Chapter 19 D:

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This ones quite short...:D

Also..If your reading this now....Could you click the little button on the side saying VOTE, 'cos I'm not getting any votes:'( I was going to enter this in the Watty Awards..But I wasn't sure..Tell me what you think:)




Chapter 19.


A week has passed since Romeo and I's date. Me and Justin have barely spoke and its slowly breaking my heart. Today we're both going clubbing, he's going to meet up with some of his friends, and I'm going with mine.

Pulling on my black strapless dress, I wiped away the last tears of mine and Justin's relationship. Putting on the last of my make up, I walked out. I went to the kitchen to get some coffee, tonight's going to be a fun night, I can just tell! A knock on the door, told me my friends were here. Justin left about half an hour ago, He doesn't know I'm coming out tonight. I hope he doesn't shout at me. Well I doubt he will even look at me. I really have destroyed this relationship.

I opened the door to be crushed into a hug.


"Jaaasmine!"I squealed. Jas was coming back for the rest of the holiday, because me and Justin had gone and fallen out, she said she'd come keep me company, and help me enjoy the rest of the holiday. She knew about what I felt about Justin..and she said it was stupid us all falling out all the time.

"Lets go have a great time!"She yelled, after dragging her suitcase up to her room.

"Yeaah!"I shouted back, excitedly.

Once we were at the club, my eyes roamed the crowd before they landed on the heartbreaking, best friend of mine. He looked at me, then looked away. Tears rose in my eyes, he didn't even smile.

"Lets go and get drinks!"Jas said, she saw what he did. "We need to get you over that blasted boy, even if he is the greatest looking thing..EVER! Lets get wasted!"

I nodded enthusiastically.

After many drinks, we were WASTED. We could barely stand, guys kept coming up and using cheesy pick up lines, I just giggled and sent them away.

Jas was sitting next to me, as she scanned the area. "Oooh..Hottie at 5 'o'clock walking this way."She said, discreetly.

I looked over, and grinned. "Romeo!"

Jas looked confused, yet excited at the same time, "You know each other?!"

"Yeah, we're pretty good friends."He smiled at me."Wanna dance?"

"Hell yeah..JAS! Hottie, 1-2-3-4 'o'clock!"She looked over, while Romeo looked confused.

"Ooooh..I'm going to get him, You go and dance, We'll talk later"She smiled and hugged me, before walking in a sexy, yet drunken swagger.

I dragged Romeo over to the dance floor and we danced for ages.

"So, how have you been lately?"He asked, a weird look in his eyes.

"I've been good. Jas, My friend, came back today!"

"Came back?"

"Yeah, she was here at for a week, but she had to go home. Her brother was with her, and he's back as well now!He's so nice!"

"Ahaa.."He looked into my eyes.

He started to lean in...I started to as well...

Maybe it was the drink..I didn't want this. But my body wouldn't stop.

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