Chapter 10: Big or Small!?

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Maddie's POV:
       We were walking until we reached a place that I love in Wonderland. I was a head and had a smile on my face. "Where are we?" Holly asked. "Maddie's favorite place." Alistair stated. Lizzie walked on the cliff and Daring followed for some reason. Everyone wide just followed me as I entered the shack. I smelt lilacs and roses. Yum! We all started looking around for a bit. Apple saw a drink that said drink me and Briar saw a cookie that said eat me, so they obeyed. "Don't!" Bunny exclaimed, but it was too late. Briar became huge and everyone ran out of the shake. You could see her arms legs outside of the windows and door. In Briar's have stood a very tiny and confused Apple. "I tried to warn you." Bunny stated. "She did, she really did." Dina stated and I laughed.

Lizzie's POV:
  I walked on the cliff as everyone walked into the shack, or almost everyone. "What do you want, Daring?" I asked and he shrugged. He stood next to me and watched the view. I looked at him and a small smile formed on my face. No guy as showed this much interest in me, it's kind of nice. I sat down and he sat next to me. "How are you?" Daring asked as I looked at the view. "Fine." I replied and he nodded. After a moment he looked away. I sighed. I'm going to regret this. "How are you?" I asked as I looked at him. looked at me and I could tell and was shocked. I starred into his blue eyes. "I'm great." Daring replied and I smiled. I looked down and then back at the view. "Are you okay?" Daring asked. "Fine." I replied, but it's obvious I'm not. "What's wrong?" Daring asked. I finally looked at him and our eyes locked. "Why do you want to know?" I asked. "Because I care." Daring replied. "Why? Why do you care so much?" I asked. "I don't know. I just do. I like you, not like I do other girls and I don't know why. I feel protective of you." Daring explained. "I can protect myself." I stated as I looked away. But I still felt his eyes on me. "I know, that's one of the reasons I like you." Daring stated and I rolled my eyes and there were tears in my eyes. I decided to look at him. "What.... What else do you like about me?" I asked and he smiled. "I like how independent you. How brave you are. How protective you are of the ones you care about. How sweet and kind you are. How beautiful you are." Daring explained. "This must be one of your lines to catch girls because I am not as beautiful and sweet and kind as you said. I keep yelling and threatening people, there's no way you think that way about me." I explained. "But I do. I don't know why you do that, but I have a feeling it's not who you truly are." Daring stated and I rolled my eyes. I sighed and looked away. "You're not like most girls." Daring added and I looked at him again. "You don't anything about me. So, how do you know I'm not like most girls?" I asked. "I just do." Daring replied. We looked at each other deep in the others eyes.
Then I heard something and turned my head to see Briar as a giant and Apple very tiny. "Great!" I exclaimed sarcastically. I walked down there and I heard Daring following me. "Did they...." I started. "Yeah." Alistair replied and I sighed. "Didn't anyone warn them?" I asked. "I tried." Bunny stated. "She did, she really did." Dina stated and I sighed. Alistair grabbed a drink and cookie. He climbed the house. He gave Briar the drink and Apple the cookie. Briar shrunk to her normal size and Apple grew to her normal size. They sighed in relief as I rolled my eyes.
        Everyone was talking and Daring walked up to me. "You're right." Daring stated. "About what?" I asked. "That I don't know you very well. I hope I can change that soon." Daring stated. I was speechless. "Daring!" Apple called. Daring sighed and walked away. I watched him walk away away was stunned.

Maddie's POV:
    Well, that was hat-tactic! It was so fun! Today has been such a fun day! A little drama, but there's always drama. A few bumps in the road, but we all managed, we always do. I'm suspicious about the Charming Kid and Lizzie though. But anyways, I can't wait to finish the tour. This has been so much fun and I don't want it to end!

Cari's POV:
    I made a cloud form and sat on it with my hookah. We were getting ready to leave when we saw a bunch of smoke. Everyone started coughing. "What's that?" Ashlynn asked. My friends just smiled, but their smile wasn't as big as mine. They saw a cloud floating down with smoke surrounding it. The smoke cleared and we saw a Caterpillar, also known as my father. "Hi, daddy!" I exclaimed. I floated to him and we hugged. "Everyone! This is my father, the caterpillar. He is the wisest in Wonderland. Knows everything." I explained. "Cari is the second wisest." Tammy stated and I smiled. "She takes after her father." Marchness stated. "Who are they?" Dad asked with his smoke. "Ever After kids. They're on a field trip." I replied and he nodded. "Have fun and be safe."
Dad stated and I nodded. "I love you daddy!" I exclaimed. "I love you too, baby girl!" Dad exclaimed and then he floated off.

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