Chapter 3: Exciting Announcement!

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Kitty's POV:
   I opened my eyes. I yawned and stretched and got up. I just woke up from a wonderlandiful cat nap. I saw my mom was still asleep. I picked up my mirror phone and saw I had missed calls and text from my friends. I sighed. I grabbed an apple and teleported out.
      I teleported on a tree and saw my friends, but Lizzie wasn't there. I guess I'm not the only one late. There's Lizzie, walking towards everyone. "Hey!" Lizzie called and everyone tuned towards her. "Where have you been?" Bunny asked. "My mom decided it was perfect time to teach me how to be queen. I told her that since I won't be queen for a while then I don't need to learn it yet." Lizzie replied. "Being princess or prince seems like fun, but then there are times that it doesn't seem fun." Alistair stated. Lizzie sat down. "True. People doing what you say and listen to you. Your servants at your every will. But there are also responsibilities. But then again if your a prince or princess but child of someone evil and you're destined to be evil then it's not so fun. People don't admire you, they're afraid of you. People don't like you, they hate you. But they are still forced to do as I say, by my mom." Lizzie explained. "Must be rough." I stated and everyone jumped and looked at me. I forgot they didn't know I was here. "Kitty!" Cari exclaimed. "You need to stop doing that." Tammy stated.
     I teleported out of the tree and in between of Lizzie and Tony. "It's funny." I stated. "It can be funny, but not when we're having a heartfelt conversations or if one of our friends are feeling down." Marchness explained and Kitty nodded. "You're right, I'm sorry Lizzie." Kitty apologized. "What? I'm not down. I am never down!" Lizzie exclaimed. "Your mom isn't here, it's just as. We're your best friends forever after. You can admit it to us, we won't think any less of you." Tony explained. "You're Tea-riffic, Hat-tactic, and Wonderlandiful just the way you are!" Maddie exclaimed and Lizzie laughed with watery eyes. "You guys are right. I can bring my walls down with you guys." Lizzie stated. "We told you." Bunny stated and Lizzie laughed again. I love my friends. I get a little out of hand with some of my tricks and pranks, but they're always by my side no matter what. We've been friends forever and we will be friend's forever after.

Apple's POV:
       I don't know why but I have been thinking about Wonderland a lot. I have so many questions and I want to know more about it. It's supposed to be the maddest place ever with the maddest people. I never thought about Wonderland or the story of Wonderland much before. But I finally read Alice in Wonderland a month ago and it sounds pretty cool. I'm at the library right now doing some research. I already finished my thronework, so all of my attention is on Wonderland. Oh my gosh! Is that true? Does Wonderland only have school one day of the year? That must be so cool! I wish I could meet a real Wonderlandian. It could get all of my questions out of the way a lot easier. This is all so interesting.
     "Apple!" I heard Raven scream as she waved her hand infront of my face. "Shhhh!" The evil step librarians hissed. "Sorry." Raven apologized. "Sorry Raven, did you say something?" I asked. "I've been trying to get your attention." Raven stated. "Oh, sorry." I apologized. "What are you reading that has you so hooked?" Raven asked. I'm reading about Wonderland." I replied. "Wonderland?" Raven asked and I nodded. "I never really thought much about Wonderland." Raven admitted. "I use to not either. But this last month it's always on my mind." I told her. "Maybe we could visit it sometime." Raven suggested. I looked up with a smile but then I frowned. "I would really love that, but how would we do it?" I asked. "Mr. Grimm could always help." Raven suggested. "I doubt it. I bet he doesn't want us in Wonderland." I stated. "You never know until you try, isn't that what you always say? Even if he says no, we'll find another way." Raven stated and I smiled. Raven helped me up. "So, what do you know about Wonderland so far?" Raven asked and I smiled. We started walking as I told her everything I have read so far.

Milton's POV:
     There was a knock on my door and I sighed. "Come in!" I called. Then Apple and Raven walked in. "Your Majesty." I greeted Apple and she smiled. "Ms. Queen." I greeted with a glare. I still can't believe she won't sign the Storybook of Legends and now other people are not signing as well. She agitates me sometimes. "What do you want?" I asked. "Well, Mr. Grimm. I would I like to explore the world more and I have been really interested in Wonderland lately. I was wondering if we could visit Wonderland, like a feild trip." Apple explained and I thought about it. That would be interesting. "I'll think about it." I told them and Apple smiled big. "Thank you, Mr. Grimm!" Apple exclaimed and they walked out. This will be something different, in deed.

Raven's POV:
       Mr. Grimm called everyone down in the auditorium for some reason. I walked down with Ginger when Apple and Daring came by. "Hi, guys!" Ginger greeted. "What do you think this is about?" Apple asked. "Who knows?" I replied and Apple nodded. I see Dexter walking with Hunter and Hopper. I really like Dex, but he doesn't like me like that. I sighed and Ginger put her arm around me and I smiled. Ginger is my best friend forever after and is the only one who knows about my crush. Ginger and I understand each other, we both are forced to be evil when we don't want to be. I'm sure there are other people like that, unlike Faybelle, who wants to be evil like her mom, Maleficent. I wonder if the child of the queen of hearts wants to be evil. Wow, Apple got me to be thinking of Wonderland and the Wonderlandians.
  We all walked in the auditorium and sat down. Mr. Grimm was on stage with the microphone and Giles Grimm was next to him. "Attention, Ever After High! It has been to my attention that none of you have left our realm. You guys should explore a little more. So, we are going to start going on Feild trips to other world's. The first one, we shall go to, is.... Wonderland!" Mr. Grimm explained. Some people cheered some looked like they wondered if he was joking. They should know by now that he never jokes. Then Duchess Swan stood up. "Why would we go to a mad place like that?" Duchess asked. "To explore. Meet new people. Learn a new life." Mr. Grimm replied. She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Sit down, Miss. Swan." Mr. Grimm stated and she did with another sigh and eye roll. "We will be leaving first thing tomorrow morning. Now everyone back to class!" Mr. Grimm exclaimed and everyone started to exit. I can't wait for this trip!

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