Last Day Of Training (Part IV)

Start from the beginning

Erza put a comforting hand on her shoulder, "It's alright to let your friends in on what you desire the most, Lucy."

Lucy blanched.

Erza was making this worse.

Mirajane looked completely blown away while Laxus looked mildly interested, "So how're you guys plannin' on doin' this?"

Natsu turned to the lightning dragon slayer with a huge grin, his face lit up, "Erza and I take him down and then drag him over to Lucy who can do whatever she wants with him!"

"Oh no, Natsu..." Lucy groaned when both Laxus and Mirajane looked taken aback.

Erza was suddenly seen polishing her sword, "I hope the man gives in quietly... Keep this between us, you two?"

Lucy could feel the tears of frustration pricking at her eyes when Laxus and Mirajane nodded before shooting Lucy a very different look.

"Whatcha guys doin' here?"

"Metalhead!! We're planning on getting Teach Loke for Luce!"

"Yeah? Where can I join in, Salamander?"

"Right here! Bring Levy too!!"

"Sure. Lily looks interested too, we'll be right over."

Natsu received a painful knock on the head, "Ow, what was that for?"


"Ow," Natsu whimpered, "But he won't tell 'nyone..."

Lucy didn't like the twitch in Erza's arm.


"Geez, alright, don't yell!"

Laxus quirked an eyebrow, "Not an expert but it might be too late."

Mirajane shot the nose-blowing, eyes-crying Lucy an apologetic smile.

"Lucy wants who?!" Cana and Bisca yelled over the room.

The pretty blond sighed in defeat before leaning back against the wall.

Experience had taught her that there was nothing she could do in situations quite like this one.

Fairy Tail was a flow that would not stop.

"We're here," the towering, metal-pierced man did a funny laugh with a concerned looking Levy and Pantherlily by his side.

"Lu?" Levy gave her friend a look that no other would understand, "Is there something you should have told your bestie before this?"

The blond sighed, "Well, Lev-"

Erza set aside her sword, "Now, now, Levy...No hard feelings here, we are all Lucy's friends and it falls upon all of us to secure what her heart yearns for."

Levy's eyebrows shot up as she glanced at her possibly now-retarded friend, "I guess..."

Aries and the bookworm glanced at each other once before understanding that some sort of confusion had begun.

Lucy only gave her two friends a contented smile before she looked over at the group that was beginning to form.

Loke was no where to be seen and after lunch, all the students from both teams had gathered in the new gym to wait for Mavis to appear.

Lucy couldn't help the small smile that broke out on her face at the thought of all her friends coming together to help her out.

Of course, they would, as confused as they were, try to make sure that she had what she wanted.

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