Chapter 25: Impressing Lizzie!

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Maddie's POV:
    Lizzie and Alistair just finished playing croquet and Lizzie won, of course. All of our group are here watching. "I will win one of these time." Alistair stated and Lizzie laughed. "Yeah, right." Lizzie stated and he rolled his eyes but he was smiling. "It's getting late we should get going." Cari stated as she sat on Marchness's lap. Alistair sat down and grabbed Bunny's hand. Then she put her head on his shoulder. "Nah. Who wants to play against me?" Lizzie asked and we all shook our heads. My phone vibrated so I grabbed it and saw it was a text from Daring. Daring still wants to impress Lizzie with his riddlish. He was supposed to come here last weakened but he thought he needed more then a week to learn. So he's coming tomorrow instead, tomorrow is Saturday. I texted him to meet Lizzie at the Magic Lake of Many Colors and he texted back he might get lost. So I texted him to meet me at the Well of Wonder and I'll help him and I'm waiting for a reply. I care about all of my friends so much and I think Lizzie might like him. She can be so hard to read and she always hides her emotion under so much surface. I just want all of them to be happy, they mean so much to me.    
  "Maddie! Maddie!" Lizzie called. I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Lizzie waving in my face. She saw me look at her and stopped. "Maddie? Are you okay?" Lizzie asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I replied and Lizzie gave me an unsure look. "Okay." Lizzie stated.

Daring's POV:
      I saw Maddie's text about meeting her at the Well of Wonder and I texted back yes. She really cares about Lizzie and wants her to be happy. I never felt like this and I really care about Lizzie. I'm true and myself around Lizzie. Everyone here thinks they know me, thinks this is the real me, but it's not. I'm myself around Lizzie and I like it. I hope this works.

Lizzie's POV:
      Maddie texted me to meet her at the Magic Lake of Many Colors. I wonder why. I guess, I'll just have to go to see. So I quickly got dressed and headed over there to see what Maddie wants. I hope everything's okay.
       I ran there and didn't see Maddie, so I decided to climb the tree to wait. I climbed high and hung upside down and waited for Maddie to appear and tell me what this is about.
  I had my eyes closed as I waited. I heard footsteps so I opened my eyes to see Maddie and.... Daring standing there? Why id Daring here and why is he with Maddie. Are they.... Daring? No, of course not. What is this I feel? Jealousy? No! It can't be! l don't like Daring! The Princess of Wonderland does not feel jealousy! I must still be tired, it is pretty early. I'll just listen to what they say and find out myself. I'm pretty high up, so I can see them but they can't see me. "It looks like Lizzie's not here yet." Maddie stated. "Are you sure she's coming?" Daring asked. "She said she would and she always keeps her word. Her mom is probably holding her up. Stay here and Lizzie will be here soon. Trust me." Maddie stated and then she cartwheeled away.    What's going on?
     I used my strength and got up and sat on the branch that I was upside down on. Then I grabbed the branch above me and stood up. Now my back was facing Daring and I turned around and saw him sitting down and waiting. When I'm around him I act like I do with my friends. I can talk to him and be myself and he doesn't fun away or act scared. He listens and acts as if he cares. What am I saying? It's probably one of his tricks, he is the first child of Prince Charming. He cannot trick Lizzie Hearts with his so called good looks!
     I jumped down in front of him which made him jump and roll of off the log he was sitting on. He stood up quickly and scratched the back of his neck nervously. Then he stopped and walked closer to me. "Feathers and Friends, again hello." Daring greeted and I looked at him confused. "Wait, how did you know? Oh right, the tour. You probably learned it then. Daring, what are you doing here?" I asked. "To see you." Daring replied. "But, why?" I asked. Daring was about to reply but I cut in. "I-I don't understand!" I exclaimed. "What don't you understand?" Daring asked. "Why you keep coming to me and want to talk to me. Why you seem tp care about me so much. I'm not that great of a person. People say you care only about you and you love mirrors and always look at one no matter who's talking to you. They say you're the most popular guy at Ever After High and girls fall for you, literally. That you love your destiny and can't wait to rescue Apple with True Love's Kiss and become her prince. They say that you would never be seen with someone with a destiny like mine, someone.... Evil." I explained as I held back tears. The evil part and people being so scared of me still gets to me. "But, they don't know the real me. You're the only person I've showed my true self too." Daring stated. "But, why? Why me?" I asked. "I-I, uh, I sort of.... Okay, here's the deal. I like you. I don't know why, but I do. I'm my true self around you. I've never felt this way before. You're misunderstand, like me. I might not understand everything, but I do understand everything, but I do understand that I want to be with you, not Apple. I-I don't even think I want to follow my destiny anymore, and it's because of you." Daring explained. I'm completely shocked by what he just said. "What?" I asked. "It's true." Daring replied. "Daring. Everyone except my Wonderland friends were always afraid of me, think I'll be evil. I've never really thought about love, thought no one would fall in love with me, maybe that I'm not good enough for love. The only people who have truly loved me were my friends and mom. The only people who wants me to be me no matter what and wants me to be truly happy are my friends, not even my mom wants that for me. But, for once, I feel something I didn't think was possible for me. I thought feelings like these were bad, at least, that's what my mom says, but I don't feel that way anymore. I just, want to be happy." I explained and Daring smiled. "So.... Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Daring asked and I smiled. But then I frowned. "I-I don't know. People won't like it. Especially Grimm and Apple." I stated. "Then we'll keep it a secret." Daring stated and I smiled. "Okay. But.... I will tell my Wonderland friends and Chase and I think you should tell Darling." I stated. "I agree. I will also tell Dexter." Daring stated and I smiled.
     Daring held out his hand and I accepted it. We both smiled. "A bird in the hand is worth two paintbrush. Use a bird to paint some flowers today." Daring stated and I smiled. That means to paint roses in Riddlish. "I would love to! I exclaimed and we walked off as we held hands with smiles.

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