Chapter 6: People Eating Plants!

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Kitty's POV:
       I was walking with Tammy. "These people are boring." I whispered to Tammy and she laughed. We started walking threw the plant forest. "We should warn them." I heard Alistair whisper to Bunny. "What's the fun in that?" I asked. Bunny and Alistair gave each other unsure looks. I stopped and smelled some roses. I grabbed somw leaves off a flower and threw them at that prissy Apple princess. "Hey!" Apple exclaimed and I smiled. Then Lizzie walked over to me. "I see what you're doing." Lizzie stated. "What?" I asked trying to act innocently. Then the same flower came alive and started attacking Apple and anyone in it's way. "Kitty!" Bunny exclaimed. "Lizzie! You're the only ones the flowers listen to, besides your mother!" Dina exclaimed. Lizzie sighed and got in front of the flower. "Stop! Or it's off with your buds!" Lizzie yelled and the flower stepped back. "Bow to your princesss!" Lizzie yelled and the flower listened to her. She walked over to the flower and rubbed it's head. "Good flower!" Lizzie exclaimed. "Now! Go back to bed and don't get tricked by a Cheshire again!" Lizzie exclaimed and the flower nodded and obeyed. Lizzie then turned to me. "Katherine! Tree timeout!" Lizzie exclaimed and I pouted and sat on a branch.

Apple's POV:
       The cat, I think Kitty is her name, tried to make me plant food! Well, she is a Cheshire. Briar helped me clean up. Raven walked over to me. "Wow. Are you okay?" Raven asked. "Yeah. I think so." I replied and she nodded as she walked away from me. "Wonderland seems dangerous." Briar stated. "Yeah, and some of the people seem dangerous." Apple stated as she looked at Kitty who disappeared leaving behind her smile. Kitty reappeared by Tammy. Apple sighed as she stood back up, followed by Briar. "Hi, Briar." Hopper greeted nervously. "Oh, hey Hopper." Briar greeted. Hopper has a massive crush on Briar but Briar keeps dismissing him. "We should, like, totally play.... I mean hang.... I mean.... Oh man!" Hopper stated and then he turned into a frog. Then Maddie swung in from a vein and land by us. "Hello! Oooh! Frog!" Maddie exclaimed as she picked him up. "That's Hopper, he does that." Briar stated. Maddie placed a kiss on his head and he turned back into his human self.

Lizzie's POV:
     After what happened with the flower and Kitty, Raven walked over to me. "That was wicked cool!" Raven exclaimed and I smiled. But then I smiled. My mom will not approve. "I know!" I exclaimed as I looked away. "Okay.... Uh.... Ginger and I was looking forward to meeting the Princess of Hearts." Raven stated and I looked at her surprised. "Why?" I asked. "Because. We were hoping you didn't want to follow your destiny and would be like us, villain kids who don't want to be villains." Raven exclaimed. "Who said I don't want to follow my destiny?" I asked. "You want to be evil and try to chop Alistair's head off?" Raven asked and I felt my blood boil. "Off with your head!" I screamed and I stomped off, very mad.
     I sat on a tree branch when I heard leaves rustling. I looked around and noticed the blonde haired guy. I try to hide my smile. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I saw you looked upset, I wanted to make sure you're okay." He stated. I couldn't help but smile, but then I quickly frowned. "My name is Daring Charming, by the way. Eldest son of The Charmings." Daring greeted with a flashy smile. "Ugh! A Charming, of course!" I exclaimed. "But seriously, what's wrong?" Daring asked and I looked at him again. "Why? Why are you acting like you care so much?" I asked. "Because.... Maybe I do. Have you thought about that?" Daring asked. "Yes and it's not possible." I replied. "Why? Why is that so impossible?" Daring asked. "Because no one cares about me, especially when they first meet me. My friends and my mom are the only people who care about me, and my friends were scared of me when we first met." I explained. "Why?" Daring asked. "Because.... It's a long story." I replied. "And your dad?" Daring asked and my face fell. "Off with your head!" I screamed. I jumped off of the tree and stomped away from stupid Daring, thinking he can charm me like he can every other naive girl.
      Everyone tried to avoid the people eating Plants as we left that area and I tried to avoid stupid Daring Charming. He is so not Charming!

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