Chapter 20:D

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Hey:D I can't belive this is the second too last chapter :L



Smile, comment, laugh, vote, run, fan:D

Chapter 20.

Justin's POV.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

The monitor has been beeping all night. The machine that tells me if my girl's heart is still working.

I haven't slept a wink this past night. I have just been watching the nurses come and go. They managed to get the internal and external bleeding to stop, the internal took a bit longer, as she had to go into surgary. I'm waiting for the local annistetic to ware of. Ellie's wrist has been put into a cast.

I've been thinking about what Jerry told me, that I need to tell her before its too late. I DO need to tell her before its too late. I almost lost her. Twice in fact. And I can't bare for it to happen again.

Over at the other side of the room, Jas was sitting listening to her Ipod, staring at nothing. How can she be so calm?


"I'm going to get something to eat, do you want anything?"She asked, I thought for a second. I must be healthy when Ellie wakes..

"Yeah..I'll have a sandwhich and a coffee..Here.."I fished in my pocket.

"No, don't worry about paying. You have already done so much."She smiled at me. I can see why Ellie is friends with her, she's so sweet.

"No..You take it, buy a new magazine with it, something for you to do while you sit here."I instisted, grinning.

"Well..I can't pass up, good money."We both laughed, and I gave her five pounds.

My jaw hurts, but Its not that painful. Nothing like what Ellie had to go through. Jas went home to get fresh clothes and Ellie's things for when she wakes up, part way through the night. When she came back she got some food and my clothes. Which I was greatfull for. Mine had blood on them and it brought back bad memories of last night.

Apparently, Romeo is in hopsital, he got it worse that me. I broke his nose and a couple of his ribs. But I don't care, he put his hands all over Ellie. That wasn't right. I felt rage burn through my eins at the image of him touching her. I couldn't stop glancing over at her all through the evening. She looked really hot in that dress. But, I couldn't help but think about how it was all blood stained. Stained with Ellie's blood.

I looked back over at her, to see that she looked so calm. I squeezed her hand.

"Ellie, I'm not sure if you can hear..But I'm going to say it anyway."I took a deep breath. "I love you Ellie. Your so amazing. You almost killed me when you were lying in my arms, in pain. I would do anything for you. I'm so sorry this is all my fault. If I wasn't such a douche, and made you angry at me, Then this would have never happened. I'm so sorry. I would so anything to make you forgive. But you proberly won't. The only reason I kept getting frustrated at you, was because I'm in love with you. I wasn't really frustrated at you, I was just frustrated at myself at not being able to tell you that I loved you. I have been in love with you since the day I held you in my arms when your mother brung you home from the hospital. I was only five! But I knew I loved you, And I still love you..."

"If only you could say that to her face!"I yelped at the sudden voice. I spun around. It was Jas.

"How much did you hear?"I asked smiling sheepishly, at the grinning Jas.

"Enough."We both laughed. "Any improvement?"

"No, I'vejust been sitting talking to her."

"I heard!"I just chuckled. "So you loved her since you held her when she was a baby? She said you met at Primary..."

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