Minishaw - Studying

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"Perfect. Let's go."

Harry jumped off of the bed and grabbed his keys quick before they ran down to flight of stairs until they were in the common room. 

The room was really comfy and yet large. There was two TV and four couches. They had a ping pong table and an air hockey table. On the far end of the room, pizza boxes played stray on a long table.

They strolled over grabbed a full box of supreme and walked back to Harry's room, starting to eat the pizza.

Harry pulled out his keys from his pocket and opened the door to let Simon in. 

"Okay, pizza acquired now what?" Harry said pulling out a piece from the box.

"Probably reading portion." Simon said reaching over the pizza box, laid on the center of the bed. He grabbed Harry's wrist and took the pizza slice from his hand.

"Oi." Harry said as Simon starting eating Harry's slice. "Fine I will get another."

"Okay, you have a book on anything lit?"

"Literature for the 18th centuries." 

"That might work."

"Okay let's begin."

12:00 PM

"No. I have had enough big words." Harry said laying on the bed with his feet on the wall and his head hanging off as Simon sat normally with his back to the wall.

"Come on there is only two words left."


"I will let you have the last slice of pizza."


"I will... I will choke you with the pizza slice if you don't do the last two words."

"What happened to mister nice guy?"

"He left. Now the word is.."


"Harry please two left."

"No I will not. I have had, oifoieorgh"

Harry quickly tried to sit up from his spot as Simon tried to get Harry to eat the pizza. Unfortunately, Harry didn't sit up and instead slowly slid off of the bed and dropped to the floor. He grabbed the pizza from his mouth and sent Simon a death stare.

Simon chuckled as Harry began to crawl underneath the bed frame.

"Harry! Get out from under the bed."


"Please." Simon said moving so he could peek at Harry.


"The words are only rapacious and cuddlesome."


"Come on. They have similar definitions. PLEASE!"

"Fiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnne. Rapacious is the being able to rap fluently and cuddlesome is either wanting to cuddle or three people cuddling."

"Rapacious is given to seizing for plunder and satisfaction of greed and cuddlesome is hold close in one's arms as a way of showing love and affection, used as an adjective."

"Vik is actually very cuddlesome.  He does it all the time with his friend, ummm Lachlan."

"Vik is cuddlesome, right."


"You are so much more cuddlesome that Vik."

"Are not."

"Are too."


"Yes you are."

"No I am."

It was a very awkward sight for someone to see, and unfortunately Vik did. He had just opened the door to see Simon laying belly down on the bed arguing with Harry who was underneath the bed eating a slice of pizza. He casually slowly backed out of the room and closed the door behind him.

2:00 AM

"Okay, all we have left is reading." Simon throwing the book they already used, over to Harry's desk before grabbing the last one.

"ahhhh, I wanna sleep though."

"Okay then get up and lay up here. I can read the first hundred pages we need to know. We need some sleep."

"Okay." Harry said grabbing his large blue semi fluffy pillow and grabbing his phone and setting his alarm for the morning so he can study with Vik and Ethan.

"Okay, William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet."

"Ahh not lovey dovey shit."

"Oh shut up Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous and well worded works out there."

"And also the most boring."

"No it is not. You just haven't read it in the right way. Which is why I will read it to you. Come here." Simon said pulling Harry's pillow out of his hands and laying it on his lap. Harry took the chance and laid his head down on the pillow and looked up at the ceiling. 

"Two households, both alike in dignity,

In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,

From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,

Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

From forth the fatal loins of these two foes

A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;

Whose misadventured piteous overthrows

Do with their death bury their parents' strife.

The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,

And the continuance of their parents' rage,

Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,

Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;

The which if you with patient ears attend,

What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend."

Harry let out an obvious yawn and listened as Simon began to read the first page. Harry's eyes soon started to flutter open and closed and then open again. It was until Simon ran his fingers through Harry's soft fluffy hair that Harry let his eye close and his ear open to the literature being said. And his heart open to the man reading it to him.

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