Chapter 17: Hatter's Tea Shoppe!

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Maddie's POV:
      We have been walking for a little while with only brief stops. "Yay!" I exclaimed and they looked at me confused. "Why are you so happy?" Raven asked. "We're almost at my daddy's tea shoppe." I replied with a smile so big I could be compared to the Cheshire Cat.
   We were finally there and I was the first one to walk in. Everyone looked around with wide eyes. "Watch out!" Poppy warned Holly. A flying tea pot almost hit her until she ducked. "Wow!" Holly exclaimed. "Is this ordinary to you?" Ginger asked. "Why of course!" I replied. "Go get your dad." Alistair stated. "Okey dokey." I agreed.
     I bounced to the kitchen. "Hi, daddy!" I greeted. "Hi-ya, baby girl!" Dad greeted. "My friends are out there and we have some new friends from Ever After!" I exclaimed. "Is that true?" Dad asked and I nodded in agreement. "Lets go see them." Dad stated and we bounced off. "Hi, guys!" I exclaimed. "Hi, Mr. Hatter!" My Wonderland friends exclaimed in unison. "Everyone! This is my father, The Hatter!" I introduced. "I will get you something." The Dad exclaimed. Then dad ran to the kitchen. Daddy walked back and handed everyone tea and pies. "Enjoy!" Daddy exclaimed and ran off to help more customers. "Your dad does seem, well, mad." Raven stated. "I know!" I agreed.
        We all were eating and drinking. "Who wants crumpets?" I asked as I held out some crumpets. All of my Wonderland friends raised their hands and I handed them some. "I'll take some." Raven stated. "Me too." Ginger greeted and I handed them some. "Is everything in Wonderland, so, mad?" Faybelle asked as she dodged a clock. "Yeah, it can be so annoying." Duchess stated as she dodged a picture frame with a picture of Maddie in it. A flying hat flew by them and then a tea cup flew by them. "Of course it's always mad here and it is never annoying!" Bunny exclaimed. "This is just, well, it's home." Marchness stated. "We're all a little mad here!" Lizzie exclaimed. "No, not really." Faybelle stated. "If it's not for Wonderland and that Well of Wonder, your place won't get any wonder, which means no magic." Alistair explained. "Yeah, so you have us to thank!" Tammy exclaimed with a smile. "So stop being mean just because you don't understand this or us." Cari stated. Duchess and Faybelle shut up quickly. "The pin is dropped, it makes no sound!" I exclaimed. My Wonderland friends, which includes Darling and Chase, all laughed. "What does that mean?" Cupid asked. "It means to be quiet in riddlish." Tony replied. "Riddlish is our native tongue." Kitty stated. "Lets go." Darling stated. "Bye Mr. Hatter." Chase called and we all left.

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