Chapter 5: Madness!

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Daring's POV:
      I was sort of trailing behind, trying to avoid Apple, but not succeeding. I saw that girl in red and black again, gorgeous. She hasn't said her name yet, unlike everyone else. Maybe I should talk to her. I turn my head and see Dexter looking at.... Raven? Does my little brother like her? I'll have to talk him about it later then.
  I walked beside the girl with the heart and smiled. "What?" She asked. "What's your name?" I asked. "Who wants to know?" She asked. "Me." I replied. "Why?" She asked. "Because I do." I replied and she sighed. "If you must know, my name is Elizabeth Hearts, daughter of the Queen of Heart's." Elizabeth greeted. "Do you go by a smaller name?" I asked. "My friends may call me Lizzie." Lizzie stated. "Lizzie. I like it." I stated. "I said my friends." Lizzie stated. "We could be friends." I stated. "I doubt it." Lizzie stated and walked over to her Wonderland friends and I sighed. Then Dexter walked over to me. "Bummer." Dexter stated. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "I can tell you like her." Dexter replied. "What?" I asked trying to hide it. "It's okay, dude. To be honest I'm surprised, you being you and she is a villain." Dexter stated. "Don't tell anyone about this." I stated as I walked off.

Maddie's POV:
    I saw Raven and Ginger talking so I decided join. "Hey, hey, hey." I greeted and then I giggled. "I said hey three times." I stated. "Hi, Maddie." Raven greeted. "What's up?" Ginger asked. "Mads!" Bunny and Dina called. I looked around and couldn't see them. I crossed my arms and pouted. "Where are you?" I asked. I heard giggling and looked up. I uncrossed my arms and laughed. I started climbing the tree too. Dina climbed down to hang with Tammy and Tony. Alistair and saw Lizzie decided to climb too. Alistair, Lizzie, and I hung upside down as Bunny sat on a branch. I handed Bunny my tea cup and she poured me some tea in it. Then I started drinking it. "What are you freaks doing?" A girl in a swan dress asked and I could tell Lizzie was starting to get mad. "Duchess. They're from Wonderland, of course they're mad freaks." A girl with wings stated and they both laughed. "You're right, Faybelle." Duchess agreed as they laughed.
        Lizzie grabbed the branch above her and used it to sit up. Lizzie stood on the branch and swung over it. Then she jumped down in front of the two mean girls. Then Alistair, Bunny, and I got down. Then Marchness got in front of Lizzie. "Don't do anything you'll regret." Marchness stated. "I won't regret this." Lizzie stated. Lizzie went after them but Marchness picked her up and she tried to go after them. He climbed the tree with one hand and sat Lizzie on a branch. "That was so not cool!" Lizzie exclaimed. Lizzie jumped down along with Marchness. "Don't worry, I'm fine." Lizzie reassured. "Wonderland and Ever After are very different. I went to Ever After a couple times as a kid with my mom. Ever After is very stupid and boring. Plants aren't trying to eat you. Nothing is floating. Nothing is topsy turvey. The outfits can be pretty cool, but most of them are plain boring. Everything is plain and boring. You might think this is mad, but where you live is mad." Lizzie explained and Duchess and Faybelle were speechless. Us Wonderlandians clapped for Lizzie as she smirked. The mean girl walked away and I walked over to Lizzie. "Lets go be freaks and try to avoid people eating plants." I suggested and Lizzie laughed. We linked arms and walked off skipping and singing. We were a head of the group.

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