Chapter 18:D

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Well..I have finished writing this story. I'm not sure if I'm going to so a sequal. It depends on how many people want it.

There is officailly 21 chapter of The Beach:D Its all finsihed:D And edited now:)

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Tell me if you want a sequal:))

Copyright. All my own work. All rights reserved.



Chapter 18.

Ellies POV

Me and Justin still haven't spoke, and its been 3 days now! This is the longest we've gone without talking. EVER! Also, Today was my date with Romeo. Which, of course, Justin doesn't know about.

I was getting ready, when a knock came on my door. I squealed and opened it to find a very sad looking Justin.

"Ellie..."He trailed off, looking at what I'm wearing. "Are you going out?"

"Yes. On a date. Don't wait up."I said letting no emotion in. It litterally broke my heart to see the little sad cover that flew across his eyes. I swear I saw a tear, but I was proberly imagining it. I turned on my heel and walked down the stairs, and as if just on que, the doorbell went, signalling Romeo was here. I opened the door, to see him with some flowers, and a soft smile on his face.

"Hello.."He said brethlessly.

"Hey."I said softly.

"You already?"He smiled holding his arm out.

"Yeah.."I grabbed his arm, walking off down the road.



Justin's POV.

Thats it. I've lost her. My one and only true love. And I've lost her.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. I can't belive I have lost her. I wiped away a silvery tear before standing up and siletly walking to the front window.

I sobbed louder as I saw them laughing together down the road, they looked so perfect together.

Better than we would ever look. Another sob rose into my throat, as I slided down the wall. Tears pouring down my face.

I felt a large hole in my chest, Like someone had shot me. I Have never expericed pain like this before. It hurt.

I felt the need to go after them and watch them making sure that he treats her right.

I sound like such a stalker. But I can't help it, I'm in love with her. But I've just let her walk from my life.

The last words she said to me broke me into pieces, while I was standing there, staring into her deep green eyes, a tear fell from my eye, but she turned as if she didn't see.

I feel like such a fool for letting her go like that. I didn't even tell her that I liked her.

I should go and tell her what I feel! Yes! I should right now! I ran to the bathroom, stubbing my toe, but not caring. That pain was nothing like the pain in my hcest right now.


"Can I help you, Sir?"A friendly looking woman asked me, in her Spanish accent.

"Yes, Can I get a table in a secluded area, but I would still be able to see them?"I said pointing to the heart-breaking couple sitting laughing together.

"Er..Yeah sure..Follow me.."She answered, politly.

"Thanks."I smiled as she gave me the menus and told me she'd be back in a few.

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