Chapter 9:3

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I updated:D

I tried to make this one longer..But i failedXD

But enjoy anyway:D

I have been told that next year i am going to Paris, with the school:D How amazing is that!

6 days.

In Paris.

With the Girls.

Its going to be heaven.

Especially with all the Frenchy boys;D






Eat a muffin.

P.s: I saw i am now #151 on the mystery/suspense list...

Even better then i expected!

I love you guys:D

Heres a cyber cookie and muffin each:D

Hugs and love;




Chapter 9..








I shot my arm out, to bash my alarm clock.


The noise droned out. I peeled my eyes open to see i had dented the top slightly. Opps.

Atleast i won't have it blasting at me and rediculous times in the day. I peared over to the clock. It read 9:44. Too early.

Suddenly, The beeping started again.

"Arrrgh! Okay! I am up!" I shouted to the alarm clock.

Then an unfamilar voice filled my voice. I had no idea who it was.

"Honey? Are you up?" The voice called.

"Yes Mum!!" I shouted back downstairs, as if i wasn't in control of my voice.

I sat up and my eyes widened.


This isn't right..Mum's dead.

My eyes scanned the room as if i was looking for something that was out of place, or able to help me understand what was going on.

"Hurry up, we have to leave for Spain in 2 hours!"


"Why?" I shot out, confused.

"We are seeing Kath silly" She laughed out. It sounded like a happy laugh, not a forced one.

She bounced into my room. Her happieness beaming from her bronze-ish eyes. Her brown hair bobbled as her moved. Her eyelashed flickered as she blinked. Her Blue and green floral dress, hugged her perfect figure perfectly. Was this what she looked like before she died?

"Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer" She laughed.


"Ellie?Are you okay?" She looked up through her eyelashes at me.

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