Chapter 16Ish

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Okay, Hey, this is really short, I doubt it will make one page, but I am haveing serious writers block, and I am really busy.

I have two things i want to say,

1)Comment vote fan etc,

2)Good luck to those people in America, hope you all survive:/ I have a friend in America who lives in North Carolina, and I am really worried about him! Hope your okay Nathen! :))

Thats it:D

Sorry its short.




Chapter 16



Ellie's POV



I layed back in bed, Thinking about everything. I thought about what had happened in my life, What happened this summer. What I want to happen in the future.

I heard a faint tap on the door.

"Come in..."I said faintly, Pulling the blanket up for more comfort.

"Hey..."My best friend said.

"Hi..."I replied sheeplishly.

"Ellie, look-"

"Justin, I am so sorry!I feel so bad for doing that for you! I was so out of order, But I was blinded by the anger, that I didn't see why you did it. You did it to keep me safe, And I really mean this, thank you so much for always being here for me-"

He put his finger to my lips to silence me.

"Lets just forget about it? Okay?"He wanted to forget about it?

I threw my arms around his neck and burried my face in the crook f his neck, while he hugged me back making me feel safe.

"So...Wanna go somewhere?"

"Yeaah...But where?"I asked

"What about-"

"Ooooh! I know!"I squealed, inturupting him.


"Lets go and see Marvin and Jerry! Its there day off! We could go to the beach with them?!"I asked hopefully.

"We can if you want, Ell', I'll go and get ready"He said, getting up to leave.

"I'll call them."


Justin's Pov..


"Pleaase Elliee!"Marvin pleaded.

"Noooo!I want to eat ice cream!!"

"But I want doughnuts!!"He squealed, Girlishly.

"How about...We have a competion?"Ellie asked slyly. This girl always had something sneaky up her sleave.

"Fineee!"He sighed, throwing his arms up in mock frustration."But don't be mean, and pick a game I'm not very good at!"He pouted.

"20 questions?"Ellie asked excidedly.


"I'll go first!"She replied thinking of the object. "Got one!"

"Okay..Is it an animal?"Marvin asked.

I moved some sand around and plopped down on the sand, next to Jerry.

"Hey son! I think we need a little chat..." Jerry said to me..I gulped.

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