't know that." I heard, it sounded like that daughter of the Cheshire Cat. I jumped up and saw all of them get out of hiding. "Of course not! You never got to know me!" I exclaimed. "We were scared. We wanted to get to know you but you always scared everyone and we were afraid to get to know you." Son of Alice explained. "Lets start now. I'm Bunny Blanc, daughter of the white rabbit." Bunny introduced. "I'm Cari Pillar, daughter of the caterpillar." Cari introduced. "I'm Marchness, son of the March Hare." Marchness introduced. "I'm Tony Dum, son of Tweedledum." Tony introduced. "I'm Tammy Dee, daughter of Twaddledee." Tammy introduced. "I'm Madeleine Hatter, daughter of the mad hatter! But you can call me Maddie." Maddie introduced. "I'm Alistair Wonderland, son of Alice." Alistair introduced. "I'm Kitty Cheshire, daughter of the Cheshire Cat." Kitty introduced. They all starred at me. Do they want me to intruded myself? They already know who I am. "Well?" Tammy asked. "You already know who I am." I stated. "We need a proper greeting." Tony stated and I sighed. "I am Elizabeth Hearts, daughter of the queen of hearts. But you can call me Lizzie." I introduced and they all smiled. I returned the smile and we all hugged.
End of Flashback!

Lizzie's POV:
       I sighed as one of the card guards opened the gate to the castle and I walked in. I walked past the croquet feild and another card guard opened the door and I walked in.

Maddie's POV:
       I helped my dad with the tea and hat Shoppe all day. I was cleaning some tables when my friends walked in. "Hey!" I greeted. They all sat down and I went ahead and started making their orders. I mesmerized what they always get so it can be ready faster. I handed them their food and tea and I sat with them. "How's it going?" I asked. "Good." They all replied. Then Chase Redford came in. School was two days ago so we don't have to worry about it. I'm so happy school is only one day a year. That's more free time for friends, fun, madness, and TEA! Boy, I love TEA! We all talked for a while and had fun. I finally had to go back to work. "Maybe we could help today and we could hang out with you so you're not alone all day." Marchness suggested and they all nodded in agreement. "That would be hat-tactic!" I exclaimed as I jumped and they laughed. I went in back and got them aprins. Then my dad walked to us. "Feathers and Friends, again hello." My father greeted and they all waved. "Have fun!" My dad exclaimed as he walked back to the back again and we laughed.

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