Chapter 4(EDITED)

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Lucy^^^^^(but with golden eyes)

I sat up gasping for air as if my lungs couldn't get enough of it. "What the hell happened?" Blake asked me with a look on his face I couldn't quite tell. Should I tell him I thought. "I honestly don't know." I lied.

My mind reeling was from the information that had been given to me. That must have just been some crazy dream. "Bull shit Lucy!" He yells in his Alpha voice.

I cower back. "There is one thing you are forgetting little mate.." When he said those words I knew instantly what he had meant. "I-I'm sorry," I stutter.

Don't be scared, he is our mate why would he hurt us? My wolf asked. I didn't answer her. I knew it was stupid to be scared of him. "LUCY!?" He bellowed. "Are you even listening. Not only am I your mate but I am also your Alpha!" He stated. I just sat there wide eyed.

I haven't even known him for more than two days and he was already trying to control me. I got out of my bed and stood up and looked him in the eyes. "Yes you are my mate but no mate of mine will treat me inferior just because you are my mate does not mean you get to control me. You don't know my story or my personality so don't act like you care and as for the Alpha part, yes you are an Alpha but not my Alpha!" I yelled back with just as much force as he had.

Yet! My wolf said in a sing song voice. I knew what I had said hit a nerve from the change in his features. He walked over to me and grabbed my face in his hands "You are MINE!" He whisper yelled then his lips came crashing down on mine, my lips instantly responded and I kissed him back, I realized I was supposed to be mad at him so pushed him back with all the force that I had.

My wolf whimpered in protest as I turned and ran out of the room, down the stairs and out of the house.

I heard a growl so loud it could wake up the devil himself. O shivered and my wolf purred in pleasure.

I changed into my wolf, my shredded clothes falling at my paws as I took off into the forest running as fast as my wolf could take me.

Another growl ripped through the air and I knew that I had a seriously pissed of Alpha on my hands.

I ran for a couple of hours until I reached the pond. I stopped and let my wolf take a drink. I heard a snap of a twig behind me and my wolf snapped her head towards the noise, teeth barred.

She instantly stopped when she saw it was Blake in human form. His hair was messed up and his blue eyes now black. I dare say that he was really looking fine even with the look in his eyes. "SHIFT." He demanded. My wolf shook her head no. "Shift back now dammit!"

He pressed on his wolf making an appearance. I'm going to run now Lucy! My wolf said. Why I thought you were happy about finding a mate? I questioned her.

I don't feel like dealing with his orders right now and his wolf is very possessive. And I kind of told him where we were...she trailed off.

I looked back at Blake and it looked as if I even breathed the wrong way he would shift. Why is he so mad? All because I didn't tell him.

I let out a howl and ran faster than I ever have before the wind whipping through my fur and and sticks scratching my leg. Not but twenty minutes later I heard the howl of Blake's' wolf and it sounded in pain.

We pushed on not wanting to face his wolf just yet. I know he is my mate but he is also an Alpha, one that I might add we just disrespected and challenged in a way.

I heard a growl in front of me and bared my teeth. ROUGE my wolf screamed. I snarled at the rouge in front of me, it mimicked my actions then lunged. I swiftly dodged it and whipped around to face it. It bit into my shoulder and I let out a howl of pain. I took this as an opportunity to attack.

I bit hard into his neck and ripped away, it's head disconnected from his body. To say that I was vicious in a fight was an understatement. I stared at it triumphantly and walked a couple of paces before laying down on my belly, my head on my paws. The last thought I had before I fell asleep was that I had just killed a living thing.

When I woke up I saw that it was already dark, I got my feet remembering the events that had happened earlier. My wound was still there. When we get hurt it usually doesn't take long unless another werewolf has bitten you.

I start to run back to the pack house. On the way back I get lost in my thoughts. Most of them are about how I found my mate and what he will do or say when we get back. The others are about school and my parents.

I can honestly say that I am shocked Blake did not find me after that rouge attack. I would have that he would come and whisk me back to the pack house, wishful thinking, to wishful I guess.

My shoulder starts to bleed again making me feel light headed. I haven't eaten anything in two days and that might be my problem too. I start to run faster as the dizziness gets worse, finally I see the house and I slow to a walk.

I was now seeing double everything and it felt like I was on a carousel. I shift back into my human form completely aware that I am nude and stagger a bit, still a good two hundred feet from the house at the entrance of the forest. "I'm back." I whisper as I pass out yet again in hopes someone was listening.


Hey lovelies. Hope y'all liked tho chapter.

Peace out lovelies


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